Sunday, August 30, 2009 Luga,s Patch

His eyes were fixed on him

"All eyes were fixed on of him "
in Nazareth on the Sabbath, the synagogue and stood up to read. Open the scroll of the prophet Isaiah, he found the place where it was written: "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed" (Isaiah 61, 1). It is certainly not due to chance, but the intervention of divine providence, the fact that Jesus has opened the roll and found in the text of the chapter that prophesied about him. If it is written: "A sparrow does not fall to the ground without the Father wants it ... the hair of your head are all numbered "(Mt 10, 29-30), could perhaps be due to chance reading of that text, expressing precisely the mystery of Christ? In fact, the text recalls Christ ... Because, Jesus says: "He sent me to proclaim good news to the poor," those who have neither God nor Law, nor prophets, nor justice, nor any other virtue. For this reason, God has sent as a messenger at the poor, to proclaim their liberation, "set at liberty the oppressed." There may be more oppressed a man before it is released and healed by Jesus?

After reading this and rolled up the book, Jesus sat down, all eyes were fixed on him. But even now, if you wish, you can also keep your eyes fixed on him. Direct the look of your heart to the contemplation of wisdom, of truth, the only Son of God, and you have your eyes fixed on Jesus that assembly which Blessed Scripture attests that all eyes were "fixed on him"! How I wish that your shareholders would receive such a testimony! That everyone has the eyes of the heart There is a look at Jesus we are talking about. When you watch it, its light will make your face brighter and you can say, "Sir, did you shine upon us the light of your countenance" (Psalm 4, 7).
Origen (about 185-253), priest and theologian
Homily on the Gospel of St. Luke, 32

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Heart Catheterization Lump

The glass ceiling of public relations

few weeks ago the site of the reported Ferpi reflections Toni Muzi Falconi (with their debate) is created from an article in the New York Times on revelations of a former employee of the Pierre Edelman . This was followed by a pike response of the same Richard Edelman.

There was talk of the role of public relations and public relations difficulties that continue to meet to establish a reputation for a certain type, despite efforts and results of the experts. Difficulties that some people are enhanced by use of a professional style "lunches and receptions.

This made me think of the debates on women's position in the world of work. I think we can draw a parallel.

Women have always worked and even public relations have always existed: agricultural and domestic laborers have worked since time immemorial, long before women, a few decades ago, many did their entry into employment in positions at medium (white collar).

Similarly, the public relations existed distant eras in which, as the peasant and scullery maids a servizio, occupavano una posizione defilata, non codificata. C’erano, ma non venivano nominate, e quindi, come tutto quello che non ha un nome, non vivevano di esistenza propria.

Poi le relazioni pubbliche hanno avuto una nascita ufficiale e una loro istituzionalizzazione, un po' come il lavoro femminile, che dopo il 1968, con l’avvento massiccio dei movimenti femministi, è entrato a far parte della realtà comune.

Per la funzione relazioni pubbliche e per le donne nel mondo del lavoro è cominciata una strada in salita, nel tentativo di veder riconosciute le proprie competenze e il proprio contributo nel determinare i profitti.

Come le donne, anche le relazioni public have to do with a glass ceiling and so much still to be done to achieve true equality with other business functions.

also for public relations, there are no miracle solutions or shortcuts that change the landscape overnight. The debate certainly helps, because it creates awareness, information circulates, it creates a network of professionals help you stay focused and on target. In the latter

you approach working with competence by increasing and updating their knowledge by showing that even Errepi create ROI. But I think that will be the next generation of PR practitioners to fully reap the benefits.