Luke 19.1-10: 1Revenue Jericho and was passing through. 2ed here is a man named Zacchaeus, chief tax collector and rich, 3cercava to see who Jesus was, but he could not because of the crowd because he was small in stature. 4Allora ran ahead and to see him, he climbed a sycamore, was to pass beyond. 5Quando came to the place, Jesus looked up and said, "Zacchaeus, come down quickly, for today I must stay at your house." 6in hurried down and welcomed him joyfully. 7Vedendo what all complained «È andato ad alloggiare da un peccatore!». 8Ma Zaccheo, alzatosi, disse al Signore: «Ecco, Signore, io do la metà dei miei beni ai poveri; e se ho frodato qualcuno, restituisco quattro volte tanto». 9Gesù gli rispose: «Oggi la salvezza è entrata in questa casa, perché anch’egli è figlio di Abramo; 10il Figlio dell’uomo infatti è venuto a cercare e a salvare ciò che era perduto».
Cari amici e care amiche,
domenica prossima, 4 novembre 2007, ricorre la XXXIa domenica del Tempo Ordinario. Continua la lettura del Vangelo di Luca (19,1-10). Effettvamente, l’episodio dell’incontro tra Gesù e Zaccheo è una di quelle pagine che lasciano il segno e che facilmente si stampano nella menoria. C’è, ad un tempo, qualcosa di simpatico e di singolare in questo personaggio che si converte a Gesù. Forse per questo, alcune chiese orientali annoverano Zaccheo tra i loro santi.[1]
Così che, mentre la buona notizia di Gesù raggiunge Zaccheo, questa diventa buona notizia (e-vangelo) anche per ciascuno di noi, permettendo al nostro cuore di diventare più disponibile e accogliente. Un vero e proprio e-vangelo nell’e-vangelo!
Dunque: “Ecco un uomo di nome Zaccheo”. Zaccheo per sé significa ‘puro’, ma come abbreviazione di Zaccaria significa ‘Dio ricorda’. Perché attraverso him once more God remembers us, as also saith the Psalm 8: "What is man that you remember? The son of man that you care for him? ". In fact, God in Jesus always takes care of us. If the path is crucial to notice that Zacchaeus is to 'be able to see' Jesus, even more significant is to highlight what Jesus does for first 'see' Zacchaeus.
From our point of view is exactly that Zacchaeus "sought to see Jesus." Why 'see Jesus' experience is one of the most important of the Gospel. There are those who would like to touch even the fringe of His cloak, and who kisses and hugs your feet, like Mary of Magdala, who notes, keep a certain distance, as the scribes and Pharisees, who, however, is even fascinated by his physical beauty, proclaiming His blessed mother, Mary, who cries to be heard by him, as the blind (Jericho), and who, finally, leave on your heart, as the beloved disciple, 'losing my mind' to him is, therefore, to be able to dig into this desire, that we we could try.
But what is really 'see' Jesus? Many have seen through the eyes, but not believed him. Zacchaeus, in fact, wanted to see "what was Jesus', that is, wanting to reach your identità più profonda. Non basta ‘guardare’ con gli occhi, Zaccheo vuole ‘vedere’ con il cuore. Questo è il punto: raggiungere l’identità di Gesù. “Che sia lui il Messia?” grida la Samaritana ai compaesani (Gv 4,29); “Vieni e vedi” dice Filippo a Natanaele (Gv 1,45s); così come il Centurione romano, davanti allo ‘spettacolo’ della Sua croce, “vistolo spirare in quel modo, disse: ‘Veramente quest’uomo era figlio di Dio’”. (Mc 11,39). Sin qui siamo chiamati a vedere.
Di Zaccheo si dice propriamente che, volendo vedere Gesù, “non gli riusciva a causa della folla”. The crowd, in general, has always in the Gospels, an ambiguous role in relation to Jesus I look so messy, almost besieged by creating around him a sort of obstacle that can not be detected in those who are looking for really. Moreover, there will always capable of obstacles to hinder the direct meeting with him is rather a particularly decisive factor more subjective, just Zacchaeus, because "it was too short." The man, in fact, is always small in front of him while he takes us as we are, what we are. As Saul of Tarsus, which will change its name to Paul, which means 'small', 'little thing' (Acts 13:9), calling: the first and last among the sinners among the saints, almost an abortion.
To Zacchaeus, a man smart and capable, you just have to put in place a strategy: "So he ran ahead and see him, he climbed a sycamore, was to pass beyond." So "to view it", he decided to make two decisive action and unusual, given the dignity, the image of a chief tax collector (arcipubblicano) enjoyed in Jericho.
First, run forward to go before Jesus in an attempt to overcome it. The above is a bit 'as John the Forerunner, or just like the disciples before Jesus to announce the arrival in the villages and cities. Zacchaeus thus ends up already being His disciple. For this, regardless of its integrity, "he climbed a sycamore, was to pass beyond." If, on the one hand, the scene is strange, for another, in light of discipleship, seems to prefigure the same climb onto the cross of Jesus.
What might fail in our desire to see Jesus, according exemplarity of Zacchaeus, the initiation of a concrete strategy to achieve very precise and his true identity. Rather than the result of cunning, it is put in place, without too many calculations, the love, because "who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened "(Luke 11.10). The fact remains that even the cunning of the saints is instructive.
On the one hand, there is all the strategic power of Zacchaeus "to see Jesus", but the other is God himself who does not hold back: "When I came to the place, Jesus looked up and said, 'Zacchaeus , come down quickly, for today I must stay at your house '. " Jesus, therefore, reaches us where we are. In fact, this is the strategy of its own incarnation (the economy of salvation), which does not lower us, but makes him the first is lower (the kenosis) so that we can achieve and sustain to the end. Wearing sulle Sue spalle. Per questo Gesù, stando ‘sotto’ quel sicomoro, “alzò lo sguardo”. Così, tra questi due sguardi – quello di Zaccheo paradossalmente dall’alto e quello di Gesù paradossalmente dal basso – avviene un incontro, dove persino le parole zittiscono, perché ormai sono gli occhi a brillare.
Ed è infine decisivo saper sostare proprio là dove Gesù ha raggiunto Zaccheo, volendo entrare da lui, nella sua casa: “Zaccheo, scendi subito, perché oggi devo fermarmi a casa tua”. Dio ci raggiunge sulla strada che stiamo percorrendo perché desidera entrare nell’intimità della nostra casa. Senza farSi problemi, consapevole that this is the home of a public sinner. There are no religious morality that I can hold in some way. His decision is a precise and clear: "Today I must stay at home." As had just healed the servant of that centurion who, with gentle insistence, had prayed, saying, "so I did not even presume to come from you, but 'a word and my servant will be healed" (Luke 7.7).
has not been commented on throughout the episode of Jesus' meeting with Zacchaeus. But it was crucial to highlight the key elements of research that makes Zacchaeus to Jesus and that Jesus put in place to be joined with Zacchaeus. To find out how to accommodate him, "he hurried down and welcomed him with joy, without worrying that there will always be someone who will point out, muttering, once again Jesus went to stay at a sinner!" . What matters here is the concrete result of this visit unique and high-handed over the declaration of Zacchaeus and the concluding words of Jesus: "Behold, Lord, I give half my possessions to the poor, and if I have defrauded anyone of anything, back four times' . Jesus answered him, 'Today salvation has come to this house, because he too is a son of Abraham, the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost '. "
How beautiful to feel, from Sunday to Sunday, subject to divine a strategy that we are looking for love, as Jesus sought Zacchaeus, even into his house. Because "the Son of Man came to save what was cecare and Peduto." What
His peace will reach again and reaches everyone. Good Sunday.
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