Giotto, The Nativity of Greccio (Stories in the upper Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi)
Luca 2,1-14: [1]In quei giorni un decreto di Cesare Augusto ordinò che si facesse il censimento di tutta la terra. [2]Questo primo censimento fu fatto quando era governatore della Siria Quirinio. [3]Andavano tutti a farsi registrare, ciascuno nella sua città. [4]Anche Giuseppe, che era della casa e della famiglia di Davide, dalla città di Nazaret e dalla Galilea salì in Giudea alla città di Davide, chiamata Betlemme, [5]per farsi registrare insieme con Maria sua sposa, che era incinta. [6]Ora, mentre si trovavano in quel luogo, si compirono per lei i giorni del parto. [7]Diede alla luce il suo figlio primogenito, lo avvolse in fasce e lo depose in una mangiatoia, perché non c'era posto per loro nell'albergo. [8]C'erano in quella regione alcuni pastori che vegliavano di notte facendo la guardia al loro gregge. [9]Un angelo del Signore si presentò davanti a loro e la gloria del Signore li avvolse di luce. Essi furono presi da grande spavento, [10]ma l'angelo disse loro: «Non temete, ecco vi annunzio una grande gioia, che sarà di tutto il popolo: [11]oggi vi è nato nella città di Davide un salvatore, che è il Cristo Signore. [12]Questo per voi il segno: troverete un bambino avvolto in fasce, che giace in una mangiatoia». [13]E subito apparve con l'angelo una moltitudine dell'esercito celeste che lodava Dio e diceva: [14]«Gloria a Dio nel più alto dei cieli e pace in terra agli uomini che egli ama».
Cari amici e care amiche,
In riferimento alla celebrazione del Natale del Signore è bene affermare subito che la salvezza non è un’idea astratta, fuori dello spazio e del tempo, ma documentata da fatti precisi e databili. Per questo Luca sceglie di riferirsi al primo censimento che Cesare Augusto estende a tutti i territori del dominio romano, conferendo ad essi una solida struttura economico-politica. In questo modo i sudditi venivano contati per riscuotere le tasse e per poterne poi disporre per la guerra.
Siamo, dunque, davanti a una superba esaltazione del potere dell’uomo sull’uomo. Questo censimento è addirittura il primo di tutto l’universo: “In quei giorni un decreto di Cesare Augusto ordered that a census should be of the whole earth. This was the first enrollment made when Quirinius was governor of Syria. All went to be enrolled, each to his city. "An act involving a real membership or registration.
The long-awaited Messiah comes and goes in this mixed history of oppression and evil is not taking the logic of power, but the service, not of war and occupation violence, but peace. Just in this sense, the kairos - the appropriate time - of salvation, is also the most inconvenient and unlikely according to human logic. God, therefore, is utterly free to use all with imagination, to show His faithfulness and His love for man, for every man.
Joseph and Mary as they obey the laws of power and imposition of men. But in obedience to the whims of Caesar Augustus marks the design of love better than God's imagination is never able to conceive, "Even Joseph, who was of the house and lineage of David, from the town of Nazareth in Galilee for Judaea, to the city of David called Bethlehem, to be enrolled with Mary his betrothed, who was pregnant. " In terms
that this obedience may be required in the plan of salvation? How far? It 's a problem that has occupied the thinking of the Church since its inception and is solution, first in a line of free behavior of Jesus who was not deployed either with the revolutionary zealots who wanted to overthrow the Roman power, or with collaborators. His was a choice of solidarity with the man, being on the side of the weakest and poorest.
The Christian lives in this world and obeys its laws with freedom, asking to not be challenged in the obedience to the Spirit of Jesus is only true in this case, there arises the need of martyrdom, because, as Peter and John for their courts, "Judge for yourself whether it is right before God, to obey you rather than God" (Acts 4.19). Moreover, even Jesus, "Although he was Son, he learned obedience through what he suffered" (Hebrews 5:8).
Starting from Nazareth, in obedience to the imperial edict, "While they were there, the time came for her to be delivered." Just "that place" the Lord's promise is realized. The task of the "days of confinement" begins the realization of God's presence with men. Start a time that tends to perfection: "The time is fulfilled and the kingdom of God is near" (Mk 1:15). Therefore, from the cross, who made his sacrifice, Jesus says: "It is finished" (Gv19, 30).
Therefore, it is this that lies at the heart of the world, the first major survey of the history. The gifts that the Creator to His creature becomes the central point of telling the time, which is really to be divided into a before and an after. If only the first birth of this man's purpose was to make it to God by going to him after the birth of Jesus is God himself who comes to us, fulfilling His purpose, His purpose.
Here Mary gave birth to her firstborn son. " The son of God, which is now also the son of man, is now called "firstborn" in its own right. Firstborn of all creation (Col. 1:15) and "firstborn among many brethren "(Rom 8:29). Already in the second century, moreover, has documented the tradition of his birth in a cave, as in a cave will be buried his body after the crucifixion (Jn 19:41). Humility humility of the birth of the earth's land of his death.
Thus began the ecstasy, the great contemplation of Mary "wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in". So that we too, looking to Mary, we enter this experience even touch Emmanuel, that is, God with us. Knowledge through touch it involves a fusion of scent and taste. The same will occur in the Descent from the Cross and the Eucharistic gift of his body given to us in the dinner.
Even Mary's own actions are at once simple and noble: "She wrapped him in swaddling clothes." God has given so fully and without reserve, at the hands of a woman who takes care of him wrapped with extreme tenderness. But then "laid him in a manger, lying in the place where it normally is then put what will be eaten by animals admitted into the cave. Him, "the living bread that came down from heaven" (Jn 5,51), is laid in the place where they feed the animals.
And this is the real reason: "there was no place for them in the hotel (katàlima). The same term used at the Last Supper, when Jesus gives himself to your food, "and tell the owner of the house: the Master says, 'Where is the room (katàlima) where I may eat the Passover with my disciples? '"(Luke 22:11). It 's inevitable to take from these details, the passionate character of the birth of Jesus In this sense, in fact, Luke in his gospel of Jesus is the great icon painter
the beginning of a second section of the track proposed by today's liturgy: "C 'were in the same country shepherds keeping watch by night watch over their flock. " We know that priests belong to a social group very low. The same social class of the poor of the Beatitudes, which rightfully belongs to the kingdom of heaven (Matt. 5:3). In this sense, then, these pastors are introduced first to acknowledge that just that little child is the Son of God
For this "angel of the Lord appeared to them and the glory of the Lord shone around them. They were terrified, but the angel said to them: 'Be not afraid, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people: to you is born in the city of David a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord' " . There are the same traits to Mary: fear, call not to fear, beginning with the announcement today of e-Gospel, that is an ad full of joy.
The sign is now clear: "you will find an infant wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger." This child is in fact the sign of salvation. God, Jesus, is now the one to whom one can not think of anything smaller, because "the least among you, this is the greatest" (Lk 9.48). In this regard, "suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, 'Glory to God in the highest heaven and on earth peace among those whom he loves'."
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