From the PR
The PR people are liars, inaccurate, unreliable? One study cited by
Ferpi shows that it is not true (if not more athletes than we
), but the public thinks so.
Especially journalists. That does not miss a chance to attack the category with more or less low blows.
Of the two examples cited in Ferpi did not know what to
Joe Nocera, the fierceness of the baton of Amanda Miller, vice president of public relations agency Nike Communications, pilloried for The New York Times had sent a press release to advertise the product of a business customer.
course the press is not written very well, in the jargon one would say that is "stain to" why do not immediately enter into an argument and to understand what is spoken must arrive at least half. Moreover, it is sent to the wrong target, being perfect for a gossip magazine, but out of place for a daily flow of the NYT.
All right, you could write better, and above all to avoid sending it to the NYT, where among other things is lurking Nocera, who openly teases the mistakes of senior management.
But perhaps Nocera could decline dal pubblicare il nome dell’autrice. La Miller avrà anche le spalle larghe, se è vero che è diventata vicepresidente a 30 anni (età in cui in Italia puoi scegliere tra lo stage non retribuito, l’apprendistato o, se ti va bene, il, tuttavia non mi sembra un errore di quelli da additare alla pubblica vergogna.
Possibile che a un relatore pubblico non si perdoni un comunicato stampa scritto male, magari per fretta, magari per stanchezza, magari perché il cliente stesso ha preferito un taglio a un altro, e i clienti non sono mica tutti competenti, però, si sa, hanno quasi sempre ragione, perché pagano.
Non so, l’accanimento di Nocera non mi convince.
Here in Italy a judge was removed for publishing the judgments - wrong - of colleagues, without making their names. And speaking of errors made on the skin of the people. As well as those of doctors who make mistakes operations or transfusions. Whose names no one would dream of mentioning, much less make public the medical records by their fill. A press release
less successful is just as bad? Nor is it that it gets results in terms of product reputation and brand.
But perhaps due to the fact that the PR people are not (thankfully) a caste.
And then, by the public speaker.
What can we do? Perhaps react with so much irony. Let the ears of an ass like Valentino Rossi after the fall teniamocele well and is a leader in the next race, to celebrate the victory.