Ci informa Eurosport che i sostenitori della Corea Northern seen on the steps of the stadium during the match of World Cup with Brazil are not real fans but especially Chinese actors paid (!): in fact, the Koreans could not afford so expensive a journey.
This pseudo event organized by the Sports Commission of North Korea suggests a very early public relations, more or less than a century ago, in which it would give the wool over the eyes and create illusions of reality, which hid what was happening for real.
A kind of bandwagon a little 'kitsch that has deceived the Koreans doubt true, those remaining at home to watch the games on TV. If we in the West in this case we take firefly lanterns to the absence of familiarity with the physical features that distinguish the ethnic groups, among them are recognized fine.
But even if this were not so we thought the Chinese Sports Management Group - to which the Commission has commissioned the North Korean sports festival - to reveal the deception, and one wonders why he did it and now even if you pay a penalty for having disclosed the "PR program" of a "customer." And who knows if the players had real impression of typhus, if they felt really encouraged or if the feeling they felt fake, too.
Since it was still investment, expenses, and rewarding the players, would have been better to send davvero una delegazione di tifosi nordcoreani, magari scelti tra quelli di un club organizzato, per non fare torti a nessuno e garantire un tifo di un certo livello.
Sarebbero state relazioni pubbliche del 21esimo secolo, che agicono per modificare la realtà , segnale di modernità per un paese che ne ha bisogno, e non una messinscena che non convince nessuno.
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