Have you ever tried to add a curriculum vitae to work in the communication in a job search portal? When selecting the area where you want to insert it often turns out that terms such as "communication", "public relations", "External Relations "Press office" are not provided.
sometimes drowned in marketing and is marketing / pr.
Have you ever seen an organizational chart with all the features well-detailed - human resources, administration, purchasing, sales office, research and development, quality control - but where public relations are absent?
sometimes also appear typical of the specific corporate offices, such as "study and research materials," "Integrated Logistics", "selection precious stones, and more. But communication is not mentioned.
also happens (sometimes) that the company in question has a lovely site Indeed, with a constantly updated news section. But the figure of reference for communication is not listed among the names or roles of management.
Have you ever phoned a company to ask for the name of the Head of Communications, to have a statement, a commentary, an interview, and you have answered "we do not have this feature? Sometimes it feels answer "is dealing with the marketing director." The Director of External Relations is not covered in staff.
Have you ever tried "communication" on PagineGialle or on any web directory? Unless you're looking for a big city, you will find a plethora of printers in the category, agenzie che realizzano banner, cappellini e magliette, stampatori di adesivi per furgoni, produttori di stand fieristici, ecc. Agenzie che si occupino di “relazioni pubbliche” non compaiono.
E’ il vuoto delle relazioni pubbliche. E lascia in chi ci viene a contatto uno stridente senso di nullità, ancora di più se lo si confronta con quello che è l’impegno dei relatori pubblici e degli studiosi di questa disciplina a livello lavorativo, associativo, universitario, post-universitario, congressuale, nazionale, internazionale e globale .
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