Monday, November 29, 2010

Pavt234aww Parts Replacement Pulley

"In everything you do remember the Lord and He will show you the right way."

"In everything you do remember the Lord and He will show you the right way" . Proverbs 3:6

All chasing success, is the end of their lives, for many the end point.
Everyone makes their own image of success, there are those aimed at economic security
with every comfort, there are those who will succeed as the
accumulating material goods, there are also those who identify success with having
a happy family, a husband or wife to trust and obedient children.
Some believe that success is to have a long life without disease
or suffering in general.
Everyone therefore has its own image of success.
"The Bible says," Delight thyself Eternal, and He will give you what your heart
question "(Psalm 37:4). It 's a wonderful promise.
The problem however is that it rarely occurs. I mean
according to this verse, we should all be full of health, wealth and ability
since these are the things that our hearts demand.
Why not abbiamo successo se è questo il desiderio del cuore?
Forse perché abbiamo un'idea sbagliata di ciò che è il successo, perché non
abbiamo accettato le condizioni poste da Dio per ottenerle.
La prima condizione elencata, anzi la sola condizione è questa: "Prendete il
proprio diletto nell'Eterno". In parole povere, bisogna mettere il Signore al primo
posto. Gesù disse la stessa cosa ai discepoli:  "Cercate prima il regno e la
giustizia di Dio e tutte queste cose vi saranno date in aggiunta"  (Mt 6:33).

Ave Maria!

Maria Maistrini
"My God, I love you! Have mercy on us and the whole world!"*7QoDJTNCeHaF7aE9jv2v8uHjDJJVDpIBkBoso6x0e60ljaPJ2AE-QlUaE/vologabbianija1.gif


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