not only useless, time-wasting, create disorder and visitors away from the site, getting the opposite result to what a company want to achieve.
1. Heavy flash intro skip intro without
2. Heavy flash introductions, tout court
3. Background music without the button to disable
4. Background music tout court (on music sites excluded), especially one that is activated suddenly blaring
5. Pages News without news
6. Pages News with the latest news included that date back to 2007 or earlier (in 2010)
7. Lack of an e-mail to contact the company (often replaced by a form with a scheme of compilation disk)
8. Catalogues in pdf too heavy to download even with adsl
9. Structures with information in sequence (the classic arrow "next" that forces you to scroll through menu items one after another without being able to choose the order)
10. Words underlined or highlighted in blue, as if they were links, but without connection
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