requires a high consumption of resources and is not a cheap form of communication to the contrary. Deciding whether to open a blog is a decision that needs to be carefully weighted .
should do so only companies that are already disclosing to a certain level.
To check if you have these minimum requirements (and I stress minimum) below is a brief checklist. 5-point communication that includes the actions you absolutely must have already done so. If you have not yet made means there is still time to try to open the blog.
1. When updating all the website graphics, structure, contents.
There are at least two reasons:
a) can not be used half as innovative as the old site and have a blog
b) The blog is attached directly to the site and must be coordinated.
2. Make a habit of responding to all emails that arrive. If you do not interact regularly with the writer as you can think of doing with a blog. Moreover, people's questions can provide ideas for topics to be explored in this blog. Do not think that anyone who wants to communicate with the company always uses the blog. The e-mail is used for different purposes and complementary.
3. Prepare a press kit with all the information about the company, which is prepared in the event of any contacts with journalists. Must contain all the information of interest (this, history, the turnover, organization, products, future plans, etc.). Even those who are not on the site.
4. Insert a column in the News site and update it periodically. Besides giving the air site up to date, even when the static content is the same for a while ', get used to enter the mindset of writing and then often find interesting topics.
5. If you use paper for your communications material (catalogs, brochures, etc.), you should check that there is no need to reprint or even When updating anything. While we are also look to business cards and letterhead.
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