system Broccoli and the old system Before introducing my game system, method, Broccoli, I find it useful to illustrate a method of play adopted by most of the players I have met.
This brief introduction will serve to highlight the flaws and merits of this game system, I will call the traditional method, and allow us to move in a natural way to approach the game I created in 1980 and to date no is known to many players.
I did not know if other players, regardless of me, they devised a game system similar to mine, but what I can, as it may have been created other good gaming systems.
The Traditional Method o Standard
Nel calcio balilla nasce spontanea l'esigenza di organizzare il gioco di coppia in modo da ottimizzare o almeno migliorare il gioco di squadra.
In sostanza occorre ottimizzare la difesa quando la palla la gioca l'avversario e organizzare l'attacco quando si è in possesso della palla. Per questi scopi ogni coppia può organizzare o ideare un particolar modo di sistemare i giocatori in campo in modo da riuscire a coprire la maggior parte dei tiri dell'avversario.
Notiamo anche che il gioco in coppia è sostanzialmente "dettato" dal difensore, che riveste contemporaneamente il ruolo di allenatore, di capitano e di giocatore. Infatti, the ball is put into play by the defender and then the team that is in defense must be placed within the field so as to limit the action part of the attacker, in possession, must regroup in order to go on the attack.
Based on these considerations, the standard arrangement adopted by most of the players on defense is to have players of the defense, goalkeeper and defender to cover one of two goal posts at the position of the ball played down ' opponent. Typically, you place the goalkeeper and the player next to the post of defense after the porter, both slightly moved forward, to cover as much as possible the door. Subsequently, if the opponent moves the ball from one side you move both players the defense from side to side trying anyway, and always oppose the direction of the ball. The attacking player moves the attack so as to always oppose the ball in order to prevent the direct shot on goal of the adversary and also trying to make a stroke attack (controcolpo), the median is usually placed at the center in order to oppose shooting opponents and escaped the attack.
This arrangement comes at a significant disadvantage, which is that the defender in possession of ball can relatively easily move to the center and run a direct shot on goal without the opponent can attack the central cover of the attack.
This hole, a chasm for me, is covered in the traditional way, with the median of the defense and the player who places a goalkeeper and defenders of the right-center door in order to oppose the shooting of the opponent.
Most of the players this feels good game plan and adopt it constantly, even though they recognize that some deficiency.
For me, the pattern that is completely wrong and you can prove it easily, for the truth as I always did in my game.
The reasons for this pattern is wrong are many and varied. Here below, explaining my system, I will explain the motives for which the traditional method is completely wrong.
Modern Method or Method Broccoli
Since 1975, a period when I started this sport, most of the players I had seen the trend in the game in pairs, to play following a scheme, the traditional method, dictated more by practical observation that "scientific."
By interviews, informally, with some players, I have repeatedly noticed that most of the players considered the game a sort of casual game where it was often the case to decide the game and not the true strength of the players. Few players were asking the question of optimizing the game of torque, and the majority played the "Brazilian", ie zero patterns of defense, ball forward and the pursuit of goals. The measures of defense were minimal, often less dynamic, self-limiting and lack of coordination between the two players. This
gambling behavior is a loser, as is the traditional method.
The Broccoli, I created, was first launched with the aim to coordinate the matchmaking and optimize both at defense and attack.
Moreover, as we shall see, allows discrete pairs to make a substantial improvement.
But what are the essential elements of this new method?
In short, the essential problem is the "central pit" open, or flip, smart play by the defender in possession.
In fact, the defender that affect play the ball has the opportunity to radically undermine the defense of the opposing pair with the simple game to bring the ball in the middle and wait for the change of player (wing - Central) into the opponent. The change of
player causes the "chasm" in the game and allows opponents to the defender to play in the best way. Getting great results with minimal effort.
It is common to all the problems you have to direct shots on goal and shots on that side of the defender can make the position in question. The fundamental error committed
the opponent striker when adopting the technique defensive to follow the ball in its motion from one bank to another, trying to cover every shot of the defender. Of course, sooner or later has to change the player to make the cover, and in this juncture falls completely in the hands of the opponent defender pulling with it the whole game guarding position and torque limiting and totally nailing the game of his same partner.
As you try to curb the situation?
As is known, the attacker tries to execute the exchange of players with great speed, but it should be little or nothing. In fact, his technique is wrong defensive to follow the ball in his bike and not so much whether to make the change with a greater or lesser speed.
To limit the damage, you try to place the Median and the defender is forced to autoinchiodarsi the center of the goal with the keeper and a defender, leaving it completely exposed corners (see photo).
This position is a nightmare for most of the players who take the traditional and "sugar" for the player who manages to provoke and exploit it, with more side shoots, in fact, that with the simple direct shot on goal or half ball.
In fact, it is achieve this position, and even more so the constant threat of reach, thus undermining the foundations the defensive technique of the traditional method.
should, therefore, a drastic treatment to eradicate the "evil". In this position
my method of defense is completely eliminated and all the problems associated with it.
The result is a game dynamic, variable and adaptable to situations.
But how do you delete this defensive posture?
Simple, play area and fix the position of the attacker Central once and for all. My answer to this problem is to play the central area of \u200b\u200battachment: fixed and remains "stuck" in the middle with the task of covering all the shots coming from the central area. In practice, the attacking player does not follow the motion of the ball from one side, but running a game to cover the downtown area, while patrolling the areas with the lateral wings (see photo).
The proximity of the attack with the central position of the ball when being hit and its game to cover the area completely and easily the "central pit" and severely limit the opponent's game.
The new game in the middle attack could improve efficiency and simplify the game and team-mate.
In the two photos are shown two typical situations:
a) ball put into play from the shore toward the center by the color Blue (photo 1) The Central
attack expected to reach the ball in his area ( that of the central lunette) and begins its game coverage of the entire area. Its proximity to the opponent and little man with the ball allows optimum coverage and simplified.
b) ball put into play before coming to area of \u200b\u200bjurisdiction of the central attack (photo 2)
If the defender put the ball in play before coming to the area of \u200b\u200bjurisdiction of the central attack, coverage is provided by the defender, the second player of the median and game swing, but always close to the shore, the wing.
The throw-in along the vertical and the bank will deliver to the opponent the ball, the throw-in ball is covered with half (90%, which in practice is equivalent to 100%) by the second man of the median red, positioned in point Compagnone. The throw-in of the bank is covered by the movement, nell'intorno of the side, the wing.
be noted that the position of the median have to be taken only against skilled players in cross-half throws the ball, but can be variable if the opponent does not have this shot. The cross-shore
shots, right or left, the defender architraves are playing in advance precisely what allowed the game system adopted. These shots
be prepared by the defender covering the opposite corner, taking the defensive position with a quick movement of the goalkeeper and defender of the other.
We note that the cross-bank shot made by the opponent is effective if it hits at the opposite side of the stick (bundle) of the companion, because the next door bounce the ball straight on goal.
Some players can not see the great advantage of this new game plan, but merely to consider that whereas before the attacker followed the ball in its motion from one side, now remains fixed at the center waiting for events.
This is a superficial analysis that does not take into account all the benefits of this new staple of the modern game.
Clearly there are also some small disadvantages to consider, but as we shall see if it is minimal non-existent.
begin to analyze the advantages of the method Broccoli:
1) The game with the central area of \u200b\u200battack greatly limits the defender of the adversary that no longer has direct shot on goal or half ball. Can not pull from the center because of the simplicity of middle cover and its game "controcolpo", carried out precisely in the most dangerous area, that is in front of goal.
The defender is thus forced to play from the wings and necessarily half-ball or side, because the position of the defender and opponent completely covers with extreme simplicity, the direct shot on goal. Observed
, then, that the half-ball shot from the wings is extremely difficult, there is an almost perfect defense.
Regarding the shooting of bank see paragraphs (2), (3), (4) (5).
2) The median friend free dall'inchiodatura center can be moved as needed, or you can place the Y point or point Compagnone, in order to cover the shot for a half-ball or move it to another point in to cover the bank shot. Even
is free to attack controcolpo direct pull on the opponent's defense. (See: Gioco con la mediana nel sistema Broccoli, in preparazione )
3) Le ali dell'attacco incollate praticamente alle sponde, o in movimento rapido attorno ad punto X, posto a circa 3 cm dalle sponde, limitano notevolmente anche i tiri di sponda. Infatti, il tiro di sponda risulta eseguibile solo spostando la palla al centro e cercando di farla passare tra i due giocatori d'attacco, l'ala e il centrale, ma restando praticamente preda della mediana o del difensore. L'attaccante muove le ali intorno al punto X dando l'illusione di abbandonare la posizione e agevolare o il tiro di bank or direct shot on goal, but the proximity to the edge of the wing allows the interception of the ball.
Moving the wing forward at a slight angle of attack and thus reducing the possible space for the shot you do a real pressing play on the defending opponent.
4) The role of the attacker change radically because now run a perfect coordination with counsel and then worked in the best way to defense being able to do a real pressing on the game clinched the opponent that you see Most of the shots. The game
torque is improved key in being able to defend both the defensive fire straight at goal than those of the bank.
5) Although it may seem, the biggest advantage of the new game of attack is entrusted to the central defender for a friend. In fact, his role becomes dynamic and not static, as some have wanted to observe. And its dynamic is the strength of the best defense.
defender, in fact, freed from the nightmare of the central hole, you can simply place to cover the right edge if the game comes from the right and left if coming from the left.
In fact, with this scheme defense can only be attacked from the corners and then, well knowing this, you will be able to place well in advance. Practically carries the opponent's defenses to the positions already. This
advance of "time" may be used against the violent side of the opponent throws. In fact, having more time available and having covered the center, it is easiest to guess the direction of the ball and then to intercept it.
6) A further improvement is achieved in the interception of the ball after bouncing on the banks, being the defensive posture of the Method Broccoli ideale per questo gioco d'intercettazione.
In realtà, il difensore non si preoccupa più dei tiri diretti in porta, ma cerca di intuire direttamente la traiettoria della palla per intercettarla, cosa che, come già detto, deve avvenire con un vero e proprio stop calcistico effettuato con la parte posteriore del giocatore.
7) Un ulteriore miglioramento vi è dal punto di vista psicofisico, psicologico e gestionale della partita: la consapevolezza di essere ben posizionati e coperti ci rende più sicuri di noi stessi, ci procura meno stress e rende il gioco più razionale, fermo restando l'imprevedibilità in some situations.
defender, being more polished, it can also organize and change the game according to need, that can perform in full its role as coach, captain and player.
8) A further advantage is the point of view of the unpredictability of the new system. In fact, this method of play confuses opponents.
Often, given the central block, the defender begins to run from the wings still shots that end up hopelessly in the hands of opposing counsel, delivering in practice without the ball game.
9) Team play is more rational and logical, minimizing the scoring chance. The work of the advocate adopting the method Broccoli is facilitated being able to make a very natural defenses otherwise impractical. In fact, the optimum location for the defense can devote to advance ball crazy.
A couple who adopt my method is often referred to as a lucky couple, it can make games that others can not, due to the incorrect setting of the defense and the consequent lack of time to spare.
Especially defender can be labeled as a lucky player can recover and just because the other parades that absolutely can not do, although with considerable insight.
In my particular case was considered by some to be a lucky player for over 25 years, which is obviously absurd.
10) Broccoli The method seems especially true against the play-the-fly approach advocated by the Federal Regulations in force.
Some disadvantages:
1) The method developed may seem unnatural to me and give the impression not to play his attacker chiave difensiva. In sostanza, sembra a prima vista che lo blocchi centralmente e di conseguenza lo limiti eccessivamente nel gioco.
Può essere vero, almeno in una prima fase, ma i notevoli vantaggi ottenuti dal gioco di coppia parlano nettamente a favore del nuovo metodo ed impongono all'attaccante di adattarsi a questo nuovo modo di giocare.
Con l'applicazione questa sensazione si perde e l'attaccante scopre nuovi metodi e tipologie d'attacco.
2) Una difficoltà incontrata da Noi stessi, agli inizi, è quella di tenere la giusta posizione della mediana nelle fasi caotiche della partita.
E' facile trovarsi with the median position on the outside shot for a half-run ball from the wings, or with respect to a bank shot.
This difficulty is overcome with time and by taking fixed points to which to report the location of the median.
course with practice assumes the correct position spontaneously.
Other considerations (to be developed).
a) Broccoli method tends to severely limit the play of the opposing pair brought considerable stress and psycho-physical energy expenditure.
course the system must be judged by systematic observation and statistical analysis results and not with occasional comments.
b) Broccoli The method allows couples with too much to improve their game by offering them a method of playing defense and simplified and optimized.
c) Broccoli The method also allows significant improvements to the game by featuring a lot of couples, who can develop games or groped shots in coordination between the various parts (attack, median, defense), notwithstanding the excellent coverage base.
d) Consequences of the method Broccoli and new way to play
My method is not just to play the central area of \u200b\u200battack, but a new philosophy of play, which are essential elements of the dynamics and coordination in all phases of the game.
addition, good defensive position makes possible new screens, and games that were previously unthinkable.
The game is now evolving and so new schemes will be designed, of course, to talented players.
We (Compagnone and Broccoli), the activity period (1978 - 1988), we began to design and test patterns of play in coordination with the defense, the median and the attack never allowing the opponent to take the ball. Our idea, taken from football, was with three "touch-steps" I have to score goals.
A typical scheme was adopted, though not perfected, was the passage of light to the median side, and even side wing of the attack that he could opt for a double or a bank or a half-ball shot. all in three or four touches maximum.
Other schemes are used, steps from the attack were those based on the median, or middle attack and again the median, the first time diagonal and the second time in a bank or vice versa. In some cases, it was a very useful step back from the shore to the middle-back defense, which could be concluded directly with a direct shot on goal.
The simplest but most effective were, and perhaps, the coordinated attacks to shore.
I believe that a new playing technique still has not been proven by anyone, at least according to my information, is to coordinate a mixed game, which is run by the defense of the slow steps to the median or the attack, and sudden accelerations that tend to perform backbeat to take the opponent. Note that the slow play, executed carefully, nervous and distracts the attacker, giving time to the opposing pair.
s) game with the median method in Broccoli
f) Consideration on how to attack the method Broccoli
g) Further criticism of the traditional method
h) how to play against the method Broccoli
Since 1980 I have demonstrated the validity of my method of achieving victory in almost all games played.
In taluni casi, causa la non applicazione esatta della mia metodologia da parte di compagni di gioco riluttanti a modificare il proprio gioco, ho subito qualche sconfitta.
Ironia della sorte, le uniche sconfitte le ho subite in un torneo contro due miei amici ai quali avevo suggerito il mio metodo e però mi ripagarono indicandomi, senza volere, come migliorare la disposizione in campo degli omini ed ottimizzare quindi la copertura.
Oggi, credo, almeno per quanto mi è noto, che il metodo Broccoli (o un sistema equivalente) è il miglior modo di giocare al calcio balilla, ossia è la base da dove cominciare ad imparare.
Di conseguenza, if two opposing pairs use the same method of play the clash becomes uncertain until the end prevail and who statistically has more talent, speed, instinct and power. We must also add that a couple of medium strength nothing can against a very strong, although the first to adopt the method and Broccoli in a traditional (or equivalent). But surely that of average strength will create more problems with my method with the traditional.
But what can you do about the method Broccoli?
It 'obvious that there is no perfect scheme, and therefore also my method is "washing". But that is statistically
holding any better comparison.
I think the best way to play against my method is to use constant throws to edge of unprecedented power and high precision, leaving the attacker with the task of scoring, where the bank was not shot blocked by defender opponent.
The ideal is to run cross-side shots of the bank discovered by counsel, even if they are not easy to achieve.
You can also try from time to time some direct shot on goal, but executed very quickly. Some
another attempt can be done trying to "cheat" the very center of attack, some When relying on tired opponent defender can also groped the direct shot on goal on the doors, so that a bad sealing of the goalkeeper's stick may result in a goal and another attempt can be made with the half-ball shot by exploiting the poor positioning of the median in the chaotic phases of the game.
the ) How do you analyze a method of play