Saturday, April 7, 2007

Nitro Buggy Off Road Blueprint

The essential story of football and some curiosity

Reconstructing the historical route of the foosball or table football that you want to say (see The Italian name below) is anything but simple, the sources are contradictory, sometimes dubious origin. In this Treaty summarizes the most reliable information gleaned from reliable sources and especially by the Family Garlando (known manufacturer of table football in the world, see the link Manufacturer below). The football seems to have been invented in Germany by Broto Wachter between the '20s and '30s while in France were made the first game tables (in particular it seems that the idea has been realized by a worker already Citroën inventor in other fields), also independently, namely in Spain in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bAlejandro Finisterre invents and perfects the football in its most modern men's shaped and register the patent in 1937 (see Tribute to Alejandro Finisterre, the poet of football below), however the German origins of the game seem more attested by the name he gave the Americans ... foosball, English transcript of the German fubball , then Germany, France and Spain for its paternity of the non-football! According to the importer of football, as well as the historic area, the American Bud Wachter original idea was born in Germany and Wachter is the work of Broto in an attempt to transpose the game of football in a board game inspired by it. The idea takes shape in bars and clubs where they gathered to celebrate the victories or drink (to forget!) On the defeats of several local football teams ... so the first prototype was soon built for football and its spread is so rapid in short almost every club is to have your kicker , this fact is the name by which the game is identified, and will enter into common usage, even today, in Germany, is one of the most used for indicare il calciobalilla.
I tavoli da gioco furono costruiti con cassoni artigianali in legno con il piano da gioco in compensato, aste in legno con gli omini o ometti realizzati anch'essi con blocchi di legno, le porte tagliate alle due testate e chiuse da buche di panno per raccogliere le palline il tutto montato su rudimentali gambe… dunque tanto entusiasmo e parecchia fantasia da parte dei falegnami per supplire alle carenze tecnologiche dell'epoca!
Ci fu una diffusione molto rapida del gioco che però ebbe un rallentamento negli anni del dopoguerra, in quanto i materiali di primaria importanza quali la plastica, il metallo e il legno furono di preferenza destinati alla ricostruzione. Successivamente quasi contemporaneamente alla Germania, anche Italia e Francia iniziano la produzione di alcuni modelli di tavolo che, con l'unica eccezione delle aste telescopiche (montate su tutti i calciobalilla francesi e su alcuni italiani) presentano caratteristiche analoghe a quelli tedeschi, stabilendo così uno standard universalmente riconosciuto. In Italia è noto che i primi esemplari del gioco sono ideati nel 1936 da un artigiano di Poggibonsi, che però si limitò a delle prove. Al termine della seconda guerra mondiale rudimentali biliardini furono usati, con buoni risultati, per la riabilitazione psicomotoria dei reduci di guerra, da qui sembra nascere la dizione calcio balilla . Tuttavia bisogna aspettare oltre dieci anni perché una vera e propria produzione cominci, l'impulso arriva dalla Francia dove, nel 1947, un geniale marsigliese, Marcel Zosso, crea e diffonde i primi calciobalilla, chiamati sportfoot che riscuotono un immediato successo soprattutto nel sud del paese. Nel 1949 Zosso decide di importare lo sportfoot in Italia e sceglie Alessandria come sede, vi arriva in treno, in una tarda sera del dicembre 1949, Zosso cerca i fornitori e li trova soprattutto tra manufacturers of caskets! The work material is given to the prisoners in jail in Alexandria. Garlando Family is ready to welcome the news and began producing football and in January 1950 is the first ready sportfoot table football or the Alexandrian pioneer!
From 1951 to 1954 in Alexandria will build about 12,000 of which 6,000 are sold football and 6,000 hired. Four years later there was a temporary setback: in 1954, football was banned by the police headquarters in Rome, however, be reintroduced again next year. During the same period, namely in 1955, the first football lands in the United States of America, where he meets a very different fate, remaining for many years on the margins of the market, to propagate and become a mass phenomenon that was immediately in Europe. For all the '60s foosball in stars and stripes continues to grow only slowly, as it is based on one of the most practiced sport in Europe but relatively unknown to Americans, it is only with time that the public comes to realize that the football has little to do with the sport by cui si è originato, costituendo piuttosto un gioco a sé stante. Il primo a dedicarsi alla commercializzazione di calciobalilla su larga scala è Larry Patterson, della L.T. Patterson Distributors di Cincinnati - Ohio, che, a partire dal 1962, si fa produrre appositamente in Germania un modello di tavolo, grazie a lui le vendite di calcio-balilla fanno registrare cifre significative sul mercato a gettoniera americano, senza però raggiungere i volumi di vendita preventivati.
Bisogna arrivare alla fine degli anni '60 perché si cominci a sviluppare un certo interesse, infatti le migliaia di soldati americani returning home from Europe had known the game of football and they had appreciated the competitiveness, so that each room inside the military bases for leisure has at least a couple of tables, are their own and to reintroduce the rule success of this game, which has since spread to become one of the most popular and profitable trading in articles coin. Subsequently, many thousands of football without a coin produced for the domestic private sector.
Today football has spread throughout the world although there are hundreds of manufacturers of table football with their own physical characteristics (now high-tech!) that distinguishes the type of game and subsequent-related, the foosball table is considered around the globe a real sport with a lot of clubs and schools , the most popular in Belgium, France, Germany, England, Italy and the U.S., thousands are federations and / or national associations. It is organized for some years a world championship and international competitions with prizes dizzy. It should be noted that there are different version of the game and the rules vary widely from country to country and sometimes in neighboring regions or provinces (as in Italy!) In particular has to be said and abroad it is usual to play hooks with steps, little steps , stop and shooting, ball stops with drag , or are lawful so-called comma (all played by the Italian regulation is strictly prohibited!) the World Cup is played precisely with these rules ( international regulation because, inter alia, the type of game is most popular in the world!), which is why the Italians are very disadvantaged in international competitions and you are trying to unify the game worldwide through a single regulation Journal For the truth with many difficulties, fortunately we were able to put in some competition at the international level, the specialty Italian with the hope to spread and make known our game worldwide. Playing by the Rules
international features in the game drastically, as it were played stationary, items are static with breaks, this is an objective fact (just look at some footage of international matches for realizing it), you lose (on the advice of many Italian players, an opinion which I agree in part) just the spectacle, the beauty, the charm of the intrinsic dynamic game of football in any way an objective comparison can not be done because the case of two completely different ways to play, each with its own advantages and disadvantages, it is also clear that even the tables game are very different depending on the version of the game, the game certainly is exciting Italian and should (and should) have made every effort to support it, also internationally.
In Italy we are awaiting affiliation to the CONI (Italian National Olympic Committee) and the IOC (International Olympic Committee), and therefore the recognition at all the effects of table football as a true sport, football in the next Olympics will make its debut.


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