Saturday, April 7, 2007

Stugeron Labyrinthitis

The game with the goalie

The game with the goalie is very difficult and only those who can develop the best talent.
is not uncommon to see great players in trouble with the game of this man. Often there is a ridiculous of rapid movement from one pole to another in an attempt to intercept the ball.
Although this attempt may have some positive result is completely wrong.
Another very common fault is to fail to turn back the goalie order intercept bank shots or rebound varied that are directed to go behind the goals, the same, and likewise you can often tilt forward in order to defend the goalie a shot for a half-ball attack opponent while you follow the ball with the defender, or even groped a great interception of the ball on a direct pull of the central attack, that you can not ward off a penalty.
Even more rare is to see a door that sticks to the bank, try not uncommon for a direct shot on goal.

The player with a great goalkeeper must impress the opponent with his recovery and will be done with extreme ease and quickness of reflexes. The movements are
millimeter, safe and accurate, rapid, and the goalie to move laterally and rotate in forward or backward as needed.
A great goalkeeper is able to defend against attacks by moving to shore just enough and just pass the time in which the ball. A great goalkeeper can ward off a penalty.
Clearly more shots are made with high power and is more difficult to intercept the ball, but the "miracles" in this sense can be made. The great goalkeeper
undermines the opponent and makes a miracle. The great goalkeeper should require gli avversari ad alzare il bigliardino in senso di resa e sconforto.
A mio avviso, tra grandi difensori, il vero talento si vede proprio dal suo gioco di difesa con il portiere, essendo molto più semplice imparare dei tiri risolutori che lo spostamento millimetrico ed anticipato di quel tanto che serve del portiere.
Imparare a giocare con il portiere non è facile ma un giocatore di talento può imparare e migliorare con l'allenamento.


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