Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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Barclaycard credit card customer service phone numbers and

Barclaycard Card and Customer Service toll-free numbers:

  • Customer Service from Monday to Saturday 9:00 to 21:00 hours, Sunday 9:00 to 20:00 hours: from Italy and 02,694,301 52;

  • Customer Service restricted to holders of Barclays credit card from Monday to Friday, 9:00-18:00: Italy landline Italy 800 205 205 02541199 by phone from ' External 0039 024 037 8205;

  • barring service cards lost or stolen every day, 24 hours 24: Italy 00 353 800 908 069 143 394 30 days;

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Barclaycard Visa Traveller Table Top Points Credit Card Credit Card Information Sheet

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Title Barclays Bank PLC
Registered Office: 1 Churchill Place London E14 5HP (UK)
See Italy: Via della Moskva 18-20121 Milano
Tel: 800 205 205
Internet Address: www.barclays.it
Email address: info @ barclays.it
ABI Code: 3051
Registration Number of Banks:
4862 Number of Companies Register of Milan - 80123490155 - REA Milano n. 1040254
System for ensuring that the Bank adheres: Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS)
Capital: Capital acted £ 3,000,000,000 - Capital paid £.
2336000000 VAT: 04826660153
The Bank is subject to supervision by the Financial Services Authority (FSA) and as the Italian branch of Community Bank, supervised by the Bank of Italy,
for matters assigned to it. Mod
10131 and WEB. First Name Last Name No. 01/11
Iscr. register
Address Tel E-mail

Le carte di credito sono emesse da banche e da altri intermediari finanziari con la sottoscrizione di un contratto con il titolare della carta. Per la funzione creditizia
da esse svolta, tali carte vengono rilasciate dopo un’attenta valutazione della solvibilità del cliente da parte dell’emittente; di solito viene fissato un limite mensile
massimo di spesa consentito, raggiunto il quale la carta non può essere utilizzata. La carta di credito consente di acquistare beni e servizi in Italia e all’estero
presso gli esercenti convenzionati con la banca o la società che ha emesso la carta senza pagare contestualmente il relativo prezzo in contanti. La carta può essere
usata indipendentemente dalla disponibilità of funds in the account when the expenditure is made, the necessary funds to cover operating expenses
carried out must be present when the charge is the amount owed. To make the purchase, the holder, in general, the
affix his signature on the receipt of payment, such signature shall conform to that which has attached to the back of the card when it was received.
E 'should sign your name on the back of the card as soon as it becomes available.
credit card also allows you to withdraw cash, both in Italy and abroad through bank branches or automated teller machines (ATMs) provided
members of an international brand, in this last case, for every withdrawal must type a PIN assigned to the card at the time of its release.
Unlike the debit card, in the case of cash withdrawals with the credit card charge on your statement is late as in the case of
payment of purchases: which is why it is called "advance" rather than draw cash. The operations of "advance" cash
are subject to payment of a fee (fixed or a percentage of the amount withdrawn), established by the bank or company that issued the card.
credit card has a limit of Use of the credit granted to the Holder ("upper limit"), determined by the issuing bank and reported to
customer at the time the application for the credit card. The maximum and how to use the credit card issuer
may be modified at any time, by written notice informing the owner.
core service, the holder of the credit card, you can pay in installments payment of goods purchased (taking advantage of the revolving mode) after
interest payment. The customer may be offered additional services associated with the use of more paper, free or paid, as well as promotions
di condizioni migliorative, indicate al cliente per il tramite di apposite comunicazioni. Tra questi ci sono: “PagoPoi” (che permette di rimborsare anche un solo
acquisto di taglio pari o maggiore a 100 euro effettuato con la Carta di Credito Barclaycard), “Subito in Conto” per trasferire contanti direttamente dalla carta di
credito al conto corrente. La Carta di Credito valida, emessa ed attivata, comprende i benefici delle polizze gratuite “Furto e Smarrimento”, “Protezione Acquisti“,
“Garanzia Viaggio”, “Sicuri Online” e “Miglior Prezzo”. La garanzia “Furto e Smarrimento” ha per oggetto le perdite pecuniarie sopportate following objections
resulting from the use of fraudulent credit card, while ensuring "Security Purchases", provide for the reimbursement for goods purchased with the credit card
, the purchase price of the property in the case of aggravated theft, or the cost of repair of the goods damaged in case of accidental damage.
"Extended Trip" covers injuries suffered by the owner but the same traveling as a passenger on board a vehicle or a rental car,
provided the ticket for travel or car hire has been paid with a credit card. The same guarantee also covers
inconvenience sustained during the trip (Delayed baggage, flight delay and flight cancellation) and daily per diem for hospitalization for injuries suffered during a business trip or pleasure
. The Guarantee Safe Online "reimburse purchases made online in the event of a dispute for non-compliance of the asset, non-delivery of goods or
of property damaged. The warranty "Best" provide for the reimbursement to the owner the difference between the price paid for the purchase of the property with the Charter
Insured and the price found at another store in the same well again, same brand and same technical .
The credit card holder can perform foreign exchange transactions. These operations will be converted into euros at the exchange rate applied by the international circuits
. For they will be charged a commission, as quoted in "Summary of economic conditions." The exchange rate applied daily
is available online at Visa Europe: www.visaeurope.com / fxcalculator / main.jsp ".
The customer may be offered additional services associated with the use of more paper, free or paid, as well as promotion of better conditions,
given to the customer by means of appropriate communications.
Here are the main risks associated with using credit cards:
- use of fraudolendo paper by a third party not entitled, in case of loss or theft. In that regard, the holder must take care with the utmost care and attention
credit card and store the PIN itself, avoiding to write code to keep it with paper.
If lost or stolen credit card, the holder must immediately request the same block in the manner
- variation / application of economic conditions to the customer (interest rate, fees and charges of service);
- can change the exchange rate, in the case of transactions in currencies other than Euro. The exchange rate applied daily is available online at
Visa Europe: www.visaeurope.com / fxcalculator / main.jsp
Read more:
services, financial education "Know and Decide" facing the city are available at http:// www.bancaditalia.it / servizi_pubbl / about / maps.
annual rate. It is the interest rate, expressed as a percentage on an annual basis, applied to the gross amount of funding
. TAN does not enter into the calculation of charges which provisional regions, costs and taxes.
Annual Percentage Rate. It is an index expressed in percentage terms, to two decimal places on an annual basis, the cost
total funding.
Limite di utilizzo, stabilito dalla Banca, corrispondente al massimale del credito concesso.
Importo dovuto dal Cliente per ogni anno di titolarità della carta di credito.
Numero di identificazione personale necessario per le operazioni di prelievo contante.
Le voci di spesa riportate nel prospetto che segue rappresentano, con buona approssimazione, la gran parte dei costi complessivi sostenuti da un consumatore medio titolare
di una carta di credito. Questo vuol dire che il prospetto non include tutte le voci di costo. Alcune delle voci escluse potrebbero essere importanti both in relation to the operation of the paper is
single individual customer. Before you select and sign the contract is therefore necessary to carefully read the section "Other economic conditions."
* Maximum operating conditions applicable to the contract, however, lower than the threshold anti wear rates recorded quarterly by the Bank of Italy. TAN and the APR applicable to the agreed credit limit
, please refer to the letter sent by the Bank for the purpose of the contract. The percentage rate Average (TEGM) provided
art. 2 of the usury law (LN 108/1996) relating to financing operations, may be consulted in filiale e sul sito internet della banca www.barclays.it.
** Il tasso di cambio applicato giornalmente è consultabile sul sito Internet di Visa Europe: www.visaeurope.com/fxcalculator/main.jsp
Si può recedere dal contratto in qualsiasi momento senza preavviso, senza spese e senza penalità
Entro 15 giorni dalla comunicazione di recesso, il Cliente deve rimborsare alla Banca tutte le somme eventualmente ancora dovute in relazione al Contratto e
deve restituire la Carta di Credito e le eventuali Carte di Credito Aggiuntive, opportunamente Undo, Cut each into at least two parts.

CLAIMS The customer can complain to the bank, even by registered letter with return electronically reclami@barclays.it, address Viale Forlanini, 23 - 20134 Milano
. The intermediary must respond within 30 days, while complaints concerning investment services must respond within 90 days.
In both cases, if the Bank agrees to the client must communicate the time frame within which it is obligated to provide otherwise, must set out the reasons for not upholding the complaint
. If the customer is not satisfied with the outcome or did not receive a response within the time allowed, before resorting Customer may apply to the Judge:
in case of disputes regarding transactions and banking and financial services:
- Arbitrator banks and financial (ABF): if the facts alleged is subsequent to the date of 1 .1.2007, up to € 100,000 if the request relates to
the payment of a sum of money, regardless of amount in all other cases;
- the Mediator for banks and financial institutions, even in the absence of prior complaints.
In the case of disputes concerning services and investment activities:
- Ombudsman Legal Banking Ombudsman, with offices in the Dark No shops 54-00186 Rome, within two years after the fact in dispute, within the limits of € 100,000 if the
request relates to the payment of a sum of money, regardless of amount in all other cases;
- the Chamber of Conciliation and Arbitration with Consob, once operational, to disputes about compliance by the Bank
of disclosure, fairness and transparency requirements in their contracts with investors;
- the Mediator for banks and financial institutions, even in the absence of prior complaints.
all'ABF The Practical Guide is available to clients at every branch and on the website of the Bank. LEGEND

Updated 01/01/2011
Max Limit use Custom
TAN (credit limit not exceeding € 5,000.00)
18.99% APR (credit limit not exceeding € 5,000.00) 20.73%
TAN (credit limit of more than € 5,000.00) 12.25% APR
(higher credit limit to 5,000, € 00) 12.96%
Membership Fee: - € 30.00
first year - the second year onwards € 50.00
built-rata costs € 0.00
Frequency and method of calculating interest arrears
Monthly Cost € 0.00 card issuance fee
€ 0.00 Stamp duty on e / c more than € 77.47 € 1.81 (0.00 € if the Bank is supporting Barclays Bank)
production and transmission statement by mail € 0.77
Production and delivery statement previous months commissions
€ 1.55 € 0.00 toll
Commissions on refueling service
€ 0.00 € 0.00
Barclaycard Account Online Insurance "Theft and Loss" and "Protecting acquired" 0.00 €
Insurance Guarantee Journey, "" Safe Online "and" Best "Program
€ 0.00 € 0.00 points Top Traveller
Commission reminder payment rate - 1.50 Single Action Late payment
€ € 5.00 € 0.00
commissions exceeded Fido
Currency charge from statement date 15 days after the closing and / c Commission for cash withdrawal
€ 2.58 + 4% of the amount withdrawn
Cash Account
€ 0.00 Default interest for late monthly payment equal to TAN
Operations foreign countries outside Europe 2.00%
operations in foreign countries outside the Euro 0.25%
Barclaycard Alerting Service -
€ 1.50 monthly fee Replacement card / emergency € 0

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Name: Barclays Bank PLC
Registered Office: 1 Churchill Place London E14 5HP (UK)
See Italy: Via della Moscow 18-20121 Milano
Tel: 800 205 205
Internet Address: www.barclays.it
Email Address: info@barclays.it
ABI Code: 3051
Registration Number of Banks: 4862
Registration number Company Register: Milan - 80123490155 - REA Milano n. 1040254
System for ensuring that the Bank adheres: Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS)
Capital: Capital acted £ 3,000,000,000 - Capital paid £.
2336000000 VAT: 04826660153
The Bank is subject to supervision by the Financial Services Authority (FSA) and as the Italian branch of Community Bank, supervised by the Bank of Italy, for
matters assigned to it. First Name Last Name
No. Iscr. register
Address Tel E-mail

The cards are issued by banks and other financial intermediaries with the signing of a contract with the cardholder. For the function they perform
credit, these cards are issued after a careful valutazione della solvibilità del cliente da parte dell’emittente; di solito viene fissato un
limite mensile massimo di spesa consentito, raggiunto il quale la carta non può essere utilizzata. La carta di credito consente di acquistare beni e servizi in
Italia e all’estero presso gli esercenti convenzionati con la banca o la società che ha emesso la carta senza pagare contestualmente il relativo prezzo in contanti.
La carta può essere usata indipendentemente dalla disponibilità di fondi nel conto corrente nel momento in cui la spesa viene effettuata; i fondi necessari per
la copertura delle spese effettuate devono essere presenti nel momento in cui avviene l’addebito delle somme dovute. Per effettuare operazioni purchase
the holder, in general, affix his signature on the receipt of payment, such signature shall conform to that which has attached to the back of the card in
when it was received.
E 'should sign your name on the back of the card as soon as it becomes available.
credit card also allows you to withdraw cash, both in Italy and abroad through bank branches or automated teller machines (ATMs) provided
members of an international brand, in this last case, for every withdrawal must type a PIN , assigned to the card at the time of its release.
Unlike the debit card, in the case of cash withdrawals with the credit card charge on your statement is late as in the case
the payment of purchases: which is why it is called "advance" rather than withdraw cash. The operations of "advance" cash
are subject to payment of a fee (fixed or a percentage of the amount withdrawn), established by the bank or company that issued the card.
credit card has a maximum use of the credit granted to the Holder ("upper limit"), determined by the issuing bank and reported
the customer at the time the application for the credit card. The maximum and how to use the credit card issuer may be
modified at any time, by written notice informing the owner.
core service, the holder of the credit card, you can pay in installments payment of goods purchased (taking advantage of the revolving mode) after
interest payment.
The customer may be offered additional services associated with the use of more paper, free or paid, as well as promotion of better conditions,
given to the customer by means of appropriate communications. Among these are: "PagoPoi" (which allows you to pay even a single purchase of cutting
equal to or greater than 100 € made with a credit card Barclaycard), "Now in my account" to transfer cash directly from the credit card account
The credit card holder can perform foreign exchange transactions. These transactions will be converted into euros at the exchange rate applied by the international circuits
. For they will be charged a commission, as quoted in "Summary of economic conditions." The exchange rate applied
daily is available online at Visa Europe: www.visaeurope.com / fxcalculator / main.jsp ".
Here are the main risks associated with using credit cards:
- use fraudolendo della carta da parte di terzi non legittimati, in caso di smarrimento o sottrazione. A tal proposito il titolare è tenuto a custodire con la
massima cura ed attenzione la carta di credito e a memorizzare il PIN della stessa, evitando di trascrivere il codice conservandolo unitamente alla carta.
In caso di smarrimento o sottrazione della carta di credito, il titolare è tenuto a richiedere immediatamente il blocco della stessa, secondo le modalità
contrattualmente previste;
- variazione / applicazione di condizioni economiche sfavorevoli al cliente (tasso di interesse, commissioni e spese del servizio);
- possibile variazione del tasso di cambio, in caso di operazioni in valuta diversa da Euro.
Per Read more:
services, financial education "Know and Decide" facing the city are available at http://www.bancaditalia.it/servizi_pubbl/conoscere/
items of expenditure shown in the following table represent a good approximation, most of the total costs incurred by a consumer
average holder of a credit card.
This means that the listing does not include all cost items. Some of the excluded items may be important both in relation to the single card is
operation of the individual customer. Before choosing
and sign the contract is therefore necessary to carefully read the section "Other economic conditions."
Mod 10030 and SA. 01/11
Max Limit usage (Max € 5,000.00) Custom
TAN (credit limit not exceeding € 5,000.00) 18.99% APR
(credit limit or lower equal to € 5,000.00) 20.73%
Membership Fee: - € 0.00
first year - second year
€ 0.00 - € 0.00 extra paper
Frequency and method of calculating interest arrears
Monthly Cost emission carta 0,00€
Spese di istruttoria 0,00€
Imposta di bollo su e/c superiore a € 77,47 1,81€ (0,00€ se la banca di appoggio è Barclays Bank)
Produzione ed invio estratto conto tramite posta ordinaria 0,77€
Produzione ed invio estratto conto mesi precedenti 1,55€
Commissioni pedaggio autostradale 0,00€
Commissioni su rifornimento carburante 0,00€
Servizio Barclaycard Account Online 0,00€
Copertura assicurativa “Furto e Smarrimento” e “Protezione acquisiti” 0,00€
Commissione sollecito pagamento rate – singola azione 1,50€
Ritardato pagamento 5,00€
Commissioni superamento Fido 0,00€
Valuta addebito da data estratto conto 15 gg dopo la chiusura e/c
Commissioni prelievo contante 2,58€ + 4% dell’importo prelevato
Contanti sul conto 0,00€
Interessi di mora mensili per ritardato pagamento pari al TAN
Operazioni in valuta estera Peasi Extra Europa 2,00%
Operazioni in valuta estera Paesi Extra Euro 0,25%
Servizio Barclaycard Alerting – canone mensile 1,5€
Carta sostitutiva / d’emergenza 0€
Tasso annuo nominale. È il tasso di interesse, espresso in percentuale su base annua, applicato all’importo lordo del
finanziamento. Nel computo del TAN non entrano regions such as the provisional charges, expenses and taxes.
Annual Percentage Rate. It is an index expressed in percentage terms, to two decimal places on an annual basis, the cost
total funding.
limit use, established by the Bank, corresponding to the maximum amount of credit granted.
Amount due from customers for each year of ownership of a credit card.
personal identification number required for the operations to remove cash. TAN

APR credit limit
* Maximum operating conditions applicable to the Contract, a rate lower threshold anti wear rates recorded quarterly by the Bank of Italy. For TAN and APR
applicable to the agreed credit limit, please refer to the letter sent by the Bank for the purpose of the contract. The rates of charge
Average (TEGM) provided by art. 2 of the usury law (LN 108/1996) relating to financing operations,
can be consulted at the branch and on the website of the bank www.barclays.it.

You may cancel the contract at any time without notice, without charge and without penalty
Within 15 days after Communication of withdrawal, the customer must repay the Bank any amount may still be payable in connection with the Contract and must return
Credit Card and any Additional Credit Cards, should be canceled, cutting each in at least two parts.

CLAIMS The customer can complain to the bank, even by registered letter with return electronically reclami@barclays.it, address Viale Forlanini, 23 - 20134 Milano
. The intermediary must respond within 30 days, while complaints concerning investment services must respond within 90 days.
In both cases, if the Bank agrees to the client must communicate the time frame within which it is obligated to provide; otherwise, it must expose
reasons for rejection of the claim. If the customer is not satisfied with the outcome or did not receive a response within the time allowed, before resorting to court
Customer may contact:
in the event of any dispute transactions and banking and financial services:
- Arbitrator banks and financial institutions (ABF): if the facts alleged is subsequent to the date of 1 .1.2007, up to € 100,000 if the request relates to the
payment of a sum of money, regardless of amount in all other cases;
- Conciliator to banks and financial institutions, even in the absence of prior complaints.
In case of disputes regarding services and investing activities:
- Ombudsman Legal Banking Ombudsman, with offices in the Dark No shops 54-00186 Rome, within two years after the fact in dispute, within the limits of
€ 100,000 if the request relates to the payment of a sum of money, regardless of amount in all other cases;
- the Chamber of Conciliation and Arbitration with Consob, once operational, to disputes about compliance by the Bank of
information requirements, fairness and transparency requirements in their contracts with investors;
- the Mediator for banks and financial institutions, even in the absence of prior complaints.
all'ABF The Practical Guide is available to the Customer at each branch and the Bank's website. LEGEND

Updated 01/01/2011

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Economic Conditions and Information Sheet Credit Card Barclays Premium

Credit Cards are issued by banks and other financial intermediaries with the signing of a contract with the cardholder. For the function they perform
credit, these cards are issued after a careful assessment of customer creditworthiness of the issuer, usually a fixed monthly limit
maximum spending allowed at which the card can not be used. A credit card allows you to purchase goods and services in Italy and abroad at
merchants with the bank or company that has issued the same card without paying its price in cash. The card can be used
irrespective of the availability of funds in the account when the expenditure is made, the necessary funds to cover expenditure incurred
must be present in the occurrence of the charge of amounts due. To make the purchase, the owner generally
affix its signature on the receipt of payment, such signature shall conform to that which affixed to the back of the card when it was received.
E 'should sign your name on the back of the card as soon as it becomes available.
credit card also allows you to withdraw cash, both in Italy and abroad through bank branches or automated teller machines (ATMs) provided
participating in an international brand, in this last case, for every withdrawal must type a PIN , assigned to the card at the time of its release.
Unlike the debit card, in the case of cash withdrawals with the credit card charge on your statement is late as in the case of
payment of purchases: for this reason that is called "advance" rather than withdraw cash. The operations of "advance" cash
are subject to the payment of a fee (fixed or a percentage of the amount withdrawn), established by the bank or company that issued the card.
credit card has a maximum use of the credit limit granted to the Holder ("upper limit"), determined by the issuing bank and reported to the customer
at the time the application for the credit card. The maximum and how to use the credit card issuer
may be amended at any time, informing the owner via communication written.
core service, the holder of the credit card, you can pay in installments payment of goods purchased (taking advantage of the revolving mode)
upon payment of interest and, upon request, will join the voluntary program of insurance (the "insurance program") to cover the repayment of the credit
associated with the financing, compared to the risks of death, loss of employment, permanent total disability, serious illness, hospitalization and for
exclusive Barclays Bank Plc, where the rules are in the Annex to the General Conditions of contract for issuing credit cards. The customer can
be offered more additional services associated with the use of paper, free or paid, as well as promotion of better conditions,
given to the customer by means of appropriate communications.
Here are the main risks associated with using credit cards:
- fraudulent use of the card by a third party is not entitled, in case of loss or theft. In that regard, the holder must take care with the utmost care and attention
credit card and store the PIN itself, avoiding to write code to keep it with paper.
In case of loss or theft of credit card, the holder must apply immediately block it, the manner in contracts;
- variation / application of economic conditions to the customer (interest rate, fees and expenses of the service);
- can change in the exchange rate, in the case of foreign exchange operations other than U.S. dollars.
Read more:
services, financial education "Know and Decide" facing the city are available at http://www.bancaditalia.it/servizi_pubbl/conoscere/Carte.
The product (or offer) is reserved for Barclays current account.
Information Sheet Credit Card Barclays Premium
Barclays Bank PLC - Admitted to delle Banche n. 4862 - Reg. Impr. Milano n. 80123490155 - R.E.A. Milano n. 1040254 - Cod. fiscale 80123490155 - Partita Iva 04826660153
Sede Legale: 1 Churchill Place London E14 5HP - Sede Secondaria: via della Moscova 18 - 20121 Milano - Capitale deliberato £ - Capitale versato £ 2.336.000.000.
Barclays Bank PLC è regolata dal Financial Services Authority (FSA). Registrata nel Regno Unito - Registrazione n. 1026167
Denominazione: Barclays Bank PLC
Sede Legale: 1, Churchill Place London E14 5HP (UK)
Sede in Italia: Via della Moscova 18 - 20121 Milano
Tel: 800 205 205
Indirizzo Internet: www.barclays.it
Indirizzo Email: info@barclays.it
Codice ABI: 3051
Numero d’iscrizione all’Albo delle Banche: 4862
Numero di iscrizione al Registro delle Imprese:
Milano - 80123490155 - R.E.A. Milano n. 1040254
Sistema di garanzia cui la Banca aderisce:
Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS)
Capitale Sociale:
Capitale deliberato £ - Capitale Versato £. 2.336.000.000
Partita IVA: 04826660153
La Banca è soggetta alla vigilanza della Financial Services Authority (FSA)
e in qualità di succursale italiana di banca comunitaria, alla vigilanza di Banca
d’Italia, per le materie ad essa attribuite.
Offerta fuori sede
Nome e Cognome Qualifica N° iscr. albo
Indirizzo Telefono Email
Aggiornato al 05/07/2010
FI – 6 – 05/07/2010
Le voci di spesa riportate nel prospetto che segue rappresentano, con buona approssimazione, la gran parte dei costi complessivi sostenuti da un consumatore
medio titolare di una carta di credito. Questo vuol dire che il prospetto non include tutte le voci di costo. Alcune delle voci escluse potrebbero essere importanti
in relazione sia alla singola carta sia all’operatività del singolo cliente. Prima di scegliere e firmare il contratto è quindi necessario leggere attentamente
anche la sezione “Altre condizioni economiche”.
TAN Limite di credito not exceeding € 5,000.00: 15.72%
credit limit exceeding € 5,000.00: 12.25% APR
credit limit not exceeding € 5,000.00: 16.90% Credit Limit
than € 5,000.00: 12.96%
default charges to TAN

Annual fee -
first year - second year
€ 0 € 0

Frequency and method of calculating interest arrears
Monthly Fee Additional cards annual fees € 0
sending statement of account (for balances greater than € 10.00) € 0.77
Stamp duty exempt
Reminder charges € 1.50
Commission exceeded credit limit € 0
RID Committee refused
costs € 5.00 € 0
reissue paper currency charge from 25 days after statement date
Commissions Cash Account 1% minimum monthly repayment
E 'the higher of 3% of the balance and cash advances
€ 7.50 (€ 2.50 min) 4% Commission
additional cash advance in foreign currency
1.75% Other foreign currency transactions 1.75%
Insurance "Buy Safe & Price Protected "
€ 0
copy of bank statement required for expenditure above € 3.00
Expenditure on request copies of document retrieval spending
expenses not reported
Optional insurance € 0 "Cards Protected - Value" € 35.00
Insurance "Cash Protected" Included in the product included in the product

No more than € 2,000.00 spending per transaction
* Maximum operating conditions applicable to the Contract, a rate lower threshold anti wear rates recorded quarterly by the Bank of Italy.
For TAN and APR applicable to the agreed credit limit, please refer to the letter sent by the Bank for the purpose of the contract. The rates of charge
Average (TEGM) provided by art. 2 of the usury law (LN 108/1996) relating to financing operations,
can be consulted at the branch and on the website of the bank www.barclays.it.
Updated 05/07/2010
TAN annual rate. It is the interest rate, expressed as a percentage on an annual basis, applied to the gross amount of the loan. When calculating the TAN
not enter charges such fees, expenses and taxes.
APR Annual Percentage Rate. It is an index expressed in percentage terms, to two decimal places on an annual basis, the cost
total funding.
CREDIT LIMIT Limit use, established by the Bank, corresponding to the maximum amount of credit granted.
Amount due from customers for each year of ownership of a credit card.
PIN Personal identification number needed to make a cash withdrawal operations.
You may cancel the contract at any time without notice, without charge and without penalty.
Time limit
closing of the contract within 15 days of notification of withdrawal, the customer must repay the Bank any amount may still be payable in connection with the Contract and must return
Credit Card and any Additional Credit Cards, appropriately Undo, Cut each into at least two parts. Complaints

The customer can complain to the bank, even by registered letter with return electronically (reclami@barclays.it, address Viale Forlanini, 23 - 20134 Milano
). The intermediary must respond within 30 days, while complaints concerning investment services must respond within 90 days.
In both cases, if the Bank agrees to the client must communicate the time frame within which it is obligated to provide otherwise,
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Customer may contact:
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- Arbitrator banks and financial (ABF): if the facts alleged is subsequent to the date of 1 January 2007, up to € 100,000 if the request relates to
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all'ABF The Practical Guide is available to clients at every branch and on the website of the Bank. LEGEND

Updated 05/07/2010

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If you want to keep His commandments, they will guard you

Lectio - Year A

First Reading: Sirach 15.16 to 21

S and want to keep His commandments, they guard you, if you trust him, you will. He has placed before you fire and water where you tend your hand. Before man are life and death, good and evil in everyone will be given what he pleases. Great indeed is the wisdom of the Lord strong and mighty, he sees everything. His eyes are on those who fear him, and he knows every work of man. No one has commanded to be ungodly, and nobody has given permission to sin.

v «Se vedi una persona saggia, va' presto da lei; il tuo piede consumi i gradini della sua porta» (Sir 6,36). Questa frase avrebbe potuto essere scritta all'entrata della scuola che, fra la fine del III e l'inizio del II secolo a. C., Ben Sira (il Siracide) aveva aperto a Gerusalemme. Ai giovani discepoli che seguivano le sue lezioni e che, d'altra parte, si sentivano anche attratti dalle proposte seducenti del mondo ellenistico and were fascinated by the allurements of pagan life, he showed the path of life, taught Torah, God's wisdom
was also a poet, Ben Sira. The Torah was for him "like a cedar of Lebanon, like a cypress in the mountains of Hermon as a palm tree in Engedi, delicious roses, such as Geri-
co 'he savored the smell," like cinnamon and conditioner, like choice myrrh 'saw the wisdom and rolls out of his overflowing "like Jordan in the days of the harvest" (Sir 24.13 to 24).
Enchanted by the beauty of God's law, passed on his passion to the students. He taught them: "In front of each man are life and death, fire and water", and each must choose, is free and responsible for their actions, can build or ruin their lives. If you take foolish decisions of the fault is not God who made all things well, but his alone.
There is no inner compulsion to sin. Humans can control their instincts (Sir 21.11), can control their desires and passions (Sir 20.30). Se compie il male, se devia dai sentieri tracciati dalla Toràh attira su di sé sventure e disgrazie (Sir 40,10), se invece segue i cammini indicati dal Signore avrà vita e benedizione.
     Così si esprimeva Ben Sira, il vecchio saggio, desideroso di orientare i suoi figli e i suoi discepoli sulla via tracciata dalla Legge di Dio.

Seconda lettura: 1Corinzi 2,6-10

   F ratelli, among those who are perfect we are talking about, yes, of wisdom, but a wisdom that is not of this world, nor of the rulers of this world, which are reduced to nothing. Let's talk about the wisdom of God, who is the mystery that has remained hidden and that God has set before the ages for our glory. None of the rulers of this world has known, if they had known, would not have crucified the Lord of glory. But, as it is written: "What eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man, God has prepared for them that love him. But God has revealed to us through the Spirit, because the Spirit knows everything, even the depths of God

v In Corinth there were those who are proud, who, to show off, it was a display of wisdom and preaching the gospel using a subtle reasoning, as did the philosophers.
Paul gives a severe criticism of these people: those who behave in this way - he says - has not yet realized that the human point of view, the proposal of faith is a folly: it is the 'invitation to become disciples of a man executed. Only the 'crazy' may risk his life accepting his proposal, and only those who are even more "crazy" may decide to become a messenger and champion. Nothing irrational in the Christian faith - it is clear! - Nothing repugnant to reason, but certainly the proposal of giving life clashes with the
human common sense.
But there is - continues Paul - a "wisdom" Christian, "not" of this world ", of course, but the world of God, a wisdom that can only be understood by the" perfect ", that is, from the" adult Christians "(v. 6 ).
The Apostle has just said that he presented to the Corinthians, "in weakness and in much fear and trepidation," devoid of wisdom that abounds in the persuasive words of philosophers (1 Corinthians 2.3 -4), now also places himself among those scholars who have received the Spirit, a special revelation of the mysteries of God (v. 10).
What is this?
of what is called "wisdom of God, who is the mystery that has remained hidden and that God has set before the ages for our glory. None of the rulers of this world has known "(vv. 7-8), than that in other letters, it is simply called" mystery "," mystery kept secret for long ages but now revealed "(Rom 16, 25-26), "the mystery hidden for ages" (Col 1:26). It is the divine plan of universal salvation. This project was known from all eternity only to God and no one could imagine what wonders he were preparing.
Now that is taking place, the "mystery" can be contemplated in its progressive unfolding and Peter says that in heaven, the angels keep their eyes fixed on the world, eager to see and enjoy what God is doing (1 Peter 1:12). The author of the Epistle to the Ephesians proposes, in other words, the same, moving idea. The angels - says-discover the mystery of God by observing what happens in the church, "is now manifesting itself in the sky, through the church to the principalities and powers the manifold wisdom of
God" (Eph 3.10 ).
What God is implementing beyond the desires and hopes of men. Adapting a verse from the Book of Isaiah (Is 64.3), Paul describes the surprise that awaits those who are fortunate enough to be able to study this mystery: "No eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man, God has prepared for those who love him "(v. 9).

Gospel: Matthew 5.17-37

The within that time, Jesus told his disciples: "I do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets: I came not to abolish them but to give its full completion. Verily I say unto you, until you have passed the heavens and the earth, it will not be one iota or one dash of the Law, until all is done. Whosoever therefore shall break one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do so will be called least in the kingdom of heaven. Who does them and teaches them shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. I tell you, in fact, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, not enter the kingdom of heaven. You have heard that the ancients were told, "Do not kill, and whoever kills shall be submitted to the court." But I say to every one who is angry with his brother will be subject to legal proceedings. And whoever says to his brother: "Stupid", will be answerable to the Sanhedrin, and whoever says, "Crazy," will go to hell fire.
So if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar, it should 'first be reconciled to your brother and then come back to offer your gift. Will soon agree with your opponent while you are traveling with him, because the adversary deliver thee to the judge and the judge to the guard, and you will be thrown in jail. Verily I say unto you will never get out until you have paid the last penny! You've heard it said: "Thou shalt not commit adultery." But I say to everyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. If your right eye causes you to sin, and cast it from thee: in fact you should lose one of your members than that your whole body thrown into Gehenna. And if your right hand is reason to sin, cut and throw it away: in fact you should lose one of your members than that your whole body go into hell. It was also said: "Whoever divorces his wife must give the act of repudiation." But I say unto you, whoever divorces his wife, except in the case of illegitimate union, the adulteress and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery. You have also heard that it was said to the ancients: "Do not swear falsely, but shall perform your oaths to the Lord." But I say: Do not swear at all, neither by heaven, for it is God's throne, nor by the earth, because it is his footstool, or Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King Do not swear by your head, because you do not have the power to make one hair white or black. Let what you say, "yes, yes," "no, no" more than this comes from evil. "


" Blessed are we, O Israel, because what pleases God is revealed "(Bar 4:4).
So Baruch expressed the pride of his people and his thanks to the Lord who had given Israel "the way of wisdom" (3.27 Bar) in Torah, in the 'book of the commandments of God "(Bar 4:1).
As a work of God, the Torah can neither be denied nor contradicted. "The Scripture can not be undone" - said Jesus (John 10:35) - God can not have second thoughts or deny what you said in the past or make corrections. The path he has traced from the Old Testament enduring validity.
In the first sentence of today's Gospel Jesus reiterates this truth: " not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets: I came not to abolish them but to give full completion "(v. 17).
If you feel the need to clarify its position, it means that someone has had the impression that he, with his behavior and his words, demolishing the same beliefs, expectations and hopes of Israel, based on sacred texts.
Jesus was respectful of the laws and institutions of his people, but interpreted in an original way, his reference point was not the letter of the precept, but the good man. To love the man did not hesitate to break even on Saturdays and that his freedom aroused amazement, bewilderment and even irritation in the religious authority. However, more than his failure to comply with the requirements of the Rabbis, which created confusion was his message, the new Torah who had proclaimed on the mountain, a Torah that upset the principles and values which was based on the civil and religious institution in Israel. Moses had promised: "All peoples of the earth shall fear thee, the Lord will give you plenty of goods, will put you in the head and tail and you're always up and never down" (Deut. 28.10 to 13). How could Jesus claim to be in harmony with the Old Testament when he proclaimed blessed are the poor, the persecuted, the oppressed, if announced, for his followers, difficulties, suffering and persecution? His message was in direct conflict with Scripture.
reading the prophets, Israel was convinced that the Messiah would have established an everlasting kingdom, glorious; would be given "to the afflicted of Zion a crown of glory instead of ashes,"
while the enemy would have enacted a "day of vengeance of our God" (Is 61.2-3). In the most dramatic moments in its history, Israel found herself in these promises reason to continue to believe and hope for a better future. As Jesus never disappoint these expectations? Here's how
clarifies its position and choices: the promises made by God - he explains - all will be fulfilled, it does not fall not one. Before the world is over, what has been written will be fulfilled, but in an unexpected and the surprise will be so great that even the pious, devout, sincere, like the Baptist, will run the risk of having shaken their faith and to remain shocked (Mt 11.6).
In this light must be understood in the sayings of Jesus, which conclude the first part of the Gospel Today, on the observance of the precepts and even minimal justice than that of the scribes and Pharisees (vv. 19-20). The precepts are not those referred to by the old law, but the beatitudes.
These beatitudes the new proposal, the new justice which fulfills and brings to perfection the old, what the scribes and Pharisees - admittedly -
practiced so exemplary.
As in the practice of the old law there were those who were satisfied with the precepts of loyalty more important and neglected the others, so in adherence to the proposal of the beatitudes there are those who regard the minimum (admire, approve, endorse those who have the courage to do them) and some are completely consistent and makes bold choices and decided . In the eyes of God - Jesus says, with a smile - the first will appear as 'the bottom', the others will be judged great, will be considered "rabbis" in the kingdom of heaven, that is, people will hold up as models by the other disciples.
In the second part of the gospel (vv. 20-37) presents four examples of the leap forward required of all those who want to enter the kingdom of heaven. There are four provisions that are found in the Old Testament and are not denied, but explained in an original way.
Jesus highlights all the implications: it starts from Torah of Moses - that was the end point, the summit reached by the "righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees - and beyond , offers the ultimate goal of this Act.
The leading examples are six, but today's Gospel it takes only four, the other two we will be offered next Sunday. Are introduce all with the same stereotyped formula, " You have heard that the ancients were told ... But I say ...».
not kill (vv. 21 -26).
is the first case which is taken into account. It is a clear, that does not allow exceptions, which condemns any form of murder (Genesis 9:5-6). The man has no power over the lives of his fellow, even if it were a criminal (Gen 4:15). Human life is sacred and inviolable from the moment blossoms until, of course, it is concluded. This was already clear in the Torah old, but to enter the kingdom of heaven, you must understand that the results do not kill more. There are other ways - subtle, sophisticated, hidden, disguised - to kill.
If there are X-rays can detect the cemetery hidden in our heart scare us. Among the dead would find those to whom we have sworn not to turn over the floor, those to whom we deny forgiveness, those who continue to accuse the mistake, which we removed those with the good name of slander or libel, those who have deprived of the love and joie de vivre ...
Jesus teaches that the commandment not to kill order has so many implications that go far beyond the physical assault. Who is using offensive words, who is angry, who nourishes feelings of hatred has already killed his brother (v. 22).
Murder always starts from the heart. You can not hate a man and continue to feel at peace with themselves. You can not kill us until they are convinced to have anything to do with who is not man does not deserve to live and so it is good to be eliminated. This denigration is being pursued through the words, repeating to themselves, as a ruthless refrain is " stupid," and " crazy." So we arrive, without remorse, to pronounce the sentence deserves "the fire."
this heart is cruel and unfair - what Jesus teaches us - that must be disarmed. Demonization of the work of man, he counters with his opinion: is a brother. Repeats the word three times (vv. 22-24), as an antidote to heal the heart by the poison of hatred, kept alive and increased by the bad words. Then he addresses the root conflicts: an introduction to the Reconciliation .
It draws primarily the duty and the importance (vv. 23-24).
The idea is borrowed from a religious practice in Israel. Before entering the temple to offer sacrifices, it was necessary to undergo the painstaking purifications. Jesus says that is not the body that needs to be pure, but the heart: reconciliation with his brother replaces all the rites of purification. They taught
the rabbis that the most important Jewish prayers - the Shema Israel - once started, could not be interrupted for any reason, even if a snake was coiled around the leg of the person. Jesus says, to reconcile with his brother, it is even planted in the middle not only Shema Israel , but even the offering of sacrifice in the temple.
difficult to find in Jewish culture a more effective way to emphasize the importance of reconciliation. Whoever rejects it, who does research in each Cost excludes himself from
"kingdom of heaven."
had assimilated well this lesson early Christians. The author of the Epistle to the Ephesians recommended: "Do not the sun go down on your wrath" (Eph 4:26) and a few years before, in the young community of Antioch in Syria, had been adopted this provision: "In the day of the Lord, who is at odds with its neighbor can not join you until they have reconciled, that your sacrifice is not contaminated (Didakè 14.1-2). Two centuries later, a bishop of the same regions urged his brother bishops in these words: "Say your decisions on Monday so that having time until Saturday, you can resolve the disagreement (between the members of your community) and Sunday representative pacify those who are together in discord "(Caption 2, 59.2).
After recalling the duty of reconciliation, Jesus emphasizes the urgent need (vv. 25-26). It can not be deferred.
A Christian should never need to resort to the courts for justice, should always able to agree first with her brother. However, if it prefers to take legal action rather than endure the injustice, keep in mind that if you appear before God at odds with his brother, he will not be recognized as a child. The images of severe prison guards, the obligation to pay the last penny should not be materialized. Are typical of the Semitic culture and the lan-gauge rabbinic, are introduced only to recall, so energetic, the imperative need of reconciliation. To obtain the disciple must be willing to surrender qualun-que. After speaking of the commandment not to kill, Jesus goes to issue adultery (vv. 27-30).
     La lettera della Toràh sembrava vietare solo le azioni cattive. Gesù, com'è solito fare, va invece al cuore e coglie le esigenze più profonde di questo comandamento.
     Due sono i mèmbri del corpo che bisogna essere disposti ad amputare: l'occhio destro e la mano destra. Non si tratta di mutilazioni materiali, ma del faticoso autocontrollo di cui parla anche Paolo: «Tratto duramente il mio corpo e lo tengo soggiogato perché non succeda che dopo avere predicato agli altri, venga io stesso squalificato» (1Cor 9,27).
Gehenna is the valley that borders the south-west of the city of Jerusalem was the city garbage dump, the cursed place where they had been sacrificed to the god Moloch and burned children; it was believed that there there was a door leading into the world of demons.
Those who can not impose the necessary sacrifices in the field of sexuality is in danger of throwing the whole body (one's own person) in Gehenna (the garbage). This
is not a punishment from God, but the consequence of sin.
The third case involves a divorce (vv. 31-32).
God wanted monogamous and indissoluble marriage. The Bible clearly states, the very first pages: "The two shall become one flesh" (Gen 2:24). For your hardness of heart
man was introduced, however, even in Israel, the divorce.
Going against the custom, traditions e le interpretazioni dei rabbini, Gesù riporta il matrimonio alla purezza delle origini ed esclude la possibilità di separare ciò che
Dio ha stabilito che rimanga unito.                        
     Le parole chiare di Gesù però non conferiscono a nessun discepolo la licenza di giudicare, di condannare, humiliating to marginalize those who have failed in their married life. It is, in general, people who have gone through great suffering and who have experienced a dramatic situation. For them, it sometimes proves impossible to implement the project of Christian marriage. The community is called to express to them the tenderness and understanding of the teacher who does not put out a smoldering wick or break the bruised reed (Isa 42.3).
The fourth case is that of the oath (vv. 33-37). During
the exile in Babylon, the Israelites had assimilated, among other bad habits, even to swear inappropriately. They came to the point of no longer make a statement without accompanying it with a few curses. To avoid pronouncing the name of God resorted to the formulas less demanding: they swore by heaven, for the temple, for the land, for their parents, for their head. An essay of the second century BC C. recommended: "your mouth get used to not swear, used to not take the name of the Holy" (Sir 23:9).
Jesus takes a stand against reckless habit and does so with his usual radical " Do not swear ... Let what you say, "yes, yes," "no, no" more than this comes from the Evil "(vv. 33-37).
It was not the desecration of the name of the Lord that worried him. There are other elements that make an oath is unacceptable. Firstly, it presupposes a pagan conceptions of God that is imagined as an avenger, ready to hurl his thunderbolts against liars and perjured, then it is a symptom of a society in which they reign diffidence, mistrust, disloyalty, suspicion mutual .
In the community of disciples of Jesus the oath is inconceivable because it is made up of people from the "pure heart" (Mt 5:8), led by the spirit of truth (Jn 14:17; 16:13), banning them from living any lie - as recommended by Paul: "lay aside falsehood, speak truth each one to your next second, because we are members one of another" (Eph. 4:25, 1 Peter 2:1).


On this first Sunday in Ordinary Time, the liturgy we listen to what they are doing, from St. Augustine, we are used to define the Sermon on the Mount, with whom Jesus, in Matthew's Gospel, begins his proclamation of the Kingdom of Heaven . We have already heard the opening, with the shocking announcement of the Beatitudes (fourth Sunday), which allow the disciple to be the salt of the earth and light of the world (Fifth Sunday). This Sunday we go into that section of the speech usually calls or to 'the antithesis': "you have heard it said the antique ... But I say ...».
The liturgy can not make us read the speech of Jesus in this way, cut into small pieces, with the risk of losing your breath, however, the text unit, which also allows for fuller understanding. Perhaps it is worth, rather than comment on individual claims of Jesus, throw a first comprehensive look at a whole, to better understand the fundamental perspective of the 'higher law', other than that of the scribes and Pharisees, which proposes that the disciple of Jesus Kingdom of Heaven (cf. Mt 5:20). Different and higher , but that does not abolish even an iota or a single dash of the Law of Moses, but to lead their completion (see vv. 17-19). Play paradossali, se non contraddittorie, queste affermazioni di Gesù; ci aiutano però a intuire che la 'legge superiore' del discepolo non consiste tanto in un contenuto differente, ma in un atteggiamento di fondo - del 'cuore' si potrebbe dire - con il quale egli deve accogliere e vivere la parola di Dio rivelata nella Legge e nei Profeti, e che ora giunge a compimento in Gesù. Non un cuore preoccupato semplicemente della scrupolosa osservanza dei precetti, ma teso a cercare in ogni realtà e in ogni gesto della vita il volto del Padre e la relazione con lui. Ciò esige la conformazione a quel suo volere che si manifesta in un amore per tutti i suoi figli, tale da far sorgere «il suo sole sui cattivi e sui buoni», e da far «piovere on the just and the unjust "(5.44), as we shall hear next Sunday. It is not diligently observe the commandments, but to be taught the word of Jesus to become more like the perfection of the Father in heaven, which consists in the extraordinary quality of his love for all her children. The higher law of which Jesus speaks is not that of the servant, concerned with his actions deserve the reward of his master, but that of his son, grateful to be able to welcome into their lives free and prevenient love of the Father. What it does not aim to win a prize or earn a salary, but to accept and bear fruit in him a gift that always precedes it. So non si tratta di fare cose diverse, ma di vivere con un cuore diverso.
     Tale è anche la sapienza di cui ci parla il libro del Siracide nella prima lettura, che consiste nel discernere la via della vita da quella della morte, ben sapendo che Dio «a nessuno ha comandato di essere empio e a nessuno ha dato il permesso di peccare» (Sir 15,20), non perché sia un giudice inflessibile pronto a punire il trasgressore, ma perché è un Padre buono che desidera che ogni suo figlio viva, e viva un'esistenza libera e responsabile, da figlio appunto, non da servo né tantomeno da schiavo. Tale è anche la sapienza di cui scrive the apostle Paul to the Corinthian community, poured into our hearts by the Spirit, we
introduces into the depths of God, a communion of love that transforms our lives, enabling it to accept all that God has prepared "for those who love Him" \u200b\u200b(1 Cor 2:9).
Jesus, therefore, did not come to abolish but to fulfill them. In rabbinic tradition 'make' or 'abolish' the law says in relation to three basic attitudes: who interprets the law does well, while abolishing those who misinterprets; fulfills the Law those who obey, while abolishing those who disobey and, finally, does the law who does most of what the rule prescribes, while abolishing those who do not.
These three attitudes mentioned by the rabbinic tradition we find them all in the way Jesus is related to Torah of Moses. First, he has made since the law was obeyed in full: in fact, he has fully realized the saving will of God, guarded and revealed by the Law and the Prophets. Secondly, Jesus fulfilled the law as stated by the more that is in every precept. He played every precept that a radical, always going back to the root of the Father's will which was expressed in that precept. This attitude is apparent in their way clear in the section of the antithesis. Killing is not only taking the life of someone. Also angry with him, or insult, slander or mean to kill him. In fact, anger or insult your brother has this meaning: it expresses the wish that the other does not.
This example on the first murder on contrast helps to understand a second way in which Jesus radicalized the law: he not only dates back to the root of God's will, but descends to the root of the human heart. The justice or injustice is not only the sphere of action, but also the deeper intentions and desires of the heart. Kill each other not only when I delete from the face of the earth, but already beginning to kill him when he ejected from the space of my heart, when even one offensive word to express the wish that he does not exist or at least not that has anything to do with my life.
Finally, Jesus fulfilled the Law because he played well, just stating what his hermeneutical principle: bringing all the many precepts in a single center consists of the primacy of love, founded on the same perfection of the Father. Love, therefore, rooted in a 'how': "Be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect" (5:48). A 'how' he says is not imitation, but the foundation, according to the logic that pervades the entire discourse of the mountain to the report, or the loving communion with the Father, he founded and transformed our way of being and acting.
becomes important, then, to understand the inner soul of those rules of the Lord. It is a contemplative. [...] The innovation introduced by Christ is especially in the eye to the Father. The real news is the communion of Jesus with the love of the Father, Jesus has a deep knowledge of the Father. We are here in the heart of Christian morality which is not standard, precept, law, but is a communion of life, the Holy Spirit, as Paul says in Romans in ch. 8: "The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus." The Christian is without legal effect, provided the eye has turned to God when the Christian, led by the Spirit, is a child, when his son becomes more and more, there's no need to read, because this look toward God allows him to enter all the laws of this world to bring out from within a path di amore che tende alla massimalità, a quella pienezza di amore che è stata svelata dallo sguardo di Dio.

Preghiere e racconti

“Scegli la vita”

«Io ti ho posto davanti la vita e la morte, / la benedizione e la maledizione; / scegli dunque la vita, perché viva tu e la tua discendenza...» (Dt 30,19).
«Beato l'uomo che non segue il consiglio degli empi, / non indugia nella via dei peccatori...» (Sal 1,1).
La strada della morte che il primo Salmo asks us not to take the're traveling, everyone. The death has become the shepherd who obediently follow up to universal suicide that it convinced us to prepare our own hands. And because his work is perfect, makes us blind to what we build with them.
The road of death is summarized in a few figures: two billion people starving on the planet, hundreds of millions of men subservient to political regimes murderers, deniers of all the values \u200b\u200bwhich we pretend to believe, several hundred million of victims killed by wars and conflicts of the last century.
The road of life opens before us, but we turn around his head, refusing not only to take, but also to become aware of its existence. Of the dangers of our time, the road of life opens up to man recently unimaginable possibilities of advancement of knowledge, depth, freedom, liberation and salvation.
This order has ceased to be wishful thinking, to become the condition of some of the worlds survival. This creates the need for a spiritual awakening that makes us attentive to the realities created by our choice and our hope (...).
In the fight against the beast that lurks in every man, the Bible, the Gospels and the Koran, India as the Vedas or texts that celebrate the Four Noble Truths of Buddhism, rise to the believers their spiritual arms in front of the instruments of violence and death of the beast.
From the outset, we face a world that does not allow for indifference. Recite the Ten Commandments in Hebrew, greek, 2170 in Arabic or in the ten languages \u200b\u200bin which words are being translated: you will find a world that requires you to make a choice between light and darkness, between life and death. There are in fact two-way and we are warned: the world is divided in two. It therefore requires a choice, which is the necessity and the risk of that division. The latter expresses a clear reality: darkness and light share out the universal physical and spiritual reality.
reread the Decalogue. Each of the ten words describing the world of light and unity, love and life, as opposed to the division, idolatry, murder, adultery, theft, lies and greed, which are governed by darkness and death. Moses, along with Jesus and Muhammad, commands us: "Choose life, then you shall live."
(A. Chouraqui, The Ten Commandments).

Arik and Torah

Arik pointed out to me a tree clinging to a mast.
"You see, we - as in the trees - there is a natural desire to ascend, to rise. Maybe it's buried under pounds of waste, but it exists. It is a kind of nostalgia that dwells in the deepest part of every man. But life is complex and full of contrasts and we abandon ourselves to only the view of our minds, we risk the wrong direction, to be dazzled by some fake sun. For this there is the Torah, as is the guardian of the young tree, helps us to go straight to reach out to heaven without being broken by the storms of wind. "
(Susanna Tamaro, Hear my voice, Milan, Rizzoli, 2006, 192-193).

call to prayer

G How can a young man keep his life pure?
By practicing your words.

T seek you with all my heart
ago 'I do not walk away from your commands.
G My heart keeps your instructions
and I will not be guilty towards you.

T I thank you, Lord,
because you teach me your laws.

G My lips are repeating
all the decisions you have taken.

T follow your commands it gives me joy
like having immense wealth.

G I want to meditate on your decrees,
not lose sight of your ways.

T Your laws make me happy,
not forget your words.

G Give me your servant, life:
put your words into practice.

T Open my eyes and behold
the wonderful fruits of your law.
(from Psalm 119)

* In the preparation of the "lectio " this Sunday, in addition to our material archive, we used:
- Lectionary Sundays and public holidays. A year , by the Italian Bishops Conference, Vatican City, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2007.
- themes of preaching. Homilies. A cycle , Naples, Italian Dominican Editrice, 2004. 
- Messalino festivo dell’Assemblea , Bologna, EDB, 2007.
- COMUNITÀ MONASTICA SS. TRINITÀ DI DUMENZA, La voce, il volto, la casa e le strade , «Allegato redazionale alla Rivista del Clero Italiano» 91 (2010) 10,  71 pp.
- E. Bianchi et al., Eucaristia e Parola. Testi per le celebrazioni eucaristiche. Tempo ordinario anno A [prima parte] , in «Allegato redazionale alla Rivista del Clero Italiano» 89 (2008) 4, 84 pp.
- Fernando Armelle, Listening is a party. The community explained to the Sunday readings, Year A, Padova, Messaggero, 2001. Omena, in addition to our archive material, we used:
- Lectionary Sundays and public holidays. A year , by the Italian Bishops Conference, Vatican City, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2007.
- themes of preaching. Homilies. A cycle , Naples, Italian Dominican Editrice, 2004.
- Messalina holiday Assembly, Bologna, EDB, 2007.
- SS Monastic Community. Trinity DUMENZA, voice, face, home and the streets , 'Annex to the Journal editorial of the Italian clergy "91 (2010) 10, 71 pp.
- E. Bianchi et al. Eucharist and the Word. Texts for the Eucharistic celebrations. Ordinary Time Year A [first part] in 'Annex to the Journal editorial of the Italian clergy "89 (2008) 4, 84 pp.
- Fernando Armelle, Listening is a party. The community explained to the Sunday readings, Year A, Padova, Messaggero, 2001.