Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Coughs More Condition_treatment



Name: Barclays Bank PLC
Registered Office: 1 Churchill Place London E14 5HP (UK)
See Italy: Via della Moscow 18-20121 Milano
Tel: 800 205 205
Internet Address: www.barclays.it
Email Address: info@barclays.it
ABI Code: 3051
Registration Number of Banks: 4862
Registration number Company Register: Milan - 80123490155 - REA Milano n. 1040254
System for ensuring that the Bank adheres: Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS)
Capital: Capital acted £ 3,000,000,000 - Capital paid £.
2336000000 VAT: 04826660153
The Bank is subject to supervision by the Financial Services Authority (FSA) and as the Italian branch of Community Bank, supervised by the Bank of Italy, for
matters assigned to it. First Name Last Name
No. Iscr. register
Address Tel E-mail

The cards are issued by banks and other financial intermediaries with the signing of a contract with the cardholder. For the function they perform
credit, these cards are issued after a careful valutazione della solvibilità del cliente da parte dell’emittente; di solito viene fissato un
limite mensile massimo di spesa consentito, raggiunto il quale la carta non può essere utilizzata. La carta di credito consente di acquistare beni e servizi in
Italia e all’estero presso gli esercenti convenzionati con la banca o la società che ha emesso la carta senza pagare contestualmente il relativo prezzo in contanti.
La carta può essere usata indipendentemente dalla disponibilità di fondi nel conto corrente nel momento in cui la spesa viene effettuata; i fondi necessari per
la copertura delle spese effettuate devono essere presenti nel momento in cui avviene l’addebito delle somme dovute. Per effettuare operazioni purchase
the holder, in general, affix his signature on the receipt of payment, such signature shall conform to that which has attached to the back of the card in
when it was received.
E 'should sign your name on the back of the card as soon as it becomes available.
credit card also allows you to withdraw cash, both in Italy and abroad through bank branches or automated teller machines (ATMs) provided
members of an international brand, in this last case, for every withdrawal must type a PIN , assigned to the card at the time of its release.
Unlike the debit card, in the case of cash withdrawals with the credit card charge on your statement is late as in the case
the payment of purchases: which is why it is called "advance" rather than withdraw cash. The operations of "advance" cash
are subject to payment of a fee (fixed or a percentage of the amount withdrawn), established by the bank or company that issued the card.
credit card has a maximum use of the credit granted to the Holder ("upper limit"), determined by the issuing bank and reported
the customer at the time the application for the credit card. The maximum and how to use the credit card issuer may be
modified at any time, by written notice informing the owner.
core service, the holder of the credit card, you can pay in installments payment of goods purchased (taking advantage of the revolving mode) after
interest payment.
The customer may be offered additional services associated with the use of more paper, free or paid, as well as promotion of better conditions,
given to the customer by means of appropriate communications. Among these are: "PagoPoi" (which allows you to pay even a single purchase of cutting
equal to or greater than 100 € made with a credit card Barclaycard), "Now in my account" to transfer cash directly from the credit card account
The credit card holder can perform foreign exchange transactions. These transactions will be converted into euros at the exchange rate applied by the international circuits
. For they will be charged a commission, as quoted in "Summary of economic conditions." The exchange rate applied
daily is available online at Visa Europe: www.visaeurope.com / fxcalculator / main.jsp ".
Here are the main risks associated with using credit cards:
- use fraudolendo della carta da parte di terzi non legittimati, in caso di smarrimento o sottrazione. A tal proposito il titolare è tenuto a custodire con la
massima cura ed attenzione la carta di credito e a memorizzare il PIN della stessa, evitando di trascrivere il codice conservandolo unitamente alla carta.
In caso di smarrimento o sottrazione della carta di credito, il titolare è tenuto a richiedere immediatamente il blocco della stessa, secondo le modalità
contrattualmente previste;
- variazione / applicazione di condizioni economiche sfavorevoli al cliente (tasso di interesse, commissioni e spese del servizio);
- possibile variazione del tasso di cambio, in caso di operazioni in valuta diversa da Euro.
Per Read more:
services, financial education "Know and Decide" facing the city are available at http://www.bancaditalia.it/servizi_pubbl/conoscere/
items of expenditure shown in the following table represent a good approximation, most of the total costs incurred by a consumer
average holder of a credit card.
This means that the listing does not include all cost items. Some of the excluded items may be important both in relation to the single card is
operation of the individual customer. Before choosing
and sign the contract is therefore necessary to carefully read the section "Other economic conditions."
Mod 10030 and SA. 01/11
Max Limit usage (Max € 5,000.00) Custom
TAN (credit limit not exceeding € 5,000.00) 18.99% APR
(credit limit or lower equal to € 5,000.00) 20.73%
Membership Fee: - € 0.00
first year - second year
€ 0.00 - € 0.00 extra paper
Frequency and method of calculating interest arrears
Monthly Cost emission carta 0,00€
Spese di istruttoria 0,00€
Imposta di bollo su e/c superiore a € 77,47 1,81€ (0,00€ se la banca di appoggio è Barclays Bank)
Produzione ed invio estratto conto tramite posta ordinaria 0,77€
Produzione ed invio estratto conto mesi precedenti 1,55€
Commissioni pedaggio autostradale 0,00€
Commissioni su rifornimento carburante 0,00€
Servizio Barclaycard Account Online 0,00€
Copertura assicurativa “Furto e Smarrimento” e “Protezione acquisiti” 0,00€
Commissione sollecito pagamento rate – singola azione 1,50€
Ritardato pagamento 5,00€
Commissioni superamento Fido 0,00€
Valuta addebito da data estratto conto 15 gg dopo la chiusura e/c
Commissioni prelievo contante 2,58€ + 4% dell’importo prelevato
Contanti sul conto 0,00€
Interessi di mora mensili per ritardato pagamento pari al TAN
Operazioni in valuta estera Peasi Extra Europa 2,00%
Operazioni in valuta estera Paesi Extra Euro 0,25%
Servizio Barclaycard Alerting – canone mensile 1,5€
Carta sostitutiva / d’emergenza 0€
Tasso annuo nominale. È il tasso di interesse, espresso in percentuale su base annua, applicato all’importo lordo del
finanziamento. Nel computo del TAN non entrano regions such as the provisional charges, expenses and taxes.
Annual Percentage Rate. It is an index expressed in percentage terms, to two decimal places on an annual basis, the cost
total funding.
limit use, established by the Bank, corresponding to the maximum amount of credit granted.
Amount due from customers for each year of ownership of a credit card.
personal identification number required for the operations to remove cash. TAN

APR credit limit
* Maximum operating conditions applicable to the Contract, a rate lower threshold anti wear rates recorded quarterly by the Bank of Italy. For TAN and APR
applicable to the agreed credit limit, please refer to the letter sent by the Bank for the purpose of the contract. The rates of charge
Average (TEGM) provided by art. 2 of the usury law (LN 108/1996) relating to financing operations,
can be consulted at the branch and on the website of the bank www.barclays.it.

You may cancel the contract at any time without notice, without charge and without penalty
Within 15 days after Communication of withdrawal, the customer must repay the Bank any amount may still be payable in connection with the Contract and must return
Credit Card and any Additional Credit Cards, should be canceled, cutting each in at least two parts.

CLAIMS The customer can complain to the bank, even by registered letter with return electronically reclami@barclays.it, address Viale Forlanini, 23 - 20134 Milano
. The intermediary must respond within 30 days, while complaints concerning investment services must respond within 90 days.
In both cases, if the Bank agrees to the client must communicate the time frame within which it is obligated to provide; otherwise, it must expose
reasons for rejection of the claim. If the customer is not satisfied with the outcome or did not receive a response within the time allowed, before resorting to court
Customer may contact:
in the event of any dispute transactions and banking and financial services:
- Arbitrator banks and financial institutions (ABF): if the facts alleged is subsequent to the date of 1 .1.2007, up to € 100,000 if the request relates to the
payment of a sum of money, regardless of amount in all other cases;
- Conciliator to banks and financial institutions, even in the absence of prior complaints.
In case of disputes regarding services and investing activities:
- Ombudsman Legal Banking Ombudsman, with offices in the Dark No shops 54-00186 Rome, within two years after the fact in dispute, within the limits of
€ 100,000 if the request relates to the payment of a sum of money, regardless of amount in all other cases;
- the Chamber of Conciliation and Arbitration with Consob, once operational, to disputes about compliance by the Bank of
information requirements, fairness and transparency requirements in their contracts with investors;
- the Mediator for banks and financial institutions, even in the absence of prior complaints.
all'ABF The Practical Guide is available to the Customer at each branch and the Bank's website. LEGEND

Updated 01/01/2011


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