Our Lady of Fatima, a message given to children!
Our Lady of Fatima, a message given to children! "- Sent with Google Toolbar"
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Saturday, December 4, 2010
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Maranatha Come Lord Jesus
Really we need it,
At the heart of the Gospel of this Sunday is the strong appeal of the Baptist. The dry pen of Matthew describes him in poche battute.
Let's silence before
hear the Word,
because Our thoughts are
because Our thoughts are
already turned to the Word.
Let silence after
Let silence after
listening to the Word,
because it still speaks to us,
because it still speaks to us,
lives and dwells in us.
Let the early morning silence,
because God must have
because God must have
the first word.
We silence
We silence
before bedtime,
because the last word
because the last word
belongs to God
Let silence
Let silence
just for the sake of the Word.
D. Bonhoeffer
Second Sunday of Advent years A
Gospel Mt 3, 1-12
In those days came John the Baptist preaching in the wilderness of Judea and saying, "Repent for the kingdom of heaven is near. " For he is the one of whom had spoken by the prophet Isaiah when he said: "The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight."
And he, John wore clothing of camel's hair and a leather belt around his waist, his food was locusts and wild honey. Then Jerusalem, throughout Judea and the whole area along the Jordan went out to him and were baptized by him in the river Jordan, confessing their sins.
Seeing many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said to them, "You brood of vipers! Who made you believe he can escape the wrath to come? Bring forth therefore fruit worthy of repentance, and do not think you can say to yourselves, "We have Abraham as our father." Why I say that from these stones God can raise up children to Abraham. Already the ax is laid unto the root of the trees: therefore every tree which does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. I baptize you in water for repentance, but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, and I am not worthy to carry his sandals: he shall baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. He holds the shovel and clean up his threshing floor and gather his wheat into his barn, but will burn the chaff with unquenchable fire. "
And he, John wore clothing of camel's hair and a leather belt around his waist, his food was locusts and wild honey. Then Jerusalem, throughout Judea and the whole area along the Jordan went out to him and were baptized by him in the river Jordan, confessing their sins.
Seeing many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said to them, "You brood of vipers! Who made you believe he can escape the wrath to come? Bring forth therefore fruit worthy of repentance, and do not think you can say to yourselves, "We have Abraham as our father." Why I say that from these stones God can raise up children to Abraham. Already the ax is laid unto the root of the trees: therefore every tree which does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. I baptize you in water for repentance, but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, and I am not worthy to carry his sandals: he shall baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. He holds the shovel and clean up his threshing floor and gather his wheat into his barn, but will burn the chaff with unquenchable fire. "
Word of the Lord
converted to wonder
Don Roberto Seregni
E 'for several hours that will not stop snowing.
I have a lot of things to do this morning,
but I can not take your eyes off the window.
I like the white cloak which rounds off the corners,
light which lies almost asking permission.
The courtyard of the oratory is a unique and compact carpet
white, leafless trees come to life skeletons
elegant and light. ;
No, I can not. I can not resist. Put on my overalls and boots.
No, I can not. I can not resist. Put on my overalls and boots.
I allow myself an hour's walk.
Baruffini I go to a handful ordered
of houses on the banks of the Valtellina Soliva,
above Tirano.
After a few minutes walk to the old mule track
After a few minutes walk to the old mule track
are silent.
And the Word on Sunday returned to the lips
to give rhythm to the walk.
, "Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand."
, "Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand."
Really we need it,
davvero la conversione è una delle urgenze della
vita cristiana che non possono ammettere deroghe.
Non dobbiamo illuderci di essere a posto, cristiani arrivati,
convertiti una volte per tutte.
La conversione è un cammino quotidiano, fatto di umiltà,
preghiera, cadute e ripartenze.
What is the conversion of permanent life
What is the conversion of permanent life
the disciple who is open at the touch of the hand of God
At the heart of the Gospel of this Sunday is the strong appeal of the Baptist. The dry pen of Matthew describes him in poche battute.
Tutto in lui è in tensione verso Gesù. Ogni sua parola e ogni suo
gesto sono una freccia puntata in direzione del futuro Rabbì,
che non battezzerà con l'acqua del Giordano, ma con lo
Spirito Santo e fire.
We need strong word of Baptist
We need strong word of Baptist
shakes us and awakens us.
We need to deal with its pending, true,
We need to deal with its pending, true,
real deep.
We need it because they run the risk of drowsiness
between mushy and disgusting disguise the fake-
Christmas of good feelings (and good sales).
The scratchy voice of John the Baptist reminds us that Christmas to
which we seek is not the party of goodness
(or worse still doing good).
The old incandescent rediscover these days is the
truth of our lives, our expectation of the authenticity and quality
of our faith.
Courage brothers!
Courage brothers!
Let's open our hearts to the gentle touch and powerful grace,
learn to stop, convertiamoci to wonder, simplicity,
to the beauty of the infinite God who comes to visit us
as a man among men.
good week
good week
Monday, November 29, 2010
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"In everything you do remember the Lord and He will show you the right way."
All chasing success, is the end of their lives, for many the end point. Everyone makes their own image of success, there are those aimed at economic security with every comfort, there are those who will succeed as the accumulating material goods, there are also those who identify success with having a happy family, a husband or wife to trust and obedient children. Some believe that success is to have a long life without disease or suffering in general. Everyone therefore has its own image of success. "The Bible says," Delight thyself Eternal, and He will give you what your heart question "(Psalm 37:4). It 's a wonderful promise. The problem however is that it rarely occurs. I mean according to this verse, we should all be full of health, wealth and ability since these are the things that our hearts demand. Why not abbiamo successo se è questo il desiderio del cuore? Forse perché abbiamo un'idea sbagliata di ciò che è il successo, perché non abbiamo accettato le condizioni poste da Dio per ottenerle. La prima condizione elencata, anzi la sola condizione è questa: "Prendete il proprio diletto nell'Eterno". In parole povere, bisogna mettere il Signore al primo posto. Gesù disse la stessa cosa ai discepoli: "Cercate prima il regno e la giustizia di Dio e tutte queste cose vi saranno date in aggiunta" (Mt 6:33). Ave Maria! Maria Maistrini _________________________________________________________________________________ "My God, I love you! Have mercy on us and the whole world!" http://pregateconme2.blogspot.com |
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no longer call them public relations
Let's call them 's communication company.
Yes, I know, are not the same thing. I am a special area of \u200b\u200bBusiness Communication, which is a broader function, which also includes other.
Ma vorrei lo stesso lanciare la provocazione. Non posso farne a meno, non dopo aver letto lo sfogo di Beppe Facchetti , presidente Assorel, a commento delle parole di Lele Mora.
Né pubbliche relazioni, né relazioni pubbliche. Perché è vero che l’ordine in cui si pongono le due parole introduce una differenza fondamentale, ma la gente non la coglie. Troppo lontano è il nostro mestiere dal sentire comune, che capisce perfettamente di che cosa si occupa un contabile, un centralinista, un addetto export, ma non ha mai sentito parlare di un relatore pubblico. Troppo lontano talvolta anche da certa cultura aziendale, che lo considera un costo, una perdita di tempo per gente con i grilli per la testa.
What to do? Highlight the differences, scramble to explain that the public speaker who works in the company or agency has nothing to do with pierre, which distributes free tickets to advertise a room, let alone with prostitution, Lele Mora and his acolytes?
Reiterate the concept to the point of exhaustion, trying to grok them in the folds it into his head to the neighbor, or what you have sitting in the compartment of the train, asking you what do you do? Of course yes, if we still want to get too tired to do so. Evil will not for sure.
But it is far from enough, to the point where we are, and we fired Mora it should be understood.
become necessary to care for shock, because it is too strong the impact that the words of Mora than speeches, debates, lectures, writings, studies that highlight and reinforce the value and dignity of a job very very seriously (and useful to businesses).
And then, dramatically, eliminating the term "public relations". Let's talk about business communication. Start from zero, we give a sponge on a confusion unacceptable and we clearly distance themselves from whatever is deleterious pierre in the sense of the expression.
Our profession of people who are serious, honest and prepared Communication is the business. Let the pierre, public relations and even public relations Lele Mora and his characters become more mundane judicial record.

Yes, I know, are not the same thing. I am a special area of \u200b\u200bBusiness Communication, which is a broader function, which also includes other.
Ma vorrei lo stesso lanciare la provocazione. Non posso farne a meno, non dopo aver letto lo sfogo di Beppe Facchetti , presidente Assorel, a commento delle parole di Lele Mora.
Né pubbliche relazioni, né relazioni pubbliche. Perché è vero che l’ordine in cui si pongono le due parole introduce una differenza fondamentale, ma la gente non la coglie. Troppo lontano è il nostro mestiere dal sentire comune, che capisce perfettamente di che cosa si occupa un contabile, un centralinista, un addetto export, ma non ha mai sentito parlare di un relatore pubblico. Troppo lontano talvolta anche da certa cultura aziendale, che lo considera un costo, una perdita di tempo per gente con i grilli per la testa.
What to do? Highlight the differences, scramble to explain that the public speaker who works in the company or agency has nothing to do with pierre, which distributes free tickets to advertise a room, let alone with prostitution, Lele Mora and his acolytes?
Reiterate the concept to the point of exhaustion, trying to grok them in the folds it into his head to the neighbor, or what you have sitting in the compartment of the train, asking you what do you do? Of course yes, if we still want to get too tired to do so. Evil will not for sure.
But it is far from enough, to the point where we are, and we fired Mora it should be understood.
become necessary to care for shock, because it is too strong the impact that the words of Mora than speeches, debates, lectures, writings, studies that highlight and reinforce the value and dignity of a job very very seriously (and useful to businesses).
And then, dramatically, eliminating the term "public relations". Let's talk about business communication. Start from zero, we give a sponge on a confusion unacceptable and we clearly distance themselves from whatever is deleterious pierre in the sense of the expression.
Our profession of people who are serious, honest and prepared Communication is the business. Let the pierre, public relations and even public relations Lele Mora and his characters become more mundane judicial record.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
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5 things a small business should do before deciding to start a blog
Open blog is a very innovative idea. They did great business. Some of them have closed after a while '.
requires a high consumption of resources and is not a cheap form of communication to the contrary. Deciding whether to open a blog is a decision that needs to be carefully weighted .
should do so only companies that are already disclosing to a certain level.
To check if you have these minimum requirements (and I stress minimum) below is a brief checklist. 5-point communication that includes the actions you absolutely must have already done so. If you have not yet made means there is still time to try to open the blog.
1. When updating all the website graphics, structure, contents.
There are at least two reasons:
a) can not be used half as innovative as the old site and have a blog
b) The blog is attached directly to the site and must be coordinated.
2. Make a habit of responding to all emails that arrive. If you do not interact regularly with the writer as you can think of doing with a blog. Moreover, people's questions can provide ideas for topics to be explored in this blog. Do not think that anyone who wants to communicate with the company always uses the blog. The e-mail is used for different purposes and complementary.
3. Prepare a press kit with all the information about the company, which is prepared in the event of any contacts with journalists. Must contain all the information of interest (this, history, the turnover, organization, products, future plans, etc.). Even those who are not on the site.
4. Insert a column in the News site and update it periodically. Besides giving the air site up to date, even when the static content is the same for a while ', get used to enter the mindset of writing and then often find interesting topics.
5. If you use paper for your communications material (catalogs, brochures, etc.), you should check that there is no need to reprint or even When updating anything. While we are also look to business cards and letterhead.

requires a high consumption of resources and is not a cheap form of communication to the contrary. Deciding whether to open a blog is a decision that needs to be carefully weighted .
should do so only companies that are already disclosing to a certain level.
To check if you have these minimum requirements (and I stress minimum) below is a brief checklist. 5-point communication that includes the actions you absolutely must have already done so. If you have not yet made means there is still time to try to open the blog.
1. When updating all the website graphics, structure, contents.
There are at least two reasons:
a) can not be used half as innovative as the old site and have a blog
b) The blog is attached directly to the site and must be coordinated.
2. Make a habit of responding to all emails that arrive. If you do not interact regularly with the writer as you can think of doing with a blog. Moreover, people's questions can provide ideas for topics to be explored in this blog. Do not think that anyone who wants to communicate with the company always uses the blog. The e-mail is used for different purposes and complementary.
3. Prepare a press kit with all the information about the company, which is prepared in the event of any contacts with journalists. Must contain all the information of interest (this, history, the turnover, organization, products, future plans, etc.). Even those who are not on the site.
4. Insert a column in the News site and update it periodically. Besides giving the air site up to date, even when the static content is the same for a while ', get used to enter the mindset of writing and then often find interesting topics.
5. If you use paper for your communications material (catalogs, brochures, etc.), you should check that there is no need to reprint or even When updating anything. While we are also look to business cards and letterhead.
Monday, October 11, 2010
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's a good idea to start a blog for a small business?
In times of crisis in which the budget for communication is the first item to be deducted from the budgets , open a corporate blog can seem like a good idea to be able to communicate with little or no cost.
Apparently the transaction at no cost: the platform is offered free of charge, there are no publication fees, etc..
But the answer to the question in the title, in most cases, it is not. Having a blog can be very costly and, if not managed properly, even counter-productive in terms of communication.
If you're determined to venture on this path that many major companies have considered too inaccessible, before you read below.
1) The blog takes time. The person in charge of the blog has a cost. Take a careful cost-benefit analysis.
2) The blog - of course - do not make up for the lack of quality of products or services or the lack of sales and marketing strategies. The notification must add value to an already good product and strategies already defined.
3) The blog should be part of a public relations program which includes other communication tools. Can hardly be the only tool.
4) The blog sends messages to the public which must be consistent with the goals you want to achieve. Establish goals and then decide how you want to be seen by the public. What degree of openness, informality is fitting to your goals?
5) Notice is hereby given that si è, quindi prima fate una seria riflessione sulla vostra identità, chiarite la mission, la vision, i valori e metterli per scritto come linee guida a cui ispirarsi per scrivere i post.
6) Decidete il taglio: se partite con il parlare solo dei prodotti, concentratevi su questi, e non inserite articoli di tipo istituzionale. Se volete cambiare strategia annunciatelo: “d’ora in avanti questo blog parlerà anche di…” oppure “si concentrerà su…” e spiegate perché, in modo che si capisca che il cambio di direzione è voluto e motivato, e non dovuto al fatto che siete rimasti senza argomenti.
7) Chiarite qual è il pubblico di riferimento perché each requires a different approach to public communication and a different degree of formality / informality.
8) Establish a maximum frequency of the publication of the post, that you must follow. The corporate blog is a job, so there are no excuses for not posting for long periods. If you open the blog, must be included among the priorities and become the ultimate wagon wheel: there was devoted to a hobby, you are pursuing a proper communication strategy.

Apparently the transaction at no cost: the platform is offered free of charge, there are no publication fees, etc..
But the answer to the question in the title, in most cases, it is not. Having a blog can be very costly and, if not managed properly, even counter-productive in terms of communication.
If you're determined to venture on this path that many major companies have considered too inaccessible, before you read below.
1) The blog takes time. The person in charge of the blog has a cost. Take a careful cost-benefit analysis.
2) The blog - of course - do not make up for the lack of quality of products or services or the lack of sales and marketing strategies. The notification must add value to an already good product and strategies already defined.
3) The blog should be part of a public relations program which includes other communication tools. Can hardly be the only tool.
4) The blog sends messages to the public which must be consistent with the goals you want to achieve. Establish goals and then decide how you want to be seen by the public. What degree of openness, informality is fitting to your goals?
5) Notice is hereby given that si è, quindi prima fate una seria riflessione sulla vostra identità, chiarite la mission, la vision, i valori e metterli per scritto come linee guida a cui ispirarsi per scrivere i post.
6) Decidete il taglio: se partite con il parlare solo dei prodotti, concentratevi su questi, e non inserite articoli di tipo istituzionale. Se volete cambiare strategia annunciatelo: “d’ora in avanti questo blog parlerà anche di…” oppure “si concentrerà su…” e spiegate perché, in modo che si capisca che il cambio di direzione è voluto e motivato, e non dovuto al fatto che siete rimasti senza argomenti.
7) Chiarite qual è il pubblico di riferimento perché each requires a different approach to public communication and a different degree of formality / informality.
8) Establish a maximum frequency of the publication of the post, that you must follow. The corporate blog is a job, so there are no excuses for not posting for long periods. If you open the blog, must be included among the priorities and become the ultimate wagon wheel: there was devoted to a hobby, you are pursuing a proper communication strategy.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Rocco's Big Mess Screens
10 things that should disappear from the companies' websites
not only useless, time-wasting, create disorder and visitors away from the site, getting the opposite result to what a company want to achieve.
1. Heavy flash intro skip intro without
2. Heavy flash introductions, tout court
3. Background music without the button to disable
4. Background music tout court (on music sites excluded), especially one that is activated suddenly blaring
5. Pages News without news
6. Pages News with the latest news included that date back to 2007 or earlier (in 2010)
7. Lack of an e-mail to contact the company (often replaced by a form with a scheme of compilation disk)
8. Catalogues in pdf too heavy to download even with adsl
9. Structures with information in sequence (the classic arrow "next" that forces you to scroll through menu items one after another without being able to choose the order)
10. Words underlined or highlighted in blue, as if they were links, but without connection

not only useless, time-wasting, create disorder and visitors away from the site, getting the opposite result to what a company want to achieve.
1. Heavy flash intro skip intro without
2. Heavy flash introductions, tout court
3. Background music without the button to disable
4. Background music tout court (on music sites excluded), especially one that is activated suddenly blaring
5. Pages News without news
6. Pages News with the latest news included that date back to 2007 or earlier (in 2010)
7. Lack of an e-mail to contact the company (often replaced by a form with a scheme of compilation disk)
8. Catalogues in pdf too heavy to download even with adsl
9. Structures with information in sequence (the classic arrow "next" that forces you to scroll through menu items one after another without being able to choose the order)
10. Words underlined or highlighted in blue, as if they were links, but without connection
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Incest Between Mother And Son
When public relations do not exist
Have you ever tried to add a curriculum vitae to work in the communication in a job search portal? When selecting the area where you want to insert it often turns out that terms such as "communication", "public relations", "External Relations "Press office" are not provided.
sometimes drowned in marketing and is marketing / pr.
Have you ever seen an organizational chart with all the features well-detailed - human resources, administration, purchasing, sales office, research and development, quality control - but where public relations are absent?
sometimes also appear typical of the specific corporate offices, such as "study and research materials," "Integrated Logistics", "selection precious stones, and more. But communication is not mentioned.
also happens (sometimes) that the company in question has a lovely site Indeed, with a constantly updated news section. But the figure of reference for communication is not listed among the names or roles of management.
Have you ever phoned a company to ask for the name of the Head of Communications, to have a statement, a commentary, an interview, and you have answered "we do not have this feature? Sometimes it feels answer "is dealing with the marketing director." The Director of External Relations is not covered in staff.
Have you ever tried "communication" on PagineGialle or on any web directory? Unless you're looking for a big city, you will find a plethora of printers in the category, agenzie che realizzano banner, cappellini e magliette, stampatori di adesivi per furgoni, produttori di stand fieristici, ecc. Agenzie che si occupino di “relazioni pubbliche” non compaiono.
E’ il vuoto delle relazioni pubbliche. E lascia in chi ci viene a contatto uno stridente senso di nullità, ancora di più se lo si confronta con quello che è l’impegno dei relatori pubblici e degli studiosi di questa disciplina a livello lavorativo, associativo, universitario, post-universitario, congressuale, nazionale, internazionale e globale .

Have you ever tried to add a curriculum vitae to work in the communication in a job search portal? When selecting the area where you want to insert it often turns out that terms such as "communication", "public relations", "External Relations "Press office" are not provided.
sometimes drowned in marketing and is marketing / pr.
Have you ever seen an organizational chart with all the features well-detailed - human resources, administration, purchasing, sales office, research and development, quality control - but where public relations are absent?
sometimes also appear typical of the specific corporate offices, such as "study and research materials," "Integrated Logistics", "selection precious stones, and more. But communication is not mentioned.
also happens (sometimes) that the company in question has a lovely site Indeed, with a constantly updated news section. But the figure of reference for communication is not listed among the names or roles of management.
Have you ever phoned a company to ask for the name of the Head of Communications, to have a statement, a commentary, an interview, and you have answered "we do not have this feature? Sometimes it feels answer "is dealing with the marketing director." The Director of External Relations is not covered in staff.
Have you ever tried "communication" on PagineGialle or on any web directory? Unless you're looking for a big city, you will find a plethora of printers in the category, agenzie che realizzano banner, cappellini e magliette, stampatori di adesivi per furgoni, produttori di stand fieristici, ecc. Agenzie che si occupino di “relazioni pubbliche” non compaiono.
E’ il vuoto delle relazioni pubbliche. E lascia in chi ci viene a contatto uno stridente senso di nullità, ancora di più se lo si confronta con quello che è l’impegno dei relatori pubblici e degli studiosi di questa disciplina a livello lavorativo, associativo, universitario, post-universitario, congressuale, nazionale, internazionale e globale .
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Japanese Abused Train
The fake fans
Ci informa Eurosport che i sostenitori della Corea Northern seen on the steps of the stadium during the match of World Cup with Brazil are not real fans but especially Chinese actors paid (!): in fact, the Koreans could not afford so expensive a journey.
This pseudo event organized by the Sports Commission of North Korea suggests a very early public relations, more or less than a century ago, in which it would give the wool over the eyes and create illusions of reality, which hid what was happening for real.
A kind of bandwagon a little 'kitsch that has deceived the Koreans doubt true, those remaining at home to watch the games on TV. If we in the West in this case we take firefly lanterns to the absence of familiarity with the physical features that distinguish the ethnic groups, among them are recognized fine.
But even if this were not so we thought the Chinese Sports Management Group - to which the Commission has commissioned the North Korean sports festival - to reveal the deception, and one wonders why he did it and now even if you pay a penalty for having disclosed the "PR program" of a "customer." And who knows if the players had real impression of typhus, if they felt really encouraged or if the feeling they felt fake, too.
Since it was still investment, expenses, and rewarding the players, would have been better to send davvero una delegazione di tifosi nordcoreani, magari scelti tra quelli di un club organizzato, per non fare torti a nessuno e garantire un tifo di un certo livello.
Sarebbero state relazioni pubbliche del 21esimo secolo, che agicono per modificare la realtà, segnale di modernità per un paese che ne ha bisogno, e non una messinscena che non convince nessuno.

Ci informa Eurosport che i sostenitori della Corea Northern seen on the steps of the stadium during the match of World Cup with Brazil are not real fans but especially Chinese actors paid (!): in fact, the Koreans could not afford so expensive a journey.
This pseudo event organized by the Sports Commission of North Korea suggests a very early public relations, more or less than a century ago, in which it would give the wool over the eyes and create illusions of reality, which hid what was happening for real.
A kind of bandwagon a little 'kitsch that has deceived the Koreans doubt true, those remaining at home to watch the games on TV. If we in the West in this case we take firefly lanterns to the absence of familiarity with the physical features that distinguish the ethnic groups, among them are recognized fine.
But even if this were not so we thought the Chinese Sports Management Group - to which the Commission has commissioned the North Korean sports festival - to reveal the deception, and one wonders why he did it and now even if you pay a penalty for having disclosed the "PR program" of a "customer." And who knows if the players had real impression of typhus, if they felt really encouraged or if the feeling they felt fake, too.
Since it was still investment, expenses, and rewarding the players, would have been better to send davvero una delegazione di tifosi nordcoreani, magari scelti tra quelli di un club organizzato, per non fare torti a nessuno e garantire un tifo di un certo livello.
Sarebbero state relazioni pubbliche del 21esimo secolo, che agicono per modificare la realtà, segnale di modernità per un paese che ne ha bisogno, e non una messinscena che non convince nessuno.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Otif, On Time In Full.
North Korea's strategy for SMEs of the juicers
Spremere la comunicazione come un limone è la parola d'ordine delle piccole aziende che, con budget ancora più ridotti in tempi di crisi, devono sfruttare al massimo ogni azione comunicativa, così da ottenere il massimo risultato anche con risorse ridotte.
Ai relatori pubblici che operano on these holdings is required an effort of creativity and flair by a hound not to miss the slightest opportunity.
Read the full article at Comunitàzione.it , the portal of marketing and communications.

Spremere la comunicazione come un limone è la parola d'ordine delle piccole aziende che, con budget ancora più ridotti in tempi di crisi, devono sfruttare al massimo ogni azione comunicativa, così da ottenere il massimo risultato anche con risorse ridotte.
Ai relatori pubblici che operano on these holdings is required an effort of creativity and flair by a hound not to miss the slightest opportunity.
Read the full article at Comunitàzione.it , the portal of marketing and communications.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Tattoo In Zone Genitale
Approved the Register of Objections: promotional phone calls but they still make sense?
Approved the Register of Objections , now individuals will enter their name if they will not longer be disturbed by telephone calls from companies trying to sell something.
Who will be writing will not implicitly consent to the disturbance call.
You can make various kinds of considerations on whether or not this log (Also contravenes a provision of Community law), the rise of bureaucracy, the fact that very elderly people, provided that they have knowledge, they face a further concern of an administrative nature.
but I'm interested to see the implications in terms of communication. Establish the existence of such a register means to formally authorize the companies make a blockbuster than overpowering - not only wrong - it is called telemarketing.
erroneously because the marketing is to discover the needs of consumers and give their response. Sometimes, the need to create. This process typically takes researches and studies, becoming increasingly savvy consumers, reach a considerable degree of complexity and customization.
Today, more a product is tailored to the needs of a specific category of consumers has more chance of being purchased. Otherwise, the choice will fall easily on the competition.
In conclusion:
1) disturb the people at home employment is not interrupted in their marketing, but it is the antithesis, why shoot the stack: it does not matter if you just bought a supply of oil or wine to survive a years in a bunker, however, attempt to sell a few bottles.
2) I wonder if companies that use this activity to promote their products to be aware of costs (telephone calls, time spent by the operators, finding phone numbers, etc..) and how the budget could be very fruitfully used by communication so seriously.

Who will be writing will not implicitly consent to the disturbance call.
You can make various kinds of considerations on whether or not this log (Also contravenes a provision of Community law), the rise of bureaucracy, the fact that very elderly people, provided that they have knowledge, they face a further concern of an administrative nature.
but I'm interested to see the implications in terms of communication. Establish the existence of such a register means to formally authorize the companies make a blockbuster than overpowering - not only wrong - it is called telemarketing.
erroneously because the marketing is to discover the needs of consumers and give their response. Sometimes, the need to create. This process typically takes researches and studies, becoming increasingly savvy consumers, reach a considerable degree of complexity and customization.
Today, more a product is tailored to the needs of a specific category of consumers has more chance of being purchased. Otherwise, the choice will fall easily on the competition.
In conclusion:
1) disturb the people at home employment is not interrupted in their marketing, but it is the antithesis, why shoot the stack: it does not matter if you just bought a supply of oil or wine to survive a years in a bunker, however, attempt to sell a few bottles.
2) I wonder if companies that use this activity to promote their products to be aware of costs (telephone calls, time spent by the operators, finding phone numbers, etc..) and how the budget could be very fruitfully used by communication so seriously.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Monday, March 15, 2010
End Stage Liver Disease Life Expectancy
Small business, lack of credit, cuts in communication
On the one hand that the PR people from many parts (one for all Gialunca Comin ) observed that small businesses do not communicate enough.
other entrepreneurs complain that banks are no longer willing to extend credit with the ease with which they did in the past (see comments to post Gianluca Comin). The
reasoning is as follows: there is a crisis that forces you to cut off funds, banks do not credit, you have to save money, ergo: there is no money to spend on communication.
The syllogism (I will pass the word) would seem to spin. But it is a false syllogism. Where you say you should save only or mainly on investments in communication?
When should tighten the purse strings are beginning to eliminate unnecessary things: cut down on communication means that it is considered an accessory, something you do when you have money to spend (maybe "the money to burn").
The problem here is not lack of funds. If communication is not important the money will not ever, even when revenues are substantial. There will always be some other more urgent expenditure and this expenditure is not always an investment, such as communication (well done) is.
The communication must become a priority. This before they find the money. Because communication is to be conceived, even before realized, and think strategically, so that it is a profitable investment. The communication made to the least worst is quick to create costs that will not fall, we think expensive catalogs of products for which no suitable sales volumes.
In these times of crisis, many entrepreneurs are already preparing action strategies for the future. What are strategies for survival, maintenance, growth (there are also growing companies even if they do most other news), restructuring, communication - primarily public relations - can (should) become part of these reflections.
In a comment to my post (do not look for it on the blog, sent me an e-mail for registration problems) Toni Muzi Falconi, inter alia, stressed the importance of networking:
If we consider as small businessman who 'does not aspire to be great', having decided to be part of a larger production cycle in a niche role, including skills and abilities that are indispensable, is to be able to effectively govern relations with its public enterprise: customers, suppliers, employees, contractors, institutions and local media and category (on and off line), associations, local community etc. ...
seems to me that we can start from here. In times of crisis may be the only thing you do. But it remains a starting point on which to build the rest.

other entrepreneurs complain that banks are no longer willing to extend credit with the ease with which they did in the past (see comments to post Gianluca Comin). The
reasoning is as follows: there is a crisis that forces you to cut off funds, banks do not credit, you have to save money, ergo: there is no money to spend on communication.
The syllogism (I will pass the word) would seem to spin. But it is a false syllogism. Where you say you should save only or mainly on investments in communication?
When should tighten the purse strings are beginning to eliminate unnecessary things: cut down on communication means that it is considered an accessory, something you do when you have money to spend (maybe "the money to burn").
The problem here is not lack of funds. If communication is not important the money will not ever, even when revenues are substantial. There will always be some other more urgent expenditure and this expenditure is not always an investment, such as communication (well done) is.
The communication must become a priority. This before they find the money. Because communication is to be conceived, even before realized, and think strategically, so that it is a profitable investment. The communication made to the least worst is quick to create costs that will not fall, we think expensive catalogs of products for which no suitable sales volumes.
In these times of crisis, many entrepreneurs are already preparing action strategies for the future. What are strategies for survival, maintenance, growth (there are also growing companies even if they do most other news), restructuring, communication - primarily public relations - can (should) become part of these reflections.
In a comment to my post (do not look for it on the blog, sent me an e-mail for registration problems) Toni Muzi Falconi, inter alia, stressed the importance of networking:
If we consider as small businessman who 'does not aspire to be great', having decided to be part of a larger production cycle in a niche role, including skills and abilities that are indispensable, is to be able to effectively govern relations with its public enterprise: customers, suppliers, employees, contractors, institutions and local media and category (on and off line), associations, local community etc. ...
seems to me that we can start from here. In times of crisis may be the only thing you do. But it remains a starting point on which to build the rest.
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