Saturday, April 7, 2007

милена вельба

Life neon, the story's

At this point we can not attach the story that has inspired and given the title to this manual, showing the recommendation of the author .... "To be read sparingly ..."

Diodorus of Pliny (1989)

Entrando avvertii un odore forte, acre... era sudore.
Era però diverso da quelli che avevo già sentito in precedenza: un odore non operaio, bestiale sì ma non spontaneo, come se, oltre che di sofferenza fisica, fosse intriso anche di... pensiero.
L'ambiente non era uno squallido tugurio, come credevo di trovare, anche se forse mi avrebbe aggradato di più, in quanto avrebbe avuto più "tono"... da autentico "ferro da mestiere" per lo sviluppo di quei tipi di faccende. Era, invece, piuttosto pulito e abbastanza modern.
But what he was unleashing in those twelve square feet of room was the most I could expect to assist tribal conflict, a war which, although perhaps only mimed and without blood, and visceral emotions evoked archaic ...!!
That night I was invited by my friends, to attend an event where anyone who had heard the theme would have hilar sbellicato struck by crisis. It only has a lot of ... table football. The promise, that the two "Gascon" I had done was something that I witnessed ... "phantasmagoric."
I then went to "remove this tracotante editto", ripromettendomi poi, in qualche modo, di dare loro una qualche lezione di prammatica. Invece era vero, lo capii subito, colsi il grosso spessore della sfida: fu qualcosa di... emozionalmente intenso.
Due scuole a confronto, entrambe dubbiose perché consce della forza dell'altra; diverse, ma tutte e due efficacissime. Una, flemmatica e soft, l'altra, la nostra, potente e decisa che suppliva a certe piccole carenze di ordine tattico con un impegno incredibile.

Gli sfidanti
I due, del pericoloso ed esperto squadrone che veniva da Napoli, mi "caddero" suffered in sympathy. They gave (pretending otherwise) airs navigated by men, have been run by thousands and thousands of challenges, hard to bear any type of stress, even by chance (because it was still a game, where, then, has its good fortune part). I realized that it was an attitude dictated by experience, in order to discourage opponents, taking the lead with such boldness, even to the adverse fortune. It was a precise pattern, artfully constructed, certainly already proven many times, though perhaps not the "thousands and thousands of" how they wanted to believe, especially ... "Him," the fat man il capitano della formazione nonché titolare di tutto l'entourage: "La Chiatta" (così era chiamato!). Pareva essere uscito direttamente da un romanzo: sedicente dottore in odontoiatria, ma, di certo, giocatore incallito. Figura comunque di indubbio fascino: un giocatore di classe eccelsa, dotato anche di uno straordinario spirito di sacrificio non consono alla sua struttura e alla sua faccia che, al contrario, denunciavano natali fin troppo facili. Possibile che fosse tutto posticcio, tutto artificioso, tutto bluff, se poi (costretto anche da eventi negativi) alla lunga, non cambiava mai atteggiamento?
Al contrario, l'uomo thin, his companion, "Amerika" (with kappa), the old man dead, who always asked for cigarettes (Pe 'lu' puver'ommene!). Private class mate, who ran out the door, "the orchestra, but always dangerous and relentless. When you came into possession of the ball ... "rebounds" were all his, and so do not let go more, until it "disappeared" in the door from my friends defense. Fully employed captain of the fat (and perhaps even a little his succubus), he based his game on his experience, so they seem, and dribbled all the time, even a player with class.

Amerika As I watched, a man who certainly closer to fifty than forty, I wondered why her face gaunt and pale neon light (certainly due to the ancient past with games card ...) had been reduced to develop a theme in the popular imagination that is typically considered childish. It was exactly what I was told Saturday to Nicholas in response to his invitation for Monday night to attend this fantastic challenge. Recently
competent, I can report that development of the game completed the four had nothing to do with what I knew and the vast majority. That, to understand, since sometimes the sea played by stalwart eye cute kids: very fast passages, acrobatic in tight triangulations, rampant in the "shotguns and tablets." They, by contrast, seemed to be outsiders, almost incompetent that they played as if to say ... stop by!
the eyes of an outsider, the first impression, it would certainly seem that they knew could play at all. One thing is certain: if there were the same hypothetical kids sea, they would certainly have rolled on the floor with laughter, holding his stomach with his hands even in the early challengers see those vintage men labored operations "warming", or grappling ('cheek ....) butterflies with the somewhat improbable developments of attack.
Instead, like poisonous snakes before the attack, with that peculiar style, they studied their counterparts. With a little attitude
'cialtronesco, Nicholas and Gerard (my other friend), players were behaving as "craft" of those, the underprivileged or unemployed or part without art, which flock to the diabolical macchina da arti marziali le loro primarie attenzioni, come se da essa dovesse provenire il foraggio per il loro sostentamento.
Naturalmente le cose non stavano così, li conoscevo bene: erano di ceto medio, non certo dei "morti di fame" costretti a vincere soldi per poter mangiare. Però essi avevano costruito, artificiosamente, una simile immagine: posticcia quindi, ma di pari efficacia se non addirittura superiore proprio per la forza più "scientifica" che ha in dote un surrogato. Un microcosmo ideale, dunque, ma molto efficace, soprattutto a livello psicologico. E così avevano dato al loro divertimento preferito un'identità referring to major professional sports clubs. There were all roles in the entourage: the players added in order to sometimes "change," the players "old," observers useful, full of tips for the most difficult predicaments. They even had a sponsor, which allowed them to manage, with less risk, and meetings with "placed" very high. It lacked only the "doctor" ... Indeed, sometimes there was also that: some Santino, the doctor "a bank shot," too sick for that game.

I will try to describe some prerogative technique (perhaps only the best) of the Lords Players involved in this "thrill of the challenge" (... according to Nicholas) beginning perhaps even the qualities of my friend. He was the "curator" of the defense department and the construction of the game ...
Nicola, perhaps non-surveyor, but with great physical strength, dare I say "laborer", after a parade or a goal and then immediately right to propose a new theme offensive "designed" strange triangles, working two / three touches with the outside of the left-back (the two) to the bank and when the ball was sufficiently loaded di energia, egli la riportava sul terzino destro, dando ad essa altri due/tre tocchi ma stavolta con la parte interna del giocatore (il pupazzetto) facendo sì che la rotazione rimanesse sempre in senso antiorario per non far fermare la palla. A quel punto passava rapidamente palla al portiere che, con altrettanta rapidità, la riconsegnava al terzino sinistro, quello che aveva incominciato l'azione; questo, dall'interno del pupazzetto con moto obliquo, la spediva nell'ultimo angolo sopra il terzino destro; quando ne scendeva aveva una grandissima carica di effetto sì da poter essere colpita con forza dal terzino destro, con la metà esterna del in front of it so he can take off at half-height to the central bank left to go after, sagging to the other about three quarters of the field, and then again, even faster towards the goal. This shot, when he went out, he could only parry and rarely with much success, with an edge of a doll, and then chipping, otherwise the ball so fast and so powerful ... "Drill" literally mo 'corkscrew spiral, full-backs and goalkeeper, opening a passage between them of strength goals in concluding its run. Noise? I'm just saying you could still see the ball in play for a while, only because they remain imprinted in the retina, after hearing quell'assordante din.
When he came out at the moment in which the concentration of the size him out, during various matches, Nicholas showed (and it was ...) is always full of pathos in difficult circumstances, always willing to look with eyes meekly lost its "external stakeholders" in the hope that those last they could find for him "that" appropriate technical detail to the predicament that he could not track down because its emotional character made him the temporary amnesia. This attitude was the exact
Instead of nice bully I knew outside of the game when he boasted of his sporting achievements. But this, in my opinion because the conduct "real" is what happens when you are "under pressure", helped make him a great champion.
Dell'Amerikano, owner of Neapolitan offensive department, further add to what has been said there are "features" that he had the team into the bell. Character slightly kitsch, but he could very attractive, "crying" to get a "democratic gollettino" and keep yourself on track for a whole night matches. An extraordinary figure.
Gerardo, owner of our department was the exact opposite of offensive Nicola cold, even icy, a real shark. Its speed of execution, when he was in possession of the ball, it was difficult to contest for a weasel. Pounding with the five (acts to win the ball), just as insistent in his "tricks" with the three. Its bars and especially its dizzying one-two would be sent to the asylum any other goalkeeper.
Never a doubt, exaggerated pragmatism, pride regardless of any advice, was able to make a difference " in a second, solving the game in their favor, although not a "long view" of the race, unlike the companion, who as a "spiritual" projections of race had not adversaries. Gerardo, after all, outside of games in which he could certainly be annoying because they are too ruthless, he was very polite and friendly. A natural striker and excellent: a real athlete!
But he was the real architect of chance, the fat man, goalkeeper Naples: "The Barge." Named because of its physical tonnage, was the only one of four to really have the charisma of great player, one who could create intense atmospheres from the "spiral of the game ..." After
, studied with a rotational movement of the body, had taken on his parade a tone of great grandeur, such as to highlight its almost total invulnerability, he could , with the right-back, grinding the ball several times in the opposite direction to pull, to create a small vortex capable of lifting the ball, during the maneuver, the two or three millimeters from the sliding surface and, simultaneously, to strike with the same doll violently crushing the glass. What, they said, ever! It was a real rendez-vous with the ability. The noise that produced the wood inside of the opponent's goal when the ball flies into the goal is difficult to describe.
When he was forced to endure the furious attacks by the formation dear to me, unlike his partner, Amerika, who seemed more inclined to surrender to a sort of do not know what "common people because" he, heedless of contingencies of the normal game where you must suffer the wrath and attacking enough, though reeling because of his size, responded proudly, replying with its deadly trip on the glass and venendone often out great. And so the race could always bring up the pace more coy and dormant, because of his style of play made spectacular acceleration, served him as an average for the construction of his actions: that way rebuild bridges and reconstructing the breakers always negative ! A real "phoenix."

The accomplice
Among those present stood the figure of one who was to be the patron of my friends. In fact, he took out the money for items that match that followed, and "salaries" of the amounts won by his team when it won. It was there, wrapped in his pale, impassive, seraphic, certainly indecipherable. The dreamily, cynical, certainly very clever. The only one of which, even The Barge was in awe. He had turned the eyes of Nicholas and Gerardo lost when they were defeated in the various sets, or for actions not be disappointed that ended in the manner you wish. Strange paradox, even the sad eyes of the host formation in similar situations, they sought him with desire for his acquittal did not deny that he duly accorded a glance located between the harsh criticism and the paternal displeasure. In fact, a real "bitch" .... Very clever in its innumerevoli trucchi, tra i quali il suo vezzo: il "fazzoletto rosso". Egli, infatti, nei momenti topici dell'incontro, soleva agitare, con gesto studiato, un fazzoletto di colore rosso, fingendo con maestria di asciugarsi il sudore ma, osservandolo, lo si notava "stranamente" ripetere quell'operazione sempre quando La Chiatta si preparava all'ennesima devastante sortita dalla porta. Effettivamente il trucco apportava grossi benefici alla sua squadra, poiché La Chiatta non riusciva mai a segnare quando veniva operato il tristo gesto. Forse quell'operazione, capii, distoglieva l'occhio o il pensiero da quell'attimo propizio nel colpire la pallina which, in fact, was almost always taken in full effect is sterile. The "move" was never noticed by the formation of Naples, mind you, great works of tricks too, because, perhaps, wipe the sweat is part of the natural order of things, whereas the gesture of "normal" really had nothing: starting with the red color of the handkerchief, managed to art, with grotesque motion, from that twilight journeyman.

The "temperature" of the environment was already hot enough, any kind of trap was admitted. In fact, the more saliva the level of the game even more so they were running the various "tricks" and fraudulent devices. On both sides, and puranche from external components in order to acquire an advantage although absolutely minimal. The Neapolitan education used to implement a psychological trick in every game to play. They demanded the excuse to be their guests in advance of the first post, e-mail that would go back in case of defeat, declaring at the same time "already set" the opposing team for the next race. There was nothing mathematically incorrect, since the initial stake would eventually certainly succeeded, but in doing so the home team, for every win, in fact get back only their own money, it being the capital gain in the "pocket capable" of the barge. It was necessary then to win at least two consecutive meetings to see the first foreign money. From another point of view, the idea was not so bad since it increases the commitment to win. The justification put forward by them always giving himself to that tone ... "Who knows best" was that, being still a gamble, then liable for prosecution, in a hypothetical race for an interruption of the unlikely intervention of the law, followed by hasty abandonment of the place, they would lose a possible theoretical "e" if they were "below" playing regularly welded, which would have been able to recover by winning "the" game if suspended. The reasoning was not flawless, even if it was not contemplated in the opposite scenario. The fact is that, after all, this is a venial whim, and as their guests, you could let them win, because they used to always honor the lost games. From time to time
The barge stopped to clean the ball down the plastic. He, when he was immersed in that operation, stood in all its glory, with completion in a dare I say ... "Barge" in the desire to highlight the "expert inspection", so as to expose great experience and a "rare skill."
In fact, the "scholarly operation" was intended merely to impress the opposition, which according to him, to his "do", they should be ... "Kidnapped" from his "knowledge", so as to acknowledge the inevitable, which he coveted, physical and mental decline due to the sudden acquisition of psychological subjection to him. Other tricks, then, were the talk during breaks in the ears (of course without saying Perhaps nothing ...!), the kicks of approval under the "mobile" to convey some kind of revolutionary schemes to be applied later in the meetings. They did all this, however, only and exclusively when they were certain to be seen by the external components of the rival group, which could then promptly "report it" to friends in the players a break. That "doing" contributed significantly to raising the emotional tone of the meeting ... a real game worthy of the best traditions of nerves. Everything was going perfectly. The situation is "growing up" in tone. All under the perfect "Directed" the pale godfather: the "guarantor" of that night of huge challenges, the true owner of that room ..! Nothing could portend strange epilogue that the challenge would then have had.

We stayed for a few minutes from time to time, so she could wipe the sweat, clean the knobs, can be lead to drink, to replace salts lost, taken from the other balls mobile. Someone stretched a bit ', someone else sat down to rest just a moment. You catch my breath, in short. About exceeded in those operations of course, was Amerika. He "forced his hand, being more experienced than it actually was. Then reinforces the party, holding up, with "miracle-working hand," his back "broken" while walking up and down, trying to point out to his opponents "ill condition" so they can pity. Amerika was a really great actor in his appealing interpretation that it seemed one of those old patients of mental hospitals, by cowardly gait, walking in the gardens of them. A peaceful
unwritten condition was that "prohibited" to regulars Local to enter the small room and watch the "challenge excessive" because it had been rented and reserved specifically for that appointment. Contrary to the agreements, the door opened and a man entered the same, a regular at the place.
He took advantage of the break to put an ongoing venal, naive questions about the type of game in progress, with the obvious and malicious ultimate goal of breaking the "magic of the event" because, perhaps, its development "important" had exasperated the other customers, almost forcing a complaint from a desire to not repressed uneasiness towards indigenous the celebration of that rite, different and particular, manifested in those hours by "foreign forces".
As often happens, he repeated the sad monologue of the "fence", and former vice already seen, the protection at all costs of its territory, even out of nothing ... for a disordered view of the attitudes of others ...!
It was almost dawn, the time that the "challenge" was to celebrate its apotheosis. It, however, he could not get that last coronation. The spell was needed now irrevocably broken by the (enemy) dell'omino intrusion. The four sfidanti uscirono, non prima però con abile mestiere "gestuale" di aver compiuto l'ultima impresa da veri campioni. Infatti, aiutati pure da un freddo intervento del loro "mecenate", il quale con dotta e sibillina disquisizione filosofica diede loro "la dritta giusta", riuscirono a dare ai "nativi" l'illusione di essere stati sconfitti dal loro stesso... sconforto.


Pescara, estate 1988


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