Saturday, April 7, 2007

Spotting Pink And Brown

defenders and attackers

Game of the attacker in the attack phase
The game of attack must be brought with speed and unpredictability, being guided by instinct and not reason. The speed and unpredictability
disorient the defender causing him to lose the position and thus facilitate the task of the attacker.
Other important qualities are alertness, calmness, determination and know how their psycho-physical energy and the capacity to develop rhythm game to alternate, ie speed up the game during the attack and make it a bit 'slower phase defense, to use il momento di difesa come una fase di riposo fisico, ma non mentale. La concentrazione deve essere sempre allo stesso livello, poiché ogni caduta di concentrazione porta alla sconfitta.
L'attaccante ideale deve però possedere anche dei colpi di gran classe e risolutori, che permettano di tenere sotto pressione il difensore avversario; il difensore deve temere questi colpi in ogni momento. Infatti, la paura indotta provoca l'errore.
Un buon attaccante deve avere una media di almeno 7 gol in una partita ad 11, possibilmente realizzati con poco dispendio di energia.

Gioco di difesa dell'attaccante
Il gioco di difesa dell'attaccane è molto importante, poichè aiuta il compagno difensore a chiudere tutti i varchi possibili verso la porta. Essenzialmente consiste in un gioco coordinato tra le parti dell'attacco e della difesa.
Tale coordinazione permette di tenere la posizione nel migliore dei modi, risparmiare energie psico-fisiche ed evitare quanto più possibile gols del difensore avversario o di fortuna.
Per espletare questa parte del gioco nel modo migliore conviene che la coppia si accordi sulle posizioni da tenere in campo e sulle modalità di copertura dei vari tiri eseguibili da parte degli avversari (Vedi anche Schema Broccoli).
A good striker must be, therefore, first of all a great defender and should be able to simultaneously attack while running the defense.
I have a particular way to keep the defense as a striker is to intercept the ball at any time by any player in the advanced or trident of the median.
The idea is to build a real insurmountable barrier formed by the trident and the median back every ball thrown back pass by defender.
This technique resembles the pressing game in football, and a profound effect on the morale of the defender is forced to not be able to play for himself or for his striker. If the defender suffers from this real "aggression," and not able to dominate, is in a precarious psychological situation in which he is already losing, because the game against harassing defenseless opponent. The
rule to follow is: "Do not let it breathe."
The game is recommended for those who have to spend a lot of energy and who has insight and coordination.

List of hits
course, every good player can attack or invent new shots shots taken in coordination between the pieces (attack and attack and defense).
Thus a list is necessarily incomplete. Those listed here are only those known to me and allowed by local regulations adopted in Vairano Patenora (Ce).

  • Shooting
    This shot executed with precision timing and makes it almost impractical defense.
    The blow is done by bouncing the ball on the side (East or West), giving it a motion parallel to the goal line, and pulling into port as soon as the defender is running the exchange of defense, namely the change back to defend the port.
    defender may decide not to change back, but in this case is hopelessly subject to a simple stroke of half-ball between the players of the defense, which still provides the majority of the time, the goal.
    I think this shot should not be valid for the huge failure that exists between the defense and attack.
    The Regulations adopted at Vairano P. deemed valid.

  • The shotgun: shot lead with two players attack (distinct or not) hitting the ball then after it bounced on the side (a side or two) or one of the opposing players.
    This shot has a good success rate against most defenders.
    - Note and learn is the one-two in backbeat, which is performed by moving the ball in the opposite direction to its motion. Specifically, the ball bounced on the left bank (west) to move parallel to the door towards the right bank (east), you run the opponent twice in the left-back by moving the stick (and then its central player of attachment) in opposite direction (East - West). Since the defender is moving toward the west-east to follow the ball and cover the door, and executed the shot with good speed, you have a good percentage of completion.
    - The double triangular player is another great shot of attack. You do the bouncing ball, moving with one of the two wings on either player's defense and rebounding after pulling the middle player. Has performed with great rapidity percentage of completion.
    - Finally, note also the abnormal twice the median opponent. He hits the ball with one of the players of the wings so that the attack rebounds on the median and opposing pulls in the central port of the attack.

  • half ball game: the players' strike brought an attack that hits the ball smear, a "half ball" and in various angles. A good attacker is able to "hear", while the ball is moving parallel to the door, that the position of the defender has a gap to exploit. Some wrong positions favoring the defense in a decisive way questo colpo, il buon attaccante le deve conoscere e sfruttare al meglio.
    Questo gioco può essere favorito (o sfavorito) anche da una pendenza anomalo del bigliardino.
    Precisamente, se la palla, dopo il rimbalzo sulla sponda (Est o Ovest), non si muove perfettamente parallela alla porta e, quindi, la distanza tra la palla e il terzino di difesa varia con il moto della palla, si ha più spazio a disposizione per eseguire un colpo di mezza palla, se la distanza aumenta; mentre in caso contrario si ha meno spazio a disposizione ed è favorito il portiere nel suo gioco di difesa.

  • game with fake: the two shots above (and also other shots) can be brought directly or with the help of various kinds of false in any case tend to put the defender out of position. The feints are usually quick twists of the attack one of the players (usually the center forward) on the ball, moving parallel to the door without touching it. They know each other and mock each class player can invent different.
    - One shot, apparently simple but effective, is to bounce on their side (Est) la palla e ruotare il giocatore centrale sulla palla di 180°, come se la si volesse nascondere, tirando in porta nell'angolo sinistro quando la palla arriva al centro della porta. Questo colpo è stato da me eseguito e pertanto per classificarlo lo chiamerò "tiro Broccoli in attacco".
    - Un altro colpo è la mezza palla stretta con finta . Questo colpo si esegue nelle immediate vicinanze delle sponde (Est o Ovest). In pratica, fatta rimbalzare la palla sulla sponda si esegue una finta ruotando (di 360° gradi) il giocatore intorno alla palla e si tira in leads to half-ball in the opposite corner. Executed with speed and precision gives a good chance of realization.
    This shot can be performed even without the fake, or you can pull in the corner nearest to the ball.
    - Another blow is half the long ball with fake . Without bouncing the ball on one of the banks (East or West) performing one or more feints, turning once or more one or more players on the ball and pulling in the open, generally the farther the ball.

  • coordinated attack with the median shot led the attack with one player (usually the wings, but the striker) in coordination with a median of players (usually the central or one of two players left or right). In its standard form, the wing passes the striker moves to the center median along a line approximately 45 degrees to the line joining the centers of the two ports. If done with good speed, you can confuse the goalkeeper. In other variations, the wing attacker passes the ball to the second player, left or right, through la sponda o direttamente. Su questo colpo si può innestare una doppietta anomala, eseguibile se l'avversario cerca di evitare il passaggio alla mediana. Precisamente, si può disorientare il difensore facendo una doppietta con il retro dell'ala attaccante sulla mediana dell'avversario, il conseguente spostamento di posizione della palla può permettere all'attaccante di ottenere il gol.
    Una variante Nostra, ma ormai usuale, consiste nel passare la palla direttamente ad uno dei giocatori della difesa. Questa variante è consigliabile solo per giocatori aventi un'ottima coordinazione.

  • Median coordinated with the attack: shot you with a passage from one of the players of the median one of the players of the attack. The chances of passage are several but not all have the same effect. A good striker decides what kind of way to make taking into account the position of defender and in coordination of various kinds of fake.

  • rumble of thunder in the attack: is accomplished by hitting the ball so violently on the shore side (left or right) with one of the two wings and pulling the rebound the ball with the middle player. Stroke suitable for a player very fast, intuitive and stylish.
    This shot of some billiards, you do better if you first do a little bounce to the ball and then you hit with a violent rebound on the bank. But we must note that, in this case, the defender can imagine the blow that is going to run the defense and take appropriate action. To avoid this, you will agree to vary the implementation of the shots so that the defender can not anticipate the defense.

  • Combined Attack and continuous: this is the best shot possible for an attacker or game. The blow, or rather a continuous series of shots of all kinds, taken with the attack and the median is a continuous effort to confuse the goalie and find the way of goal.
    Running this game requires intuition, speed, unpredictability, class and great technique.
    striker class run knows perfectly, and can handle a lot of energy needed.
    In my opinion, a striker is judged based on how he accomplishes this game.

  • coordinated attacks between players: this shot is done in coordination between the two players. The defender puts the ball in play with a decent shot of power and a particular bank. The shot must be executed so as to allow the ball to hit the shores twice (front and side) and get more or less at the center of the attack, the attacker hits the ball on the fly, taking into account the position of defender and the goalkeeper in particular way.
    In practice, it is in its standard form, a shotgun to take part in both players, the defender being preparation and the attacker in the final phase of realization.
    Even this shot can be run in different forms, with the cooperation of the median, but the best value is in coordination with the attack. The ability of the attacker is
    nell'intuire the final position of the ball (after hitting the edges) and the ability to quickly perform the best shot in relation to the position of the defender.

  • Attack on the door trick: this stroke uses the little mobility of the goalkeeper Most of the defenders. You run hitting, with one wing, the ball grazed, with a mean strength, so that after hitting the side (left or right) gets around the defender and steps or between defender and goalkeeper or, even more subtle behind the goalie.

  • Attack "controcolpo" shot paradoxical, but why attack carried out in a defensive game of the attacker. This shot will do so by moving arm (slightly) the three-pronged attack while trying to obstruct the throw-in, or shoot direct the ball by the defender. A good attacker knows
    also run from the median.
    Proper implementation requires intuition, timing, and great deal of psycho-physical energies.

  • Other shots: then there are several other shots taken to attack the wings, with the striker with the players or the median. These shots are not falling because they have specific characteristics. Are performed by striking the ball streaking or in full, on passage of the defendant or on balls bounce crazy after various types.


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