Saturday, April 7, 2007

Tiffany Granath Foto Hard

Tips for "wolves bar" and secrets to

Here are some tips and attention learned and matured in many years game.
Experienced players can be made to feel useless and obvious, but beginners or players will be able to treasure a little mischievous.

a) The selection of pinball
It 'clear that the billiards are similar but not identical.
For a goalie with good quality and location convenient to play pinball on a slow trajectory where the balls take more intuitive and controllable, and never choose a pinball game that brings out the bank and make it possible to pull power successfully.
A goalkeeper position will play at normal speed and a pinball game with an average of banks, thus its positional characteristics can be expressed at the highest level with a reduced physical effort. Also, the game component to guess, especially with the goalie they have benefited greatly.

A foosball table fast, which enhances the gaming side of the ball and makes it uncontrollable, is more suited to a less talented player, in which case the unpredictability of the paths taken by the balls in a game of power alone, allow him to have a better chance of winning.
A foosball table fast is also suitable for the attacking player, because it allows him to confuse the goalkeeper, to develop fast game pace continuously, allowing them to more easily find the way of goals.

b) The selection and use of balls
balls to be used must be in good condition, that should not be Oval, make chips, or even small grooves, hollows or bulges.
Most people think that the state of ball impact allo stesso modo su entrambi le coppie giocatrici. Così non è.
Palline imperfette assumono effetti strani, hanno rimbalzi imprevedibili e danneggiano più i giocatori dotati di tecnica che i principianti o giocatori d'istinto.
I giocatori posizionali sono poi quelli più danneggiati in assoluto.
Pertanto, è una buona norma osservare, magari senza farsene accorgere, lo stato delle palline e giocarci solo se tendono a non danneggiare il proprio gioco.

c) Il fattore campo.
Avvolte, per fattori stranissimi, ma valutabili, può be more or less advantageous to play a part of other teams than the other.
This advantage or disadvantage may be due to unevenness of the floor, doors of unequal game, from "sticks" distorted by the banks not "aged" in the same way, the players from different positions with respect to the doors, but also by factors such as wind, humidity, etc..
So if you notice an excessive number of lucky goals in a match, try changing the field and maybe things will change. In so doing they are also designed to interrupt the rhythm of the opponent, forcing him to readjust to new changing conditions and to resume the merger.
course, if these tricks do not work means that the opponent is stronger, at least in that game, then try to agree to play on another occasion, considering carefully whether it is luck too, rarely lasting over time, or actual superiority.
worthwhile follow:

Rule .- If an opponent always seems happy to say that is stronger, because in this game, the luck did not last long, at most 1 or 2 games.

d) Come giocare nel gioco di coppia.
Come già detto, nel gioco di coppia bisogna assolutamente trovare un accordo nel gioco da sviluppare.
Gli accordi da adottare sono di vario tipo, ma in ogni caso conviene avere un accordo sulle posizioni da tenere per ottimizzare la difesa e per sviluppare al meglio l'attacco.
Ogni coppia può accordarsi e sviluppare delle strategie di difesa a proprio piacimento. I metodi più usati (ed a me noti) e forse più efficaci sono il Metodo Tradizionale e il Metodo Broccoli (which I developed over the years 78/85).

e) How to win and how to lose.
Often it goes to the bar in the billiards game of a bet or a prize (money, drinks, etc.)..
If you believe with conviction in the case, to be superior to the opponent should then take full advantage of the situation. Therefore agree
win games at the last minute, giving the impression that only through a stroke of luck they have won.
For example, it is time to win by 1 or 2, or 3 points of difference and not with results like 11 to 3 (in a game to 11) or 11 to 2. Showing too sensational tend to block your opponent as clearly inferior and require more significant efforts.
doing so will result in very high yield from the game and can play almost forever.
Does your opponent to win the round once every 3 or 4 games.

f) the psychological-luck.
A key component of the game is the psychological component, which can not be treated the same for every player but needs to be adjusted depending on the opponent.
Since the game of football, like all games, tied anche ad una componente di fortuna, conviene utilizzare la componente psicologia-fortuna nel migliore dei modi.
Precisamente, se un avversario vi apostrofa, o vi crede, come un giocatore molto fortunato, volendo intendere che le vostre vittorie sono legate più alla sorte favorevole che al vostro effettivo valore, vi conviene assecondarlo e cercare di convincerlo che effettivamente è così.
Questo vi aiuterà moltissimo ogni volta che lo incontrerete come avversario, poiché psicologicamente è già perdente.
Infatti, riterrà inconsciamente, ma anche consapevolmente, di potervi vincere solo se aiutato da un po’ di fortuna, fattore che egli ritiene dalla vostra parte.
You will hear will feel loser because he can never beat the part luck, although you will feel able to beat the game on the floor staff. These contradictions, and these thoughts, do not allow him to play better, and contribute to its defeat.
During the game will be very useful in psychological terms, goals related to the case or appear (are) encouraged by luck, it will serve to convince him again, in part, that luck is not on his side and therefore can not win.
If you manage to run 2 or 3 goals with a little 'luck', your battle is already won, at least on a psychological level.

g) Noise opponent.
In bars often the game is based on a perfect to play and so some players use various tricks to gain an advantage.
addition, the other teams, our playground, it is almost never in perfect condition and so it is advisable to observe it well and play some ball warming to see how it responds to our shots and how it fits in our game.
A list of the tricks used is necessarily incomplete. I reproduce below those me note:

1) deconcentrare l'avversario cercando di stabilire un dialogo, diretto o indiretto, più o meno ironico o di altro tipo.
Con questo sistema si può cercare di limitare il gioco dell'avversario. Ad esempio, se un avversario dispone di un colpo fortissimo che gli procura quasi sempre il gol, si può adottare una tecnica di disturbo come la seguente: si suggerisce al proprio compagno, ad alta voce, che l'avversario è in grado di eseguire solo quel tiro pericoloso e che, pertanto, se riesce a bloccarlo, la partita è vinta; la reazione dell'avversario, psychologically weak, it is often groped to change the game to show a wide repertoire of shots, with consequent benefits or at least give us more time to the goal groped.
In fact, a player who gets a goal with a shot given once every 3 by decreasing the frequency with which it does decrease the percentage of possible goals (understanding that others do not know how to hit with considerable skill, as is often the case for some players).
may be useful to compliment your partner as soon as it can stop at least once, shoot dangerous opponent. So he pursues aims to persuade the opponent that it has proved its case, namely, that one is convinced that he (the opponent) has a vast repertoire of hits. This simulation, bluff, trying to persuade the opponent to vary his shots, with the idea to demonstrate a wide repertoire of shots, but with a consequent failure to perform with its own frequency best shot.
This bluff can be useful, outwitting, when your partner fails to stem a shot of the opponent.
2) pay more or less veiled threats with the intent to scare the opponent. The idea is to make it appear that the game is about to degenerate into a brawl at any moment, so that the weaker physically and induced for fear of playing badly. In some cases, it is convenient to actually lose the game and avoid a real fight.
3) breaks of the game with various excuses;
4) simulation perhaps already defeated, this technique is attempted in a game at 11 on a response like 9 to 3 or 10 5 (or similar). The idea is to induce the opponent to play with carefree and finding a pair of goals in order to bring about 9 to 6 (10 to 7) and then play the ball with great commitment to the likely 9 to 7 in order to revive the game. It 'is well known that the 10 to 8 or 9 to 7 the party became upset and then retrieve it played badly.
know about the practical implementation of this simulation by looking at the game and the position of the opposing pair: they are not bent on the foosball table, puffing, turning the ribs in discomfort, ... etc..
So the rule is: The game is over when you're winning and not when you think you have won.
5) raise the volume of a television, use of mobile phones, etc..
6) displacement of the other teams throw in some particularly dangerous groped for the ball to move directly to door
7) groped or pull the hooks to "freeze" masked
8) Turn the ribs with a sense of discomfort;
9) smoke against the opponent or put the cigarette on the other teams so that the smoke goes into the eyes of the opponent;
10) groped block, with do random, the stecca attaccante. Tecnica che viene messa in pratica dall'attaccante avversario in momenti critici per il proprio difensore. In genere, si tenta di far passare la cosa come un movimento involontario.
11) tentare di oliare eccessivamente le stecche dell'avversario;
12) Eseguire tiri di rimessa in gioco senza aver l'ok dall'avversario;
13) Tentare di annullare dei gols con la pretesa che siano irregolari;
14) Impadronirsi della pallina alla messa (o rimessa) in gioco dal centro del bigliardino. Alcuni giocatori sono particolarmente bravi a lanciare la pallina in modo tale che dopo aver toccato due sponde vada a finire proprio davanti al proprio giocatore. Il tutto sembra casuale, ma in realtà è bravura e capacità nel lancio della pallina.
15) Formazione di un gradino, con spostamento del vetro su cui scorre la pallina, in prossimità della porta avversario.
In pratica, in alcuni bigliardini il vetro è più corto e quindi in prossimità della porta si forma un piccolo gradino, che può danneggiare il gioco del portiere. Il giocatore attento deve, prima di giocare, osservare che il vetro sia della giusta lunghezza o almeno che sia disposto in modo uniforme rispetto alle due porte.
16) Distorsione di una o più stecche.
Il giocatore attento cercherà di giocare sempre con le stecche in ottimo stato, o quanto meno di dividere in parti uguali l'uso della (o delle) stecche distorte.
17) Uso della parte di campo in migliore stato.
Il bigliardino non si usura in modo uniforme e quindi il fattore campo può essere determinante
Ad esempio conviene tenere in conto lo stato delle porte e dei pali, la lunghezza del vetro (Referred to in paragraph 15), the state of aging and wear of the banks, the state of poles etc..
Some players recognize the status of a pinball game or eye beads heating.
therefore try to play as best in relation to its game. In this case, it is always useful to change the field, especially if you're losing.
18) Some players prefer a portion of the foosball table to the other for the above reasons, for psychological issues or bad luck. Therefore, it should force them to change the playing field (if appropriate, of course) in the middle game or end of a game. People suffer too much bad luck the situation and play below their means.
may be useful to follow these rules (not pretty, but useful) try to play your opponent in the worst conditions and to ensure the best deal for themselves.

h) Management of the stakes and winnings.
Before starting to play should precisely define the playing conditions, the at stake, and the method of payment.
It is not unusual to find a win after having to argue with your opponent the exact amount of the prize and how to collect it.
If the prize is cash, and if you do not play with friends, you should point your money before you start the game, so as to ensure the coverage of mail by the opponent. Often players who meet
exorbitant sums of not knowing they can pay or not to want to pay.

Typically, we play to the best of 3 games, which will play two games ed in caso di parità si gioca la "bella".
Alcune partite si giocano a 7, in altri casi a 9 o anche ad 11. Stabilire come giocare non uguale per tutti i giocatori. Ad un giocatore forte conviene puntare più su di una partita ad 11, perchè si minimizzano le possibilità dell'avversario di vincere di fortuna. La pratica dimostra che in media, i gols "fortunosi" in una partita non sono più di 3 per parte e quindi è chiaro che in una partita a 7 rappresentano una percentuale molto alta dei gols da realizzare, circa il 43%, mentre in una partita ad 11 il 27%. Inoltre, se i 3 gol di fortuna si realizzano nelle prime 5 palline di gioco si ha più "Space" to replace the situation. Playing at 11 gives us substantially more room for play and recovery. Should play only seven players who have shot some very strong leading to a goal in almost all cases.

course, during an evening, you will play several matches and can be useful some advice on the management of the win (or loss).
Imagine having won two games to 11, consecutive, and winning a prize (first set) of 10 €. Sure, the opposing pair will try to rebuild and boost to play another game with a double post, ossia di 20 euro.
Ebbene, la pratica consiglia di non accettare la nuova sfida, a meno che non si è sicuri oltre ogni ragionevole dubbio di essere più forte dell'avversario. Conviene, in genere, continuare a giocare a 10 euro, ossia attenersi a quanto stabilito all'inizio.
In effetti, chi ha vinto la prima partita, perdendo la seconda si trova in una situazione di parità se non accetta il raddoppio della posta, mentre si trova in perdita di 10 se l'accetta.
Questo fatto è importante in chiave psicologica.
Infatti, se in partita si verifica una situazione di parità, tipo 9 a 9, ma anche in situazioni del tipo 8 a 9 (Or 9 to 8), 10 to 9 (or 9 to 10) the idea of \u200b\u200blosing the game and then go at a loss greatly affects his psychology and he will not play with concentration and tranquility. In essence, thoughts like "I had won € 10 and now I'm going to lose 10 ..." likely to contribute decisively to the defeat. In essence, the fear of losing actually makes us lose.
While, for the opponent, the situation is completely different and his favor. The idea being to win and then to pass from the loss of 10 € to win one of 10 will increase the strength and will play at its best. In essence, the idea being to recover the loss in the first match will help us win the second.


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