Saturday, April 7, 2007

What Do All The Shag Bands Mean


" Come posso perdere? "
Eddie "Fast" Felson
Lo Spaccone (1961)

Considerazioni generali, importanza della psicologia
Quando nel gioco del bigliardino i giocatori raggiungono un livello tecnico medio-alto, that from now on we will assume, developing his own style and honing their experience, the only variable that determines the course of the games is the psychological attitude.
The first thing to know is that if there is a stake, or you are in a tournament, the game is a real game. When you bet, even the smallest thing, the game changes considerably and the forces involved are measured for their actual value: players who normally seem strong collapse, while others will "transform". When adrenaline into the circulation increases the mindset remains the only key to the game. At that point only to the character, the will to win, and the player's experience count.

The attitude "I can not lose and they will never win because there are ..." This phrase hides the secret of victory and the mental attitude to take. Obviously in this way that it makes no sense, it's just a thought, the only thing that really make sense is to believe deeply, to know that we alone are the architects of our destiny and that in no way the end result may be different from victory. It also contains the highest possible justification for our eventual defeat, the only thing that can satisfy our ego wounded after the defeat, we demonstrate that, even if we lose, we are always stronger, because we did not lose because of the adversaries, but only for our choice because we have been. Besides, how can you ever lose to opponents who do not exist? How can you be afraid of anything? Everything depends on us and us alone.
never blame the opponents, inveigh against, what they never got to do, no, not even the supporting actors are just there for our amusement, not hanno altra funzione.
Tale atteggiamento è scorretto eticamente e moralmente, un "eroe" non potrebbe mai adottarlo, solo "i cattivi" possono arrivare a pensare questo… ma sono questi coloro che giocano a bigliardino scommettendo soldi.
Purtroppo non è sempre facile mantenere tale convinzione, ci sarà sempre un pensiero che giace nel nostro inconscio, il dubbio di vincere, gli avversari che iniziano ad esistere, le nostre sicurezze che vacillano nei momenti difficili della partita, che di colpo svaniscono, e che ci portano di fronte la realtà… sconfitta. La vera lotta del giocatore è contro se stesso, nel credere nel proprio gioco, fatto di tecnica, di esperienze accumulate, di bravura e di solidità, la lotta contro il lasciarsi andare, contro l'arrendersi ancora prima di aver lottato, di lasciarsi intimorire dagli avversari e di crollare sotto i loro colpi.
Tutto quello che ho detto nelle frasi precedenti è quello che accade nel nostro inconscio durante una partita, mentre la sfida procede, a volte per delle ore talvolta anche per giorni, è inutile ripetere a se stessi, "sono il più forte" se non lo crediamo veramente, non riusciremo mai ad illuderci se non all'apparenza, dentro di noi, e solo lì è nascosta la verità, la soluzione delle partite, e solo se crediamo "veramente" di non poter perdere non perderemo.

La "storia" personale
Nella pratica un elemento che condiziona molto il nostro pensiero è quello della nostra storia e di quella dei nostri avversari. L'aver vinto delle partite importanti, l'essere riconosciuti bravi, ma soprattutto riuscirsi a costruire come "personaggi" farà si che nel tempo si possa ambire a diventare dei giocatori ritenuti "forti", e come si sa i miti si autoalimentano.
La storia, non solo quella generale, ma anche one linked to the individual challenges, is important. Always have always won or lost against someone that you will continue this sequence. Even if we beat someone just when he was weak but is now much stronger than we continue to beat. The trend continues until he realizes it, sometimes does not realize it ever. In billiards that is the myth of the student that exceeds the teacher, who tells of a student who has long surpassed the master in ability, but he can not realize it, just the moment when it realizes the fate of ' eternal challenge is reversed and the student can win.
The match, in most cases, has already been played even before other teams have approached. Figures of the strongest and the weakest have already been identified, the unconscious of each of the players already know who wins and who loses. There will be only small signs, the underlying idea of \u200b\u200bnot being at full form, the thought that the other teams is not one on which we are accustomed to, uncertainty of the fund. When we realize this, and we feel we grow up in these thoughts, we must let it go, better make that an excuse not to play and become cannon fodder in balìa del nemico, ricordiamoci che la storia in tal caso ha già giocato per noi la partita.

Usare la psicologia
Ora che abbiamo in mano gli elementi di base della psicologia del gioco, dobbiamo trovare il modo di applicarli concretamente, infastidendo gli avversari in maniera eticamente corretta. Infastidire gli avversari vuol dire innanzitutto farli "pensare", nel senso di renderli partecipi e succubi dei concetti sopra detti, far pesare la nostra storia, la nostra imbattibilità, far capire, sempre in maniera molto elegante, che essi non esistono e che per noi rappresentano il nulla. Quando si ha a che fare con il caso concreto le cose dette diventano alquanto difficili da applicare, molto spesso riusciremo ad usarne solo qualcuna, mentre altre volte potrà andarci meglio.
In ogni caso esistono altre regole empiriche che sono più facilmente applicabili. Facciamo riferimento per esempio al concetto di ritmo, espresso e descritto nella prima parte. Il ritmo che la partita deve seguire deve essere sempre quello che scegliamo noi, se l'avversario è veloce e ama il gioco rapido ovviamente noi lo rallenteremo, viceversa se lo vediamo a suo agio in un gioco ragionato noi lo accelereremo, in ogni caso dovremo spezzargli il suo rhythm. But we must be careful that the changes of pace as we do not damage the opponent, the most important thing though is to take our time, even if it coincides with that of the opponent. As regards the performance of games seem necessary to bring the theory that all the parties present and future have already been played. Already played for the reference to history and psychological attitude which expresses first described in departing the victor and the vanquished. Referring instead to the probability of winning a game, it varies during the game depending on the results partial progress. As we know all the scores that we encounter have already been played in thousands of occasions. This means that if the probability of winning by 0-0 is 50%, this increase on the 1-0, 2-0 up even more, 3-4 will have another chance again, and so on. More important is the sequence in which you reach a certain score, for example, if the goal of a game is 7, and we're 5-0, and the opponent recovers 5 goals in the 5-5 obviously taking the probability to win, despite the score is tied 5-5 - not more than 50%. While not existing statistical observations on the subject, experience teaches us that the odds change significantly with the series by which we arrive at a score. Only through experience and careful observation we interpret these events in the score and understand what are the most important moments of the game. For example, if we get 4-3 from 4-0 the next goal will be the most important, who will carry out most likely win the match and win a psychological advantage that can make even for subsequent batches.
After learning that the goals have not never the same weight, but some are more important than others, we will identify the key points of the match and we will be able to understand when is the opportune moment to break the game and to enjoy a break. While between games and the other is always possible to stop for a while, maybe taking a coffee or doing something else during a game this is much more difficult. Players use any excuse possible to do so, you lit a cigarette, passengers suffer ailments of all kinds, pretend that the stick does not move more needs to be oiled, straighten the other teams, use the closest excuse to stop even for a short time, in short, are all possible excuses to stop an emotion. Sometimes this is enough to reverse the trend of a game.
Other little tricks are based on the concept of distraction of the opponent: whisper to the ear of fellow pretending to reveal some kind of truth, to draw attention to events or things outside the game (less important ones are most effective appear to be) are all things that can help, and certainly does not hurt us.
avoid being annoyed by the opponent is equally important to understand when he uses the techniques described above is used to cancel the start.
In any case remember that everything that is said is always relative to situations in which it is applied, that you should never exaggerate too much to do in the actions of psychological disorder and that never goes past the limit of professional correctness and those imposed by our history of players.

The negotiation of the match
phases prior to the start of the game itself is vital, it probably begins from these dates. The first thing to keep in mind è che il primo che lancia la sfida si accolla un leggero svantaggio diventando quello che in ogni caso ha più da perdere. Oltre a questo egli propone la posta e si mette a rischio di un eventuale rilancio dell'avversario. La definizione della entità delle poste da scommettere e come scommetterle è una fase delicatissima, si può giocare sulla singola partita, su una serie di partite come ad esempio partita rivincita ed eventuale "bella", si può giocare ai tre punti, sempre al meglio delle tre partite, dove la vittoria vale due punti, la sconfitta nessuno, ed il pareggio uno, ovviamente nella "tre punti" non si gioca mai ai vantaggi as the game may end up even. You can give a limit to the number of challenge games or play without restriction, in this case can decide when to stop is just who is losing. I think only the challenges made without limit, when only those who lose decides, are the real ones, from which the only winner is the one who comes out really strong. Only in these circumstances we see the true player. Regarding the amount of items you can play a steady job, and if not defined in advance, you can not change without a common agreement. Sometimes you play the doubling of the post and in many cases becomes a dangerous game anche quando la somma iniziale era bassa. Un consiglio accorato è che bisogna sempre giocare contro chi ha da perdere più o meno quello che possiamo permetterci noi. Ragionando per assurdo, anche un giocatore fortissimo, un professionista, potrebbe perdere contro la Regina Madre di Inghilterra se scommettesse contro di lei un miliardo a partita. L'emozione e la paura di perdere sarebbe troppo e finirebbe con il bloccare la mani al giocatore, mentre la Regina se perde o se vince un miliardo resta impassibile. Alcuni giocatori speculano molto su tale punto e riescono ad assicurarsi dei forti vantaggi già nella fase iniziale. Qualcuno può davvero perdere more than others, while others are bluffing but it is easy to understand.
The rules, which as we said, are very susceptible to changes and should therefore be defined in advance. Playing with rules similar to those we are used is much more difficult, attention too easily to grant its own rules to the opponent. Will also be discussed in advance to any changes in the field, coach of the ball, the scores to follow, always very clear to avoid arguments during the games.
The discussions, however: sometimes you'll see canceled their goals, sometimes it will override those of the opponents, and if plaintiffs do not have to chew too. A great invention, known only in large circuits, is the "half goals." When someone makes a goal unclear and born of discussions that might block the game, you may decide to award only half of goals, a goal just virtual. If the next goal is made by the same team that produced the half goals, the means goals will be canceled as not to damage the opposing team beyond measure. However, if this will achieve the following goals, medium goals will be validated. For example, if we are 3-3 and are assigned to the team at half goals will be a 3½-3, se il gol successivo lo realizza sempre la squadra A si andrà a 4-3, se lo farà la squadra B si andrà 4-4. Lo spirito di base del mezzo gol è quello del minimo danno per entrambe le squadre nei casi dubbi, obiettivo che si raggiunge solo in tale maniera.
Prendersi e dare vantaggi in tale fase è comunque un'arte difficile da esprimere ma che spesso assicura un vantaggio notevole per tutta la durata della sfida. Un atteggiamento mentale errato, tipico di alcune persone, è quello che le porta a prendersi tutti gli svantaggi possibili. Accettano le regole dell'avversario, le sue scommesse, gli riconoscono tutti i gol e do not deny when their lapse, usually these people are so full of himself to think of being unbeatable and shall protect itself from a possible defeat, which would burn too, with this wonderful excuse: "I have given everything, I was too handicapped obviously if you do not grant these benefits definitely won! " To these may want to find another excuse to give less advantage to the opponent and think only about winning and not losing the idea in advance.

Playing in four
When you play in four have a good partner, a like most of the fortunes that can happen. In reality it is very rare and will almost always unbalanced teams. We can have two combinations: the two teams with players in a balanced force, and teams with a stronger player than another. In the case of the balance of power problem is the difficulty of ensuring a commitment to very high, both players will tend to relax putting its faith in the forces of the other. This attitude is very dangerous and cause unexpected surprises in the outcome of the challenges. Only if the two players are real professionals and know that if they do not play to the maximum defeat is inevitable, even against much weaker players. In these cases, to give the game its normal place, it can trigger rivalry between the two strongest players. These tend to play to the best of their efforts to prove to themselves and to others who is the strongest. The game then becomes a massacre, with a result even more humiliating than it might normally be. If we happen to play together and then to a player who is of our own level, even if it is a dear friend, we must present as the strongest and treat it as if it were a boy novice to stimulate him to do the same with us and establish once and for all who really is the strongest.
The most common case is when we play with a player of a higher or lower than ours. If we play with a goalkeeper and striker stronger than the worst case occurs at all. The striker will play to win but we probably will take goals for him "stupid" or even the own goal we will. He innervosirà, and insist to put himself in goal for us by sending in attack but the game will be compromised beyond repair. This combinazione va evitata a tutti i costi e se proprio capita la cosa migliore è che l'attaccante eviti di dire qualsiasi cosa al portiere senza mai rimproverarlo né lodarlo. Se invece la combinazione è portiere forte con attaccante debole non nascono grossi rischi, l'unica nota degna di rilievo è che il portiere forte può perdere delle partite senza capire bene il perché. Misurare infatti la bravura di un attaccante è molto più difficile che misurare quella di un portiere.
Giocare sempre con lo stesso compagno presenta alcuni evidenti vantaggi: sapere in anticipo come egli reagisce alle situazioni in cui è sotto pressione, know his shots, avoid situations where no one is at home. If the ideal situation is to play more often with the same partner for several reasons, not always possible. To overcome this, born of true team, almost always in the gaming room frequented. The advantage of the teams is to be able to choose among a list of players to select the type of meeting the ideal combination, have a greater economic power resulting from the combined resources of the various components and the possibility of spectators during games, in If goals no doubt, certainly partisan in our favor.

play one on one
A separate specialties are in the game one on one, or "solo", a name that evokes a rise in some way artistic. The features that help you to be good at this kind of game are different from those required by the four-player game and technique and ball control. Who plays focusing on speed or power is not suitable for the solo. It must also be much more aggressive, evil and even psychological strength, and if you lose, in fact, there are no convenient excuses based on the weakness your partner but it is only because of us. Many players avoid playing solo because they know that if they lose, they can not cling to excuses and therefore are justified in advance with the typical phrase "I can not play solo, I'm just strong in four!" In the game solo
also very strong players from beginners make mistakes, do not in fact ever leave the left hand from the goalkeeper except in very rare occasions and only when we attack with the ball on three stops. Never leave the door when our opponent has the ball on to score five or claim from the door. In general, the difficulties is the main stay pending a favorable opportunity to carry out without getting caught by the desire to finish the game now. Usually the attackers appear to be the most talented goalkeepers because they have greater technical and realize the three more from there. The doormen instead of trying to score from the door but unlike the four-player game that the attacker did not raise the bribes and end up losing.
In many cases, after a challenge with four, is one of the players defeat, usually the leader but more often only one who believes this, that regularly challenge the alleged leader carismatico della squadra uscita vincitrice contro il quale però potrà solo continuare a perdere.

L'amico forte
Una menzione a parte merita il concetto metafisico de "L'Amico Forte".
Sappiamo tutti che nell'arco di un torneo esistono tre sviluppi predefiniti: il pre-torneo, il torneo ed il post-torneo.
Nel pre-torneo i giocatori si "minacciano", si "promettono", si "intimano", mostrano le loro "spire".
Nel torneo vero e proprio si gioca e si vince (vince ovviamente il più forte, quello con più soldi).
In the post-tournament, the losers-not-believe (usually at least reached the quarter-finals), seek ransom "social" by playing a series of bets (and this is the most interesting and competitive throughout the entire cycle of ).
Well, of course, when the losers-not-believe have reiterated their defeat but leaving more than its fair share of money that has been crammed in the "pockets capable" of winning the tournament, here is the avenger of the company appear magically raped!
E 'him, the Strong Man!.
Often this is an ex-player, some time before, and tutti considerato una sorta di leggenda, un mito che però non ha partecipato al torneo perché non "aveva avuto tempo" (quantunque sia stato li per tutto il tempo della durata della competizione!). Ebbene, Lui, l'Amico Forte, incitato da tutto il suo "entourage", non potrà più tirarsi indietro e sarà costretto a mostrare "tutto-il-suo-splendore" agli astanti!
L'Amico Forte sceglierà "la sua" Vittima, ovvero quello con più soldi che però lui ritiene saper giocare meno (ed è la verità, anche perché a "quello-con-i-soldi" non serve saper giocare…), e lo sfiderà in single combat with the famous phrase "Now we make a game of chest-to chest-two of us alone!
Only then you can complete the drama of the tournament, but above all the personal drama of the Friend Forte who regularly suffer the worst defeat of his short-lived career. Not just because even the intervention of the "Marshal" who will pass them by accident, nor that of the priest in a cassock, worn casually over the pajamas in the morning to remove the poor-a Strong Friend of the "loving hands" of the bad guys round but will be forgotten (removed) as if it were not ever in no time!

There seems a kind of exorcism?


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