Saturday, April 7, 2007

Morning Dizziness More Condition_symptoms

The technique

"... academically by learning the technique in the gym, you get lost in
refinements, forgetting the real essence of the Way.
And that you will not be very useful in the struggle for life."

M. Musashi, The Book of Five Rings, XVI century.

General Principles
The technique is derived from other teams in physical characteristics such as speed of hands, forearms strength, reflexes, vision, knowledge of the shooting, all of which can be obtained using a basic approach is correct but that only improves with time and experience.
The first thing to do well and correctly handle the bribes, by tapping with the index finger and thumb of the iron bundle that goes beyond the plastic handle, in order to have greater sensitivity, the players must remain in the home position tilted forward towards the opposing goal, and never stay in an upright position, the inclination, as well as to assume a more aggressive attitude to their formazione, farà si che quando si colpisce la palla la potenza sviluppata sarà maggiore. La velocità della pallina è importantissima in quanto soltanto se essa è veramente più veloce dell'occhio il portiere avversario non avrà il tempo per spostarsi e per pararla. I grandissimi giocatori riescono a tirare davvero forte ma solo le leggende metropolitane "rompono" i bigliardini.
Ricordiamo che l'energia cinetica è: Ec=1/2 MV2 dove M è la massa e V la velocità, se applichiamo questa semplice legge al bigliardino scopriamo che essendo la massa della pallina e delle mazzette costanti, l'unica variabile in gioco is the speed with which the player gets to hit the ball. The speed depends not only on strength but also on the hike or run the player performs before hitting a good shot part of raising the player back and then make them do at least a quarter turn before hitting the ball. A mistake many make is to accompany the player with the ball too much prejudice discovered a possible counterattack, but it is important to immediately return the player to the rest position, as I said, there is vertical but the slightly tilted forward.
to increase the power can be fare i tiri a mano aperta, dove l'impugnatura in plastica ruota sul palmo della mano dall'alto in basso effettuando oltre mezzo giro (180°) prima di colpire la palla, la difficoltà di questo modo di tirare è che si perde un bel po' di tempo prima di impugnare nuovamente in modo corretto la mazzetta. Un errore di impugnatura madornale è quello che fanno alcuni portieri da spiaggia, ovvero impugnano il portiere con una impugnatura inversa con il palmo rivolto verso il basso. Tale impugnatura è scorrettissima e da evitare in ogni caso.
Per quanto riguarda la posizione della pallina rispetto al giocatore notiamo che più essa è avanzata less force can be given, the best always tend to hit it so far back as possible, either because you can not give more speed and effect and because in this way the distance from the opposing player who is the top brand. The effects that are transmitted to the ball are all actually "good" - as they say in the jargon of billiards - because the ball is hit sent to the bank in half (half ball) and the effect tends to broaden the rotation angles rebound and maintain speed. Never once hit a ball that is still running for the effect because it is not well controlled, must first stop and then play our game.
The speed of dribbling and a sense of rhythm are features that are learned only after many years of playing, they are mostly linked to the aesthetics of the game and the player's class and make a real difference technique. Learning the pulls and no major marks takes time to develop as well as instinct and speed, but the sense of rhythm is something that poses a barrier for those who are not naturally gifted. We must feel the ball as if it were a part of us, anticipating the thought with the instinct, and give the right pace to dribble and to shot, do not dribble or too slowly or too quickly. In the first case nothing can be built in the second the opponent did not have time to understand what we build, and then act of instinct is faster than if it could be forced to think. Should instead be fast final instant of the shot leaving his opponent to interdict the gearbox. Changing the pace at the right time to break the opponent is something that can only be learned through experience and is not for everyone.
Regarding the roles of the players must be stressed that with the growing level of players, the functions of attack and defense come together. Low-and middle-level goals are the attackers and goalkeepers parry, high-level roles are blurred and the attackers realized that goalkeepers goals as they are both responsible for the marking of the opponent. The games also tend to last long as it is very difficult to score for both sides in this situation of stress and only those with a more psychologically sound and knows what to do can win. Having said that General
hours to examine separately the shots and the goalkeepers for the mark and then for the attackers.

The role of the defender is certainly more stressful than that of the attacker because the attacker and can afford to relax or even long passages of the vacuum, the goalkeeper is under constant pressure and can not never stop. By contrast his only advantage is that it gives the rhythm to the game lengthening or shortening the duration of the dribble before shooting. To understand a marking scheme designed to defend fixed positions the door. There are different types of markings, the choice depends on the style and characteristics of the defender. Obviously the most natural method is nell'opporre our player holding the ball in an advanced towards the ball so as to minimize the angle available to the opponent. In this way we must be mindful of a possible "double" or the attacker quickly pulls against our player, the ball bouncing and moving the striker scoring ricolpisce. To overcome this problem we must challenge the soft mallet manner so that the ball does not bounce after hitting the player. Another disadvantage is that it is vulnerable to the change of marking, if the attacker does dragging the ball from one the other side of the side, at one point forces us to change the player who gets to make the bribe when they go, in this juncture, to how fast we can leave for a moment the door unguarded. To remedy that problem is a labeling technique that allows us to use one quarterback, the lowest. The marking will be different, however, for the upper and the lower. At the top will close all possible gates clutching their players together and forming a "V". The basic position is obtained by pushing both stacks of course it will go to the top of the bigliardino, inclinando il portiere in avanti e i due indietro, come ho detto creando una sorta di "V". Mano a mano che si procede verso il basso si aprirà la "V" fino a portare il giocatore ad opporsi alla pallina, proseguendo fino alla parte bassa. L'unica debolezza di tale tipo di marcatura é per i tiri a giro dell'attaccante con i tre verso la parte bassa. Per quanto riguarda la marcatura per i tiri che vengono dai cinque o dalla porta avversaria, la posizione sarà la stessa con l'unica differenza che la mazzetta dei due non si chiude mai indietro per fare la "V", ma resta sempre in posizione avanzata. Si chiuderà solo per marcare the shots around the goalkeeper who obviously come from the top of the other teams. The shootings marked the five opponents are in agreement with our attacking, covering the space that remains among the five. I pull the door should be marked in a rather detached from our attacker, we must imagine a line extending from the ball at the center of our door and put our players in the middle of the line for maximum coverage with the two and the next door. If the goalkeeper throws it around to mark as if the shot came from three of the attacker, close to the top of the other teams with the usual "V". The most important thing is to have a high speed of movement, develop the ability to make small moves always in the best way to mark and never stretch or tighten the two with the doorman, the doorman will then be ready to be untied in order to take the ball and, if it comes straight at goal, we can even run it. Develop an instinct in the parade is a result of experience, if you are familiar with how to anticipate shots in that area and there will never be found in front of new things, then even if the goalkeeper has experience as a striker will be able to better understand and anticipate the latter . Another thing to keep in mind is the concept of possession, we must never lose it during the dribble, and if we can stop it after a parade, a ball will be in unless the opponent can play against us. Obviously, only a goalkeeper who has great confidence in his desire to always have the means possession of the ball while the less powerful they have even fear and unconsciously try to push it away from your door. This is a submissive behavior that only leads to defeat, you'd better take self-scoring with a bad ball handling to play to give the ball to the opponent. Better analyze this issue in the the second part when we talk about the psychology of the game.
The rally is one of the most important things to develop, as I said pass up the ball while dribbling is one of those mistakes that cost really expensive, not only immediate but also because it has serious psychological repercussions, therefore, develop a dribble safe and sound board is crucial. Harmony has to do with the pace, never change the speed if not when you pull, do not have a dribble nervous because it keeps vigilant opponents, you have to hypnotize the other hand, fascinated with our game and then launch the shot at the right time. The rally consists essentially of two steps from the door, in slide the ball down at the banks, in making fake circling the ball in a clockwise and counterclockwise while it is moving, one must understand that the opponent the ball control it and it just makes us what we do. Never do the steps too fast 1:00 to 2:00, to run the ball well you have to accompany it caressing without bumping into players, you should not hear any noise during the rally because the ball does not bang against players ever but leans gently. Of course it takes years to develop this harmony of the game, do not expect to do everything perfectly right away, but the only thing to expect is the possession of the ball at all costs. All
shoots arise from the dribble from the door, there is a dribble typical for each type of shot, no shot of them with the ball stops. Except for the shootings of disengagement medium speed in a diagonal, which are not for scoring goals, but only three of the attacker to go free, the door pulls all aim to make goals, they must be tightened to the maximum force. They are nearly all made the two, a player who definitely developed more speed doors, and can be classified in various ways. First shots and rights to those around, throws in the first round are those that affect one side and then go to the door, throws rights are based on speed of execution (shotguns, banks and fast, pull goalie) or occur "the change" in the sense that exploit the change of marking when performed by the attacker must change the brand because the player who came to tow it will go (to exchange shots themselves and pull diagonally).
We begin by analyzing the shooting rights based on execution speed. These are the first shots that are learned and are therefore more natural. The shotgun is to move the ball swiftly from port to two, that strike without hesitation and with full power. The move must be made diagonally so as to then move the ball just to the side of the three opponents of the attacker. Very frequently, the brace is made from a central location, slowly dribbling the ball from the goalkeeper to the two and only pulling diagonally at the appropriate time and then hit it. Of course there are dozens of possible variations and false, you can hit with both players of the two and you can move up to the two is that down even though the easiest is the one-two passing the ball downwards rather than upwards. Performed a double evil makes us vulnerable to possible enemy counter-attacks more than in other shots. It 's more difficult to do when the attacker brand targeting the players because it has less room to pass and must then move the ball more. By contrast a speed run of double major means that it will become one of the most powerful shots available to a goalkeeper and certainly much more difficult to mark than you might believe, a goal made of double also has a significant psychological burden in going into the match as demoralizes the opponent and charge the team. The goalkeeper throws are highly discouraged because they are difficult to do, and highly subject to the risk of counterattack goal. The only valid way to pull the door and when you do it after you fake a shot around and his strength is almost exclusively based element of surprise. Here too we must say that some doormen are "magicians" in these shots but it is rare to find a specialist. The banks are those fast throws made by slamming the ball against the bank and then ricolpirla the fly: in reality the fact that bank shot fast is often ineffective and can be used only rarely to break the game. The only change is the good side very short fast that you especially when the attackers tend not mark well with the three because they use mainly the central three. Most of the banks that are made are made for change, when the attacker must replace the player with the central end of the three. The shootings at the exchange so facts are based on a dribble long enough, tended to stress the attacker, to study well and understand its marking when change: if normal, early or late. You can also make a quick side that takes advantage of the second gear and not the first, although in this case the ball will lose speed and trajectory because of the greater distance. The difficulty of the banks is in the slide the ball perfectly, because most of billiards and the ball hangs or tends to flow inward or outward. There are two ways to make a good side, the first is to hit the ball when it is exactly vertically below the bribe, in this case must be just as fast to move the player to avoid the ball hit him right after the bounce from the shore. The other way is to hit the ball when it is set back from the player and at the same time squeezing it to the bank while the player stands up, takes a lot of coordination but the ball does a bank faster and remains better straight. The other family of the shooting at the exchange rate includes those made diagonally. The ball is passed from player to the top of the two doors and two of these the other player to do that happen in the place where the attacker changes the player with the central lateral markings. The diagonal is directed not at the center the opponent's goal, but the pole end. It 's a shot hard to do properly as a whole: it is, if you will, a kind of double doors where the passage of the two is much more inclined, and then slower, so we must try to distance itself to the change otherwise you will suffer the counterattack opponent nine times out of ten.
I pull around to the last category of shots are to be examined, are probably the most important especially in the top level, where the goalkeepers are running almost exclusively in this type of game. These shots are made with maximum force and are therefore very violent. Few can successfully run and that kind of shot at a speed necessary but those who can have access to a terrible weapon. The fact that it is not a direct shot, but to shore, allowing the goalkeeper to pull without ever exposed to the risk of a counterattack. Although it is easy to see when a goalie is going to pull around, the trajectory of the ball is far from predictable, as the great effect, combined with extreme speed, makes the shot is difficult comparability. There are several types of shooting around, but is certainly more effective than that performed by hitting the ball close to the long side just after the star drawn on the side table football. He hits the ball so far behind, at the top, often also changes to correctly handle the throw by rotating the handle back. You have to hit about half a ball sending her to the long side of the other teams to bounce back a little before five of his attacker, even if you can pull it late and early, the ball often also tends to rise from the floor, either because that is literally smashed the glass of the other teams due to a sharp blow on the head, both because of the rebound sulla sponda che come sappiamo presenta una piano inclinato in plastica giusto alla base. Questo suo volare la fa passare sia dietro i cinque dell'attaccante avversario sia attraverso la chiusura a "V" del portiere . Il tiro così descritto sembra facile da eseguire ma vi assicuro che è di una difficoltà estrema farlo in maniera corretta. Altri tipi di tiro a giro possono essere eseguiti da quasi tutte le posizioni del bigliardino ma sono sicuramente più difficili a causa dei diversi angoli necessari, la cosa migliore da fare è quella di usare un solo tipo di tiro a giro e usare solo quello in modo da automatizzare la sua esecuzione e cercare di migliorarlo giorno dopo giorno. I rischi del tiro a giro possono essere elevati se lo si esegue male. Può rimbalzare sui cinque avversari e ritornare direttamente in porta oppure se si sbaglia l'angolo di incidenza sulla palla addirittura subire un contropiede dai tre, o anche farsi autogol.

Mentre un portiere può supplire alla mancanza di tecnica con la potenza e con i riflessi, un attaccante per definirsi valido deve avere una tecnica ineccepibile. Egli si trova a giocare nel corso della partita molte meno palline di un portiere, solo quelle che riesce a stoppare o a rubare agli avversari e must therefore be able to make the most of the few opportunities that come his way. Must have an exceptional ball control, both to stop it when necessary, both to make the necessary tricks to surprise a goalie. Also must be able to mark both the goalkeeper of the attacker that the five rival. If you know the mark well but throws of goalkeepers has an extraordinary effect the game play as psychologically unable to annihilate many goalkeepers making them literally fall apart.
Marking can be done in various ways and is a function of which is to pull the opposing goalkeeper. You can keep players fermi "puntandoli" letteralmente contro la porta avversaria, i tiri del portiere in questo caso più forti saranno più veloce la pallina tornerà indietro prendendolo in contropiede. Il secondo modo è quello di oscillare i giocatori avanti ed indietro in modo da effettuare un contropiede quando arriva la pallina. Muoverli continuamente alla lunga stanca, meglio tenerli fermi e a farli vibrare solo al momento giusto. E' possibile anche fare questo gioco con i cinque, in maniera ancor più efficace perché imprevedibile. Per quanto riguarda il posizionamento vero e proprio, la marcatura "classica" prevede che il giocatore centrale dei cinque is centrally located, bent forward, and it is never moved except to mark a shooting around. The three instead follow the ball while dribbling the goalkeeper and the change of marking. When you switch from one player to another must be quick and precise, making it sometimes early and sometimes late, to confuse the opponent. Sometimes it is not necessary either to change the markings for better coverage of the shooting opponents. Against the traditional double marking is ineffective or rather, makes life easier for the goalkeeper. We must therefore use a different technique: the five are moved from the center that is left discovered, only three will cover the central direct pull. The three and five in this case always act together in a coordinated manner to cover up the aisle, the goalkeeper will try to do twice as wide but will be slower because the ball will do more road. Fast against the banks, the shots of the doors and against all the shots based on speed, the attacker is always faster than the goalkeeper to follow the ball. The goalkeeper only has the advantage of surprise which the attacker must be opposed by the experience. Difficulties arise with the shots made at the exchange. Here the attacker must develop a firm and a change in velocity that is acquired only after many years, many goalkeepers tend to stress the attacker then exaggerates the length of the dribble before you shoot, here the attacker only needs to know how to wait. The shots are around the most difficult to be marked as the unpredictable trajectory. There are two ways to do a static the other dynamic. The first is to lead when the goalkeeper makes the shot, and the three of the five full-stroke against the shore toward which the ball bounces, the second much more difficult to require a great coordination. We must take back the five e spostarli sia in avanti che lateralmente in maniera velocissima proprio nel momento in cui passa la palla. Ovviamente se la pallina viene dalla sponda alta si tireranno dall'alto al basso, il contrario se il giro viene dal basso. Questo secondo metodo è molto più difficile oltre che faticoso e non va usato se non si sanno fare i tre-cinque in diagonale come spiegherò in seguito, infatti se siete troppo lenti e scoordinati sguarnisce la sponda lasciando via libera all'avversario. Per marcare i cinque bisogna puntare i propri giocatori e seguire attentamente il cambio. Anche l'attaccante, così come il portiere, deve essere creativo e prendere di sorpresa l'avversario, not only with a wide repertoire of shots, but also changing the type of marking so keeping it under constant pressure. Also must be able to bring the ball well with the three from one bank to another, how to stop, turn around and hit with all three players. Must also know to pass the ball from five to three, passing through the five opponents, then stop it with three. These things appear to be difficult for an attacker because unlike the goalkeeper can not help with the other dribble in tow, so the slope of billiards bothers him most. One of the most effective weapons for attacking are the trips that can launch from their five, especially those not made from the center so easily predictable, but the sides diagonally shots are coming from far away, are very fast and the diagonal is not easily predictable as just a small shift player as he pulls the trajectory to vary greatly. From the five should try to pull the fly all the time in which there is an opportunity to carry out many fake but if the ball is slow and predictable. If it is firm we have several options: the first is to go to three and then pull the fly or stop, the second is returning it to the game against the shore and then pull the center but never for being too predictable. After you put the ball in play you can also pull out with five, often very effectively.
When the ball is in three acts is that all the skill and technique of the attacker. First of all we must remember that only throws made from a position that is as far back as possible are the most effective due to the higher angle available. The fastest of the three bank shots, also sometimes called "Chinese" are one of the most diverse families of shots and developed and certainly the best weapon available the attacker. The speed of implementation is behind this shot even though there are variations that use a passage of slow ball and take advantage of the goalkeeping position errors, many more than you think, even among major players. The technique to pull the ball against the bank is the same as the door, the way a ball and the ball squeezed vertically. That crushed a ball is better because the other is too slow for a good goalkeeper. The player side of the three central and crushes the ball hits it, knowing that the goalkeeper can not throw will parry move in advance in order to mark, if any, shooting diagonally. Many attackers because they pretend to make a fast central bank just to move the goalie and slide it diagonally. The type of effect because on some other teams can not crush the ball well because of the type of bank, on the other slope makes it too difficult, others still have the climb to the base of the platform is not perfect and the ball gets up too. Another variation is to throw around with the three, especially if it makes better use of the opposing goalkeeper para three and ending with the "V", the ride is very narrow and not very powerful precision but, if done well the ball bounces on the edge past the defense and the goalkeeper can only speak with difficulty. You can also take advantage when the goalkeeper para a "V" a small step that sometimes remains in the "V", casting, precision shooting this depends on other teams and players from the serrano. The attackers then they know well to play with the ball and have a perfect control may seek to achieve the goal the ball working hard, doing long banks from side to side and playing a lot of other teams on the fake. This type of game works on the psychological pressure that manages to put the goalkeeper e che spesso lo porta a commettere errori di marcatura.
Un bravo attaccante deve essere abile nei passaggi dai cinque ai tre con relativo tiro al volo, la palla che parte dei cinque deve preferibilmente effettuare una diagonale abbastanza inclinata in modo che quando arriva sui tre possa essere colpita sia in maniera anticipata che ritardata. Molto efficaci sono anche i passaggi che dal centro dei cinque vanno ai giocatori laterali dei tre per poi ritornare al centro, ci sono punti dai quali il tiro in porta risulta essere più efficace di altri. In questo tipo di gioco se l'attaccante riesce a passare dai tre ai cinque e poi di nuovo ai tre sfruttando l'effetto sorpresa he greatly annoyed the enemy. The "balls mute these shots are played with passages from five to three, not very fast, but with a particular rhythm, which are very difficult to be parades. Another category of shots is that of 3:00 to 5:00, where the transition takes place from three to five so fast, so that if the attacker does not hook with the five, the own goal is very likely. These shots must be done especially if the attacker does not lower the opponent five when we have the ball on the three, although you can do 3:00 to 5:00 through the opponent five of the attacker, although more difficoltà. Tale rischio costringe gli attaccanti a mantenere i propri cinque sempre abbassati e con la mano morbida per evitare doppiette contro i propri giocatori. Il tre-cinque classico è quello che viene effettuato dal tre centrale al cinque centrale. La posizione di partenza del tre-cinque è la solita descritta, entrambe la mazzette devono essere inclinate in avanti, cosa che può apparire innaturale in quanto si pensa che i cinque partano alzati per poi abbassarsi a colpire la pallina. Essi invece eseguono lo stesso movimento dei tre esattamente quando questi tirano, spostandosi prima indietro per poi tornare in avanti a colpire la pallina. Bisogna pensare the two bundles as if they were linked. This movement is still single and do not loose your wrist as it is running at full speed in a natural way. The most common errors that are committed in making this pitch is mainly due to the fear of making mistakes. 3:00 to 5:00 are the best in diagonal can also be done at lower speeds, are obviously more difficult, the ball is taken with the system from sliding around as for marking the dynamics explained above, it must be pulled back after slide their five top to bottom or from bottom to top depending on the position from which it is performed, exactly on the motion to strike the ball running back position by moving to advanced. The scroll makes the odds of hitting the ball increases greatly. The 3:00 to 5:00 are used primarily to force the opponent striker to remain ever alert to check any of our pulls back, the coordination required to execute which is being developed that will help make you perform better all the shots that you can do the five, also including in high level games now and then is used to surprise the opponent.

technique and throws that are described in the preceding paragraphs are the result of personal experience gained over time and obviously there are many other shots even though in most cases are only small variations in pitches above or are simply different because they arise from a particular type of dribble that sets them apart. You do not need to know how to do all, everyone is more inclined towards some sympathy for that preparation. A tip is to always observe the best players to understand how to perform them, remembering sempre che anche loro commettono errori ,che tutti i tiri sono migliorabili e che dobbiamo applicarli al nostro stile e modo di giocare e mai imitarli in maniera pedissequa. Costruire un proprio stile è molto importante perché funzione dei tiri che sappiamo fare meglio. Non bisogna poi mai usare tutti i tiri nella stessa partita ma amministrarli con parsimonia, variando molto il proprio gioco per non dare mai l'impressione all'avversario che abbia già visto tutto quello che sappiamo fare. Tenersi un tiro particolare, il migliore che sappiamo fare da usare solo per le situazioni di emergenza come per l'ultimo gol o per annullare un vantaggio. Saper fare bene la maggior Part of the shots will help us when we were playing at billiards than those we are accustomed to, where they can pull some better than others that may be impossible. Never complain about a foosball table, but think they are just the characteristics that we must be able to make better use of our opponent. Even the "pinball hanging" is a myth to be dispelled, all hanging billiards, and the slope favors some shots and disadvantage others. We must remember that we who are playing other teams and the controls and it must never be enslaved. The level of lots and the type of players greatly influences the choice of the shooting: you have to understand what they are most vulnerable, what to avoid, what to research, takes on a plot and awkward to adapt them to our game and not us to theirs.


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