Saturday, April 7, 2007

Mount & Blade Wedding Dance Hack

Hits Hits

Game defender
A good defender is calm and rational, he guessed, position sense, and, simultaneously, must be fast, unpredictable and have shots solvers. It must also possess the ability to maintain the concentration for the time needed and a good physical condition to resist stress.
calm and rationality are essential because they allow you to "read" and manage the match by taking game type most suitable to your situation: adapting, wrapped, the game of their partner, or intervening in times of need with shots solvers. Recall that at the same time the defender plays the role of coach, captain and player.
The positional sense is the basis of any good defender because it allows him to defend himself without too much effort to optimize the efforts and performance.
Intuition, however, has the edge over the defense of class action instinctively crazy about balls or strikes on the other side is the prerogative only of the great defenders. E 'intuition (or instinct) that allows the real miracles or moving the goalkeeper just throwing just enough to save the door and the game! It 'difficult to learn, but you can improve with training.
In my opinion, among the great defenders, the real talent is seen by his own defense game with the goalie, being much easier to learn of the shooting that the shift solvers advance millimeter and just enough of the goalkeeper.
Chapter the game with the goalie try to give some tips and techniques for improvement, designed by myself.
add, that in my twenty years of experience I have never met a true champion and with the goalkeeper, although he often met the very strong players with the ability to solve the game with goals from impossible.
The defender must have shots of attack solvers, they are executed with the help of bank or direct pull or "half ball". These shots keep pressure on the opposing pair, have a profound effect on the psychological component, and can solve the situation at critical times.

The defender said, and should dictate the game in football.

How to play a lawyer? Of sure there are many possibilities. Here I report my experiences. Does the game of divide
defender in two parts: the defensive play and attacking game.

Defensive play.
In this phase of play, the defender must take into fully functional position (or positions) agreed with their partners. In This optimizes the protection and psycho-physical energy is saved. The agreements can take many forms, but usually takes the traditional method, as opposed to another method I created (or Method Method Modero Broccoli). When the defender
avversario ci mette sotto attacco con tiri violenti di sponda (o diretti) dobbiamo, come difensore, oltre ché difendere la porta, impadronirci assolutamente della pallina al primo rimbalzo sulla sponda o su uno dei giocatori.
La regola è: La palla deve essere mia e la gestisco io.

Bloccare le palline impazzite al rimbalzo sulle sponde non è facile ed è quasi impossibile per un giocatore che non abbia una posizione ottimale. La posizione ottimale è quella analizzata nel metodo Broccoli, o magari in altre sistemi che i giocatori possono ideare. Il metodo tradizionale, come vedremo, non è l'ideale per impadronirsi della pallina e gestirla at best.
addition to the position must possess a high sensitivity of handling the cue, a glance and a super-fast intuition to capture the trajectories of balls crazy. The sensitivity
handling of the stick (or bribe) is crucial, as intercepting the ball with violence can lead to rebound further, which may favor the adversary (attacker) and even lead to an own goal. It 's convenient to intercept the ball after the first bounce on the edge, when the speed decreases, or at least the second bounce, using the back of the players of the defense. In essence, Attempts to block the ball behind the player, running a real "stop" football.
The view we can not go empty, at the risk of being discovered in defense intuition allows us to anticipate the trajectory taken by the ball.

Many amateurs do not give importance to the ability to capture and handle the ball, but We strongly affirm the following rule: "A defender who can not handle the ball and block a defender is not" Locked

the ball , which blocked the opponent's game must be called into play in the best possible way, trying di far giocare al meglio il proprio compagno.
La mia esperienza suggerisce che la rimessa in gioco debba essere eseguita con tiri di sponda di buona potenza, o addirittura della massima potenza, intervallandoli con improvvisi tiri diretti. In tal modo di ottimizza la resa e il gioco.
I tiri di sponda perseguono due obiettivi fondamentali: tentare il gol e dare l'opportunità al proprio compagno di giocare al meglio. In tal senso, è ovvio che l'accordo sulle posizioni da tenere facilita le cose.
La regola deve essere: "La pallina è nostra e la giochiamo come piace a noi". (Avversario permettendo!)

I tiri diretti devono essere so sudden as to surprise the opponent. Of course you can do with more consistency when the opponent fails to keep the defense in a timely manner.

Other features of the defensive play of defender

  • change the game from player to player: can be slow or fast, jerky or sudden accelerations. In any case you should run a game that tends to maximize the yield of the couple. Two players who do not play as a team destroy each other.

  • allow time and rhythm to your attacker to make a successful game, and help in times of difficulty.

  • to play as little as possible to the opponent, stopping the play action that seeks to engage the opposing pair.

  • not lose the ball while trying to put it back into play, that he knows how to dribble.

  • play with the goalkeeper. This feature is very rare and is even rare attack play with the goalie (although personally I do not recommend this practice).
    The goalkeeper is the last bastion of defense and therefore is often called upon to perform some real miracles of insight on acting crazy balls or play a "half ball".
    A great defender has the ability to move the door according to your situation. The correct position of goalkeeper is a bit 'tilted forward in the process of waiting for the ball, but you instinctively know how to change depending on need. It takes pure intuition!

  • coordination between the defense is the goalie. To perform precise defensive play and to cover the più spazio possibile della porta, bisogna muovere i giocatori con coordinazione e senso di posizione.
    La regola è: "Mi posso difendere adeguatamente solo coordinando i movimenti della difesa e del portiere"
    Grazie alla coordinazione ci si può difendere da doppiette, tiri a "mezza palla", tiri di sponda, eccetera. Ricordiamo, però, che vi sono colpi d'attacco imparabili (vedi colpi d'attacco).
    Naturalmente, la maggior parte dei giocatori non ha la capacità di eseguire questi colpi, o almeno non ha la capacità di eseguirli con continuità.

  • How to defend against a few shots particularly effective
    We now want to give some tips or techniques for defenses to be taken on some very effective shots. These considerations are dictated by my personal experience and lessons learned in more than 25 game.
    We've got to say that to defend well you have to use the linkage between the goalkeeper and defense. Specifically, we must learn to move the two sticks (batons) in sync, depending on the attempted coup by the attacker or defender opponent. The defense is easier if a couple players abide by the agreements on fixed positions to hold. Here we see the basic positions of defense counsel, referring to the matchmaking (Broccoli Method and Traditional Method) for other arguments

    Location defense base
    Any defensive player may use its position as a basis for implementing the defense and then modify as needed, always with coordinated movements between defense and goalkeeper.
    My basic position with the ball stops in one of the sides and one of the wings, is to keep the little man defender nearest the ball slightly forward, the grip is not too strong, so as to cover the door as possible and slightly back door to cover any sudden pull of the bank. This is the position of waiting, and from which we can effectively defend from shotguns, shots of the bank, pull a half-ball, with a variety of fake ... etc..
    Never fall into the trap of following the movement of the opponent's stick, which is not to be captivated by the fake controfinte and implemented by the attacker, but to control the position of the ball.
    Particular attention must then provide the implementation of the hit "thunderclap, or the shift to 45 ° on the central player of the median. In the case striker i ran one of these shoots must now centralize the location or position yourself in the best position to intercept the ball.
    Of course, the real attacker performs the hits from his repertoire with supersonic speed and unpredictability, so the true defender will offer the best defense to guess and automatic reflexes. Even in this case the agreement between the positions taken by the players greatly ease the defense of the door (See Method Broccoli).

    How do we protect ourselves from the shotgun on the bank
    A good defense is to intercept the ball after the rebound on bank doing a real "stop" with a football players' defense: the left if the shotgun is on the left bank, the right one on the right.
    The attacker may also groped twice on both sides (triangular), in which case the ball trajectory will describe a triangle. The defense is still the same, or intercept the ball on the second bounce, that after hitting the second side. In this case you need just a glance.

    How do we protect ourselves from the player-two-two
    The player can be of three types: standard, in backbeat or triangle.
    In any case, the defense is to keep the player (man) defense closer to the ball perfectly perpendicular to the game plan and challenge the stick almost powerless. In essence, we must avoid the bounce of the ball on their man.
    must add that this type of defense in coordination with their goalkeeper is essential. In fact, an incorrect position of the goalkeeper makes a shot for a half-ball almost predictable outcome.
    Therefore, the movement dell'omino defender to be coordinated with the movement of the goalkeeper. This should be positioned slightly forward of just enough to cover the shot for a half-ball. The defense is then coordinated to avoid the rebound on his man and shot at avoiding the half-ball with their goalkeeper, positioned to cover the far corner.
    Some advocate the use as a defense controdoppietta, with varying effectiveness and with a slight loss of position in the next bounce uncontrollably. In my opinion the controdoppietta can be effective only as an occasional shot.
    Things get complicated triangular brace against, if only to avoid the bounce you can save the goal. In fact, if the ball bounces in accordance with the typical trajectory of this shot, you è scoperti a centro porta e il gol è assicurato quasi al 100%, sebbene si possa ancora tentare il salvataggio d'istinto con il portiere.

    Come ci si difende dal tiro a mezza palla
    Una difesa efficace è possibile solo con la coordinazione del portiere e della difesa.
    La difesa consiste nell'opporre il proprio omino alla traiettoria della palla, per evitare il tiro diretto, e nel posizionare il portiere, leggermente spostato in avanti, a coprire l'angolo lontano.
    Se l'avversario fa scorrere la palla da una sponda all'altra bisogna seguire la palla cercando di mantenere Always coordinate this. Unfortunately, at the time of the change-back is discovered or is currently being subjected to a half-ball shot between goalkeeper and defender of the man farthest from the ball. As a last resort of defense can be close to V groped for the two players, but in most bigliardini enough space to pass the ball with ease.
    You can also groped to surprise the attacker with a change at the stroke end of the stick, that is changing the little man in opposition to the ball, but it is expected that this change in the attacker and then usually this defense is not effective; chi adottasse qualche volta questa difesa può tentare di posizionare il portiere lungo la verticale che lo oppone alla palla, sfruttando il fatto che essendo anche la stecca dell'attaccante a fine corsa gli riuscirà più difficile tentare il tiro a mezza palla indirizzato nell'angolo scoperto e quindi tenterà presumibilmente un tiro sulla verticale. Chiaramente, se l'attaccante ha prontezza di riflessi e riesce a tirare nell'angolo scoperto questo colpo è imparabile.
    Estremo tentativo è quello di intercettare la palla con il proprio portiere.

  • Altre difese
    Vi sono poi i colpi d'intuito, the fly and from which it defends itself of insight or a good sense of position.
    For these shots should respect the agreements on the positions to take in order to facilitate the defense game.

    How do we protect ourselves from a shot again?
    Many players have an immense fear of the blow again, unknown to them. They are right.
    Certainly, such a strike creates many problems, but, in my opinion, more a psychological game in that practice. When adopting a good coordination between the defense and goalkeeper (and possibly between the two companions of torque), and keeping the attention on the motion of the ball and not on the movements of the stick, it is possible to intervene effectively with the most hits.
    But we must say that often in the game you let yourself be captivated by a very effective shot, and then the game is lost because of lack of capacity for immediate response.
  • game of attack the defender
    shots of attack must be taken into account the positions of defense of the opponent, or trying to implement the tricks to open a gap in the defense.

  • Shots for the defender. The defender can run many rounds of attack and even in some cases may also attack with their goalkeeper (recommended practice only a few players, for obvious reasons). The shots of attack carried out with the defense must be performed with power and speed and can be side, direct or "half ball".
    E 'should run constantly alternating with sudden shocks to bank direct hits or "half ball".
    shots of bank can take many forms but essentially consists in hitting the shore in a suitable location so that after the bounce the ball ends up directly door, or at least make the game for his team-mate.
    The bank shots are of such importance that they deserve a separate discussion.

  • The direct hits, performed with the defense or the goalkeeper, is diverse and we can classify them as follows:
    rumble of thunder from the defense (right and left)
    . in preparation ... ..
    quick shot between goalkeeper and coordinated defense
    ... in preparation ...
    half-ball shot (right and left)
    ... in preparation ...
    blow-down (from right and left)
    ... in preparation ...
    shot in the head to the ball
    ... in preparation ...
    direct connection with the goalkeeper
    ... in preparation ...
    attack side with goalkeeper
    ... in preparation ...


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